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Question and Answer: Buying Behaviors

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Question and Answer: Buying Behaviors

Cultural Values Promoting The Popularity Of Organic Food, Which One Will Work Against Canadians Buying?

The growth of organic foods has been influenced by some factors among them being cultural factors. The factors among the consumer decision and their buying option with the market (Lioutas, 2014). In terms of organic food factors, the following are cultural factors that will affect the popularity of organic food.

Health benefits the need to have a healthy life is one value that is appreciated in society. Society demand that one leads a healthy lifestyle that will determine their fate in life. The kind of lifestyle in question is based on the intake of food. Organic foods are considered to have health benefits from more susceptible diseases like cancers.

Environmental benefit cultures demand that one should maintain the environment at all times and it should be kept clean. It should be done by avoiding the substance that will cause harm to the environment. Among the substance that have damage to the environment include pesticides and inorganic fertilizers. Organic foods have a tag line of not having the substance and hence the increase in the popularity over time.

Religion and origin some religions have specific demands for their congregants to follow. Among them is the kind of foods that consume. The foods are either considered as good or bad based on the kind of religion. However, with most religions dating back a long time ago, they have believed in organic foods. The move increases the demand for organic foods and the use of consumers. It is such a religious belief and act that increases the use and popularity of organic foods.

In the above-mentioned religion will work against many buyers of the organic foods in Canada. It is by the fact that the country has individuals from different countries who have different believes and religions. In return, it ends up not working according to the demand and supply of organic foods in Canada.

 Opinion Leaders to Promote Organic Food.

In a campaign to increase the popularity of organic foods opinion leaders will be of great impact. It is because of the impact that they have on the lives of people and they end up affecting their decision. With many consumers having moved to digital platform social media influencers will be key in the campaign. The influencers that will be used in the case will be mainly artists who have a large impact on the lives of and tend to influence their decisions.

The VALS segment for the purchasers and the possible buyers.

In finding out consumer behavior the VALS is key in establishing consumer behavior. In the case values is the key segment for organic foods.

According to the segment the consumer is aligned to the commodity because of their values. The values that are from organic food are health benefits, taste, and education. Organic foods are popular among buyers because of health benefits. The benefits include the nutrients that are necessary for human growth. The benefit is such as being free from disease and leaving a long life. Also of the health benefit is that the need to go frequently to visit the doctor will be reduced. In addition to that, the value that comes along with organic food is the taste. Some of the buyers believe that it has a great taste and that will attract them to that. The taste is amazing compared to inorganic foods. It is influenced by the fact that the foods are planted with no fertilizers. Also, they don’t include inorganic stuff such as pesticides that reduce the taste that come with organic foods.

Creating Positive Attitudes among the Non-Buyers of Organic Food with Attitude Strategy (Emotional, Rational and Humor)

Increasing the sales of organic foods can be through the content that is created about the product. Invoking the emotion of the consumer is key in helping to encourage non-buyers of the product. Changing the emotions and feeling about organic foods such as the price factor and food is food will be key (Afina & Retnaningsih, 2018). Helping the prospect understand the emotional benefit of the product will be key in helping them by the product. Also, the message strategy will be such that deals with the emotion on how they feel about the foods. It will be a way of helping the prospects know the need for organic foods.

Reasoning out with the consumer is key in helping change the consumer’s mind in terms of their attitudes. The attitude about the food can be changed through the message strategy about the food that needs to be promoted. Putting the consumer in a position that will leave them with questions to answer. The question will lead the consumer into figuring out what to choose between the two. The rational strategy will help the consumer figure out the different arguments on the issue of organic foods. It will be the consumer to make their decision about the kind of food that they will take.

Humor is one of the key attitude strategies is one that can help consumers to decide on the kind of commodity that they will use. In the case of the product creating humor on the use and benefit of the products will be effective. The content can be informed of videos and audiovisuals that will invoke the attitudes of the consumers. With the strategy, one can be sure that the change that they make will be a test but also a success. The strategies if well implemented will be key in helping change consumer behavior. It is this that will increase the use of the commodity among the user of organic food.

