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Review of Past ELT Methods

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Review of Past ELT Methods


Language is an essential tool for communication. Effective communication depends on the knowledge and skills acquired in the respective language. The acquisition of language skills often occurs at an early stage of life, precisely, during the developmental stages. The development of language skills depends on an individual’s cognitive capacity, which is determined at the developmental stage levels (Bloom & Lahey, 1978). Learning the first language depends on the internal and external environment of the child. This explains why an accent learned at childhood becomes difficult to change as one becomes an adult irrespective of the place one goes to. However, learning a second language is relies on the teaching or learning skills applied. Unlike the first language which does not require any writing or memorizing of skills, learning the second language demands the knowledge of grammatical and other linguistic techniques. The paper will present a review of past English language teaching skills. Just like other languages, English has undergone several teaching reviews to improve their learning abilities. Methodologies in English language teaching include a direct method, grammar-translation, audio-lingual, and the structural approach. Other methods include suggestopedia, total physical response, and communicative language teaching. Nonetheless, silence method, community language teaching, immersion, task-based language teaching, the natural approach, and the lexical syllabus are other English teaching methods. The past English language teaching method included the Grammar Translation Method. This method was applied in classical times in teaching Latin as well as Greek. The grammar-translation method was well known and preferred by the teachers as it was easy to learn. However, since learning a language includes many mechanics, this method requires mechanicals. There are challenges faced in teaching the English language. Among these challenges are limited opportunity to practice the taught knowledge, the learner’s negative language regarding English, limited access to essential resources that can advance English learning, among other challenges.

Grammar translation method

The grammar-translation method is applied to teach foreign languages. In this method, the learners are taught grammatical rules and, thereafter, use the rules to translate the foreign language and the native language. The main goals of this method are to enhance the students’ ability to read and translate the language written language from the source as well as developing the students’ intellectual capacity. The grammar-translation method is alleged to have originated when Latin was being taught. Teachers continued to use this method in teaching other languages. The grammar-translation method is often conducted using the native language of the students (Mart, 2013). The students are taught the language rules deductively. The primary material required for this method is a textbook. It should be noted that this method is limited to the scope of grammar-translation. Moreover, the method does not provide an opportunity for the learners to practice the theory. The grammar-translation method has several aspects that will be discussed in the next section.

First and foremost, the grammar-translation method consists of grammar rules. The first rule is that a sentence must start with a capital letter and end with either a full stop, exclamation mark, or a question mark. Moreover, an affirmative sentence should be in the order subject-verb-object. However, this may be a different case for the negative as well as the question sentences. Another grammar rule is that a sentence should consist of the subject and a verb, but an object is non-compulsory. There are some exceptions to this rule, for instance, an imperative sentence which may consist of the verb only.

Further, the subject-verb agreement must be established in the sentence. This implies that a singular subject must be followed by a singular verb, likewise the plural subject. When singular words are linked by ‘or,’ a singular verb must be used. The use or neither/nor and either/or applies the same rule. Nevertheless, in a sentence, the adjectives must come before a noun, with an exception being when a verb separates the two. Another rule is that the opinion-adjective+fact adjective+noun order should be used when more than one adjective is used in the sentence. Also, the collective nouns should be treated as either plural or singular, depending on the English version. For instance, the British English version treats collective nouns as plural, while the American English version considers collective nouns to be singular.

Nonetheless, grammar rules entail that a proper noun should begin with a capital letter. The same rule applies to the proper adjectives as well. For countable, indefinite article a/an is used in the sentence. On the other hand, the definite article “the” should be used for both countable as well as uncountable nouns. The use of indefinite article ‘a’ also applies for any word that begins with a consonant.

Similarly, the indefinite article ‘an’ is used for words that begin with a vowel. Moreover, the use of the words “many or few” should be followed by countable nouns, while “uncountable nouns should follow much or little. In indicating possession, the order noun+apostrophe+s should be used for singular owners, while noun+s+apostrophe order should be used for plural owners. In summing up the grammar rules, in a sentence, apply the active voice in preference to the passive voice.

The grammar-translation method incorporates the use of vocabulary. Vocabulary is vital in learning the English language. Unlike the grammar rules, which are often fixed, the amount of vocabulary varies depending on the learners’ practice of English (Walters & Bozkurt, 2009). Learners are inundated with vocabulary in all encounters envisaged in the movies, books, media, and daily life communication. Strengthening vocabulary requires constant use of the new words encountered daily. Besides, the teachers should also enhance more learning and understanding of vocabulary. One of the ways teachers can achieve this is by providing daily comprehension to the learners. More retention of vocabulary can be enhanced by the use of word searches, vocabulary exercises, games as well as quizzes. It is worth noting that regardless of the amount of vocabulary learned, not putting it into practice may not guarantee its retention.

In general, the grammar-translation method enhances the translation of sentences or words from the native to the target language. This implies that the primary teaching language is native. Moreover, in the grammar-translation method, there is little practice of spoken skills as the method emphasizes on translation. The grammar-translation approach emphasizes on high accuracy by strict application of grammar rules. The grammatical syllabus is fixed, although vocabulary is dynamic. However, the grammar-translation method is no longer favored for teaching English because it focuses much on the memorization of rules applied rather than enhancing practical speaking skills.

