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Quasi-experimental research

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In this second segment of the podcast, we shall discuss quasi-experimental research. According to Ryan Shin, an associate professor at the school of art at the University of Arizona, the purpose of quasi-experimental research is to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between what is taught and applied. I want to point out that quasi-experimental research does not use a randomized sample of participants. Unlike in survey research, a researcher pre-determines all participants of quasi-experimental research and sorts them into specific groups.

The two most important aspects of quasi-experimental research are the independent variables and the dependent variables. The objective of quasi-experimental research is to examine the effects of independent variables on dependent variables. Accordingly, a researcher must ensure the dependent variable is measurable and quantifiable. In general, there are three popular quasi-experimental designs, including time-series design, multiple time series design, and non-equivalent control group. Among the three, the non-equivalent control group design is the most common design in educational research. In a non-equivalent control group design, a researcher introduces a variable to the groups and observes how the variable changes the group. At the same time, one group, which acts as the control, does not receive the variable. Another important issue concerning quasi-experimental research is internal and external validity. Internal validity addresses whether the change in the dependent variable is the direct outcome of manipulating the independent variable. On the other hand, external validity tests whether the research outcome can be applied to a larger, more general group of individuals. As I conclude this segment allow me to share with you an example of quasi-experimental research to give you an idea of what we have been talking about. A quasi-experimental research study might seek to determine the effects of an art course on improving student’s self-esteem. I hope you have enjoyed the first episode of the podcast, which is part of an upcoming series. In the next episode, we shall discuss data analysis for both survey research studies and quasi-experimental research studies

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