Changing Consumers Perception of Organic Foods Being for Hippies and Being Different From “Regular” Food.

The consumer preference for food is influenced mainly by packing, ingredients, taste, and benefits (Bruschi, Shershneva, Dolgopolova, Canavari & Teuber, 2015). In changing one’s decision from the use of inorganic foods to organic foods the above have to be considered. Changing the strategy of the above mentioned will help change consumer behavior and influence them into the use and purchase of organic foods.

Packaging this will involve avoiding the use of conventional methods in packing the foods. It will be good considering the use of current methods of packing in the distribution of the food. Ones the packing has been changed also the name and color of the package should change. It should be done based on how the consumer perceives their current foods. If that will be done the consumer will be influenced into trying out the food products. Once consumers have given it a try and prove they will now use organic foods.

Ingredients of the foods play a major role in the decision of buying foods. If the consumer minds are to be changed then sticking on the ingredients becomes a good strategy. Identifying the ingredients that are put in inorganic foods will be key. If the ingredients can be found or planted naturally they will hence be sort for. Once they are acquired they can be added in the foods and that will increase the sales.

Taste plays a role in the decision of the non-buyer of organic foods. They are some organic substance that can be added to increase the taste of the foods. Once the taste has been increased the demand will also. It will increase the demand for organic food and hence make it more preferred than inorganic foods.

The benefit that comes with food is important in consumer decision making. In the message strategy and communication of the foods, this will be the best tag line. More communication should be on the benefit that will come along with the foods on the side of the consumers. Once consumers can understand this it will increase the demand for the product. In addition to that, the return on investment of the company in the sector will improve. That will be only if the company will have the correct target and educate them on the benefit of the products.

Changing the image “organic foods to be too expensive and, perhaps not worth the extra cost.”

Looking at the benefits that come with the organic food it worth any cost and one should spend on that. The benefits start from the production, sale, disposal, and health benefit on an individual benefit. The environmental benefit will save the earth from many damages that will cost the earth alto of money and individual will go losses. In addition to that inputs that are not used in organic foods such as fertilizers have their effects. The effects include climatic changes and environmental hazards. Some of the hazards lead to loss of lives both humans and animals which cannot be equated to any cost. In addition to that, the damage cost on a human being as a result of not using organic foods is pathetic. If one is not taken care of immediately and also time is lost in the process. One must take a look at the long term benefits that come with the foods rather than short term benefits. The long term benefits if considered it is noticed that the use of organic food is worth being expensive. In addition to that considering it as old it should be in consumer understanding that old is gold. Therefore no one should underestimate the cost of organic food.

Marketing strategy

The marketing strategy for such a case will be through internet marketing which will help to capture many consumers. It is because currently most of the consumers acquire most of their information through the internet. Getting communication through the internet will help communicate the need and change the perception of organic foods. The marketing strategy for the product in the case will be such that its emphasis is mostly on the value of the commodity. All the tag line should include health benefit that comes along with the commodity. In addition to that, they should be showing the need to save the environment. The marketing will focus mainly on paid advertisements by Google and other social media platform (Ramahi, 2011). It will not only help reach a big market but will ensure that the correct target market is reached.




Afina, S., & Retnaningsih, R. (2018). The Influence of Students’ Knowledge and Attitude toward Functional Foods Consumption Behavior. Journal Of Consumer Sciences3(1), 1. doi: 10.29244/jcs.3.1.1-14

Bruschi, V., Shershneva, K., Dolgopolova, I., Canavari, M., & Teuber, R. (2015). Consumer Perception of Organic Food in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Saint Petersburg, Russia. Agribusiness31(3), 414-432. doi: 10.1002/agr.21414

Lioutas, E. (2014). Food Consumer Information Behavior: Need Arousal, Seeking Behavior, and Information Use. Journal Of Agricultural & Food Information15(2), 81-108. doi: 10.1080/10496505.2014.880655

Ramahi, W. (2011). E-Marketing- Industrial Products Internet Marketing- Research Paper. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.1869965


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