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Rap Music is a Culture

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Rap Music is a Culture

  1. Introduction

Rap music appears to be a culture build on the controversy with the rap artists being surrounded by controversy that has played a significant role in creating fame in the middle of criticism.

  1. Rap music is portrayed as a violent genre of music.

The first impression that is portrayed when rap music is played is an image of praise for drugs by individuals with guns who also engage in prostitution (Johnson-Baker et al. 320)

  • Rap music has had its challenges while developing

The Americans are known to be preservative of their culture just like any other people, and thus the development of Rap music as a culture has had its obstacles.

  1. Kanye West is an icon in Rap music

Kanye West has grown to be a different kind of Rap musician owing to his upbringing. The growth of Kanye West has been associated with the emergence of a new icon in Rap music as well as fashion.

  1. Forty years in Rap music

Rap music culture has been in existence for over forty years, and Kanye West is undeniably one of the Rap music greats.

  1. Conclusion

In sum, Rap music has been accepted as a culture and not only as music in America owing to its impact on the existing cultures. Initially, Rap music was viewed as a bunch of gangster-minded orientation of lyrics aimed at eroding the moral standards of young Americans.


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