Relevance and implication of social work
Social work generally involves a deliberate
move in helping various special groups like families and the community at large
to maintain and improve their general wellbeing. Stress management therefore
plays a relevant role in harmonizing all these groups as far as their wellbeing
is concern. To carry out social work practice it requires serenity and conducive
work environment that in extension uphold the health of workers. Physical and
psychological aspect is of much importance on an equal measure when candidly interrelated.
Psychologically and physically stable workers lead to the effectiveness of
their work. Research state that stress is a stimulus factor that alleviate the
challenges experienced in work if not managed. A social work manager therefore has a responsibility
to inculcate the stress management interventions to avoid any kind of stress
that impacts negatively on the workers. Primarily stress management interventions
enable a social work manager to creatively and skillfully motivate and improve
the general wellbeing of the workers by creating an organization structure and
conducive working environment that will not only alleviate the work related
stress but also prevents any future unforeseen stressors . Social work manager therefore
has an obligatory duty to carefully look into the stress-causing factors and
inculcate the stress management interventions that sustain and improved the psychological,
physical and emotional status of their workers in any working environment.