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Response to Holly Zarnowiec

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Response to Holly Zarnowiec

Hello Holly, thank you for sharing your discussion. I agree with you that new nurses need to have a basic understanding of primary software applications and electronic communications like composing emails, participating in group communications, and utilizing programs like internet browsers. Nurses, whether experienced or new, should possess certain competencies that ensure the provision of quality healthcare services. One of the competences is proper documentation. Nurses should be competent in properly documenting the patient’s documents (Flinkman et al. 2017). Nurses should be aware of modern technology like the use of computers that are currently used in gathering and recording patient’s data. In addition, nurses should ensure proper recording of documents in order to ease the processes of billing and medication. Besides, nurses should be competent in providing education to patients. Informatics patients should be competent enough to provide legitimate education to the patient, and it may involve how to take drugs in terms of days or hours and the quantity, better health living practices like eating of healthy diets and regular physical activities, and how to control or prevent certain diseases (Flinkman et al. 2017). The nursing profession has been revolutionizing time after time, and nurses need to keep on equipping themselves with current competencies to ensure they continue offering quality health services effectively.


Flinkman, M., Leino‐Kilpi, H., Numminen, O., Jeon, Y., Kuokkanen, L., & Meretoja, R. (2017). Nurse Competence Scale: a systematic and psychometric review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(5), 1035-1050.


Response to Dshara Butler

Hello Dshara, I agree with you in your discussion. The nursing profession has been experiencing significant changes due to the technology revolution, and therefore, nurses should be equipped with the current competences in order to be more competitive (Kim, Coiera & Magrabi, 2017). Nurses should be able to respond to the changing needs of various groups of patients and families. Nurses should respond to the needs of families and patients by planning, implementing, and assessing appropriate programs that are aimed at providing care to patients and their families. Families whose patients are in critical health conditions may require frequent family care, like training on how to cope with stress in order to have a healthy living. In addition, nurses should be able to anticipate an emergency and plan appropriately. For instance, currently, when the world is affected by the outbreak of COVID-19, nurses in various healthcare organizations in the United States should be able to anticipate that they might receive many patients, and therefore, they are able to plan accordingly. The nurses are able to liaise with the management of their organizations to ensure that they have sufficient resources like human and infrastructure to cater for the emergency. The use of health information technology has helped me with the ability to determine a patient’s medical history in my current working organization (Kim, Coiera & Magrabi, 2017).


Kim, M. O., Coiera, E., & Magrabi, F. (2017). Problems with health information technology and their effects on care delivery and patient outcomes: a systematic review. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 24(2), 246-250.





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