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Rhetorical Artifact

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Rhetorical Artifact


The study seeks to undertake a rhetorical review or criticism of the artifact in question to show the effects of rhetorical criticism on communication. The study shall define and explain the terms used here such the artifact, rhetoric, rhetorical criticism, ideology, narrative and critical perspectives. These terms contribute to the understanding of the research done. The artifact shall be then studied in terms of the audience and the context in which it is presented. The importance of choosing a particular outline is given. The rhetorical criticism will depend on the methods or critical perspective used to explain the message being delivered. The methods shall be explained with the main one being presented primarily. The narrative critical perspective, ideological perspective and emotional perspective shall be looked at to show how they persuade and influence the choices and actions of the audience. The implications of the rhetorical artifact and the use of rhetorical criticism to decode the message shall be studied to show the impacts they artifact can have on the society.


More often than not, texts, books, articles, songs and speeches are analyzed and reviewed to show how these devices communicate and what message they seek to convey. Reviews and criticism are often important for a book or a song as they show the interest that people find in the message therein. Rhetoric is often the use of symbols to communicate. A rhetorical artifact is developed from these works which critics seek to review. A review of a certain work such as a son, book or speech to show how it communicates and to whom, is often known as rhetorical criticism. In these rhetorical artifacts such as books, there is a certain act that is usually being critiqued but cannot since a scene in a movie may not be recreated in its entirety. This, therefore, means that the device with which the message or act is contained is what is often critiqued and reviewed. These devices are known as rhetorical artifacts. Rhetorical reviews seek to demonstrate how an artifact communicates, it also seeks to measure the impact it has had on the society or to the audience it was intended. Additionally, rhetorical criticism may seek to illustrate the thoughts, intentions and actions of the rhetoric in making or creating a certain message.

The message being looked at in this review is the speech that was made by Steve Jobs titled, ‘Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish’. The message contained in the speech was in the context of the fact that the students who are graduating needs words of wisdom to help them navigate their lives.

There are several methods used to explain the thoughts and ideas behind a certain artifact. Research agrees that methods of rhetorical criticism must be informed by the critical perspective that is employed in reviewing an artifact (Critter, 2015). A critical perspective is important to the studies undertaken in a certain artifact. A critical perspective is the ability to compare, contract and develop an interpretation of an artifact. Critics make an argument on a particular artifact based on the critical perspective undertaken or adopted by the researcher. There are two methods or critical perspectives that will be adopted and employed in this study to understand the artifact. One of the critical perspectives that will be employed will be ideology. Ideology can be taken to mean a group of shared practices and beliefs. Put simply the ideology theory will be used primarily as the method used to inform the rhetorical artifact. Ideology can also be taken to mean as that which represents the “imaginary relationship to our real conditions of existence” (Critten, 2015). The speech by Steve Jobs ‘Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish’ has guided many young people in understanding the choices and actions and their implications in the face of adversity.

The critical perspective that is chosen as a method in this study shall be primarily ideology. However, other perspectives shall also play an important role in interpreting the artifact. The perspectives shall include narrative criticism, use of emotional perspectives in determining the impact of the message in the speech. The critical perspectives used nevertheless, provide a systemic approach to analyze an artifact to answer the queries generated by this perspective (Eadie, 2016). The ideological criticism often looks at the ideologies that are contained within the artifact to illustrate the motivation behind certain actions and thoughts. Ideological criticisms and perspectives are often used to illustrate the social and political motivations and interests that may be affected by the message being delivered or its impact. In the study of the perspectives ad, in this case, the study of ideological perspective, theories that inform this perspective must be explored to understand how this perspective helps us understand the rhetorical artifact. On the other hand, narrative criticism shall also be used hand in hand with the ideological perspective to present the answers in a way that they can be found within the text. Narrative criticism assumes that people are storytellers (Eadie, 2016). Research shows that humans rely on narratives to show and illustrate the choices and actions of others or ours (Critten, 2015). Narrative criticism is based on the truth that people love interacting with others and this makes the stories told often helps to explain the actions and choices of people. The narrative shall show that this artifact relied on the narrative itself to ensure that the message reached its intended audience.

The main criticism that will be used to interpret the message intended by the rhetor will be narrative criticism. As already stated, the narrative criticism or perspective focuses on the use of story-telling to put the message across. The narrative criticism is often used to explain the choices and actions made. The speech by Steve jobs has relied on the concept of narrative to deliver his message and to explain and justify his choices in life. Steve Jobs tells the story of how he was fired from Apple after having founded it only 10 years before (Jobs, 2005). He uses this narrative to persuade his audience, which is comprised of Stanford University students, about hard work and perseverance. The stories he gives are used to rationalize events and circumstances in his life. The use of narrative in rhetorical criticism is important as although by itself it may not have the power for change, it offers persuasive authority over its audiences thereby ensuring that the audience is taking in the rhetoric (Eadie, 2016). Steve Jobs has used this method on various occasions and it ensures that his audience is able and want to get the message on what Steve Jobs is saying. This means that narrative critical perspective in ensuring that the message is received and impacts the audience it is intended for.

The rhetorical artifact has also made the use of ideology as a method of evaluating the artifact. Ideology is engaging in shared beliefs, principles and interests. Ideological criticism may manifest as either political or ethical ideologies. The use of ideology in an artifact is important as it helps to measure to what extent the artifact has implicated its audiences. Besides, ideology uses a pattern of beliefs to help interpret an aspect of the action to encourage the audience towards that choice or action (Phaedra & Onis, 2018). The speech uses several instances of ideological criticism where he uses the magazine where he draws the theme for the speech to encourage his audience and persuade them towards social change (Jobs, 2005). The use of ideology in this artifact helps to persuade the audience into the rhetor’s way of thinking, ideologies and beliefs to affect social and economic change in the lives of these individuals. The use of ideological criticism in the artifact helps in persuading an audience as to the beliefs of the rhetor to effect social change.

An emotional critical perspective is significant as it underscores the state of being of humans. Emotional perspective can also play a persuasive role in communication. Pr study in the methodology of rhetorical criticism shows that the human condition is inherent to emotion. Emotion can be a good persuasive method of passing the message to the audience as the people are prone to showing emotion especially where strong emotions are involved (Stockman, 2013). Steve Jobs makes use of this critical perspective when he invokes his adoption and the process that went on during his adoption. The thought of a child being rejected, not finding a home, and being given up for adoption will bring out extreme emotions of empathy and sadness and this will help persuade the audience to the message that the artifact is portraying (Jobs, 2005). Therefore, invoking emotions in an artifact induce persuasion in an audience.

The speech was presented by Steve Jobs at Stanford University as a commencement speech in 2005. The speech was in commemoration of the graduating class during that year. The speech ‘Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish’ represents an idea that if you are not hungry or determined enough you will stay foolish. The speech given by Steve Jobs is very appropriate for the context it is given in because it underscores the value of working hard, mot giving up and remaining brave and courageous in the face of adversity (Jobs, 2005). The audience who were the graduating students would most likely be looking up to Steve Jobs who was, even at this time, very successful. The rhetoric used to communicate to the students was appropriate in that it used methods that would ensure that the message had been delivered and that the audience would be willing to change in all aspects as a result of the rhetorical artifact.

The use of critical perspective and rhetorical criticism has the main objective as the communication of ideas or beliefs from one source or entity to another. Rhetorical criticism is interested in the interactions of people that make possible the passing of information. The use of the methods described to illustrate and explain the rhetorical artifact is important as it helps to communicate certain information or message to the intended audience. The rhetoric is socially charged in nature. The message emphasizes the need for working hard and being driven. Through the use of various critical perspectives such as the narrative perspective, the audience is encouraged to follow in the footsteps of the orator. The stories he gives ensure that the audience is aware that the outcome of the narrative given is the message being passed onto them. The importance of choosing a method that is compatible with the rhetoric is that it simplifies the rhetoric and the audience or reader can get the message and can act on it.

The study represents the critical review of an artifact. Artifacts are symbols that are used to communicate. The choice of an artifact is dependent on several things such as the audience, context and the environment. Artifacts are used to communicate a certain message and they often use certain methods that help in delivering that message. The methods will depend on the critical perspective that is taken on a particular position. The critical perspective taken and utilized helps in persuading the audience of the message. The methods must be chosen to fit the artifact used as they are specific and not a one-size-fits-