Direct Method

This method is widely used in teaching foreign languages. Unlike the grammar-translation method, the direct method does not apply a native language; instead, it applies only the target language. The direct method was established in 1900 and contradicted with the grammar-translation method as well as other traditional approaches. The main focus of the direct method is on the development of oral skills. Moreover, it establishes an instant and audiovisual association in line with the experience and expression, idioms, words, phrases, performances, and rules by using the teacher’s mind and body skills with no help of the mother tongue. The direct method focuses on enabling learners to communicate in the target language. The name of the method speaks for its purpose of connecting the learner without the assistance of other languages. Therefore direct method in English teaching uses only English. Unlike the grammar-translation method, the direct method emphasizes speaking, in terms of communication and grammatical syllabus. It is worth noting that the direct method in English teaching does not apply translation. The main assumption in this method is that the learner experiences the target language in a similar way he/she experiences the native language (Harmer, 2007). The use of the direct method in English enables the learner to think directly in English. Due to the direct link of the learner to English, the direct method develops an instinctive unerring sense among the learners of English. Teaching English using the direct method applies to several principles.

The first principle in teaching English using the direct method is that the reading skill is developed through practicing speech. This principle entails that language is spoken. Secondly, using objects present in the learning environment enhances more understanding of understanding among English learners. Thirdly, English teaching should not employ the learner’s native language. Fourthly, the teacher should focus on demonstration but not translate or explain. The method stresses that learners should be trained to think in English. Communication is the main intention of teaching English in the direct method. Also, correction and pronunciation is part of learning and should be worked on at the early stages of learning. Nonetheless, the direct method of teaching English uses inductive teaching of grammar, and the syllabus is based on the topics or situations as opposed to linguistic structures. Besides, this method applies the principle that learning how the speakers of English live is part of learning the language.

In teaching English, the direct method offers several advantages. Since there is a direct connection of the learner to the language, the learners obtain correct pronunciation and save time that would have been spent on translation. Secondly, the learners acquire better understanding as the method is practically based. Furthermore, teaching idioms is easier using a direct method. It is worth noting that the language provides fluency in English following a frequent practice. Moreover, the direct method eliminates the gap between passive and active vocabulary. In general, English language teaching indirect method communication is best learned through speaking it. Therefore, the learners can perfect it by practicing to speak it.

Audio-lingual method

The audio-lingual method of teaching English is based on the concept that human characters can be mentored through fortification. In other words, the correct use of a character yields positive character, and the reverse is true. Like the direct method, the audio-lingual method emphasizes that students be taught English directly (Castagnaro, 2006). However, audio-lingual does not apply the use of vocabulary; instead, the teacher drills the use of grammar. Audio-lingual was often applied in the 1950s and 1960s. This method focuses on obtaining structures as well as patterns used on daily dialogue. The audio-lingual process has several characteristics.

First and foremost, teaching involves drilling the students to enhance their understanding of the patterns. Secondly, the phrases are remembered for intonation. Nonetheless, grammatical explanations or intelligence are not emphasized. Habit formation is the main practice of this language teaching method. The main linguistic style of focus is pronunciation. Besides, the correct responses are armored positively. The success of this method has been based on memorizing, over-learning as well as repetition. However, these features make it challenging for most of the students who may be incapable of undergoing the same. The audio-lingual method did not do not incorporate the role of knowledge as well as the context in language learning. Therefore, this method was considered this method did not enhance development in the communicative ability. One of the main advantages of audio-lingual is that it can be applied to teaching a large group of learners. Also, English learning is directly tasked with the entire process of learning. Unfortunately, the behavioral approach used in audio-lingual is discredited as it does not consider the communicative competence. In summing up, audio-lingual operates on the principle that language is about English speaking and aligning to the set of habits, but not about teaching it.

Task-based language teaching

Just as the name suggests, the focus of this method is on completing the tasks. In this regard, learners can use any language of their knowledge to complete the tasks they have. Unlike in the grammar-translation method, the task-based method does not emphasize on the correction of errors (Ellis, 2003). The task-based learning method is predominantly used in teaching middle school. This method is student-centered, instigating from the communicative approach. The task-based method applies various principles in teaching English.

One of the principles is the tasks should be relevant. The tasked can be categorized into creative thinking, problem-solving, sharing personal experiences, comparing as well as listing. Secondly, all the tasks share common features. This method emphasizes the meaning and comprehension instead of focusing on recitation and repetition. Furthermore, this method incorporates interaction to enhance learning among the students. Students engage each as they work to complete their tasks, providing the confidence of speaking English among the students. The task-based learning approach focuses on authentic language. In this method, students can learn a viable and genuine experience that may be useful and effective for learning English. Another principle is that errors are considered part of the learning process (Robinson, 2011). As a result, students will be allowed to exercise their potential without fear of embarrassment caused by instant and thorough corrections. Besides, the method considers the entire process of learning rather than the final product (Ellis, 2009). In this case, teachers provide the learners with the right material and allow them to exhibit their potential. Also, students are highly motivated as they participate in and complete their tasks. In a nutshell, the task-based learning method emphasizes a system of communication that is interactive and process-based.






Bloom, L., & Lahey, M. (1978). Language development and language disorders.

Castagnaro, P. J. (2006). Audiolingual method and behaviorism: From misunderstanding to myth. Applied linguistics, 27(3), 519-526.

Ellis, R. (2003). Task-based Language Learning and Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ellis, R. (2009). Task-based language teaching: sorting out the misunderstandings. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 19 (3), 221-246222121–246221–246.

Harmer, J. (2007). The practice of English language teaching. Harlow: Pearson Longman.

Mart, C. T. (2013). The grammar-translation method and the use of translation to facilitate learning in ESL classes. Journal of Advances in English Language Teaching, 1(4), 103-105.

Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran, 2 (7), 89-109.

Robinson, P. (2011). Task-Based Language Learning: A Review of Issues. Language Learning, 61 (Issue supplement s1), 1-36.

Walters, J., & Bozkurt, N. (2009). The effect of keeping vocabulary notebooks on vocabulary acquisition. Language Teaching Research, 13(4), 403-423.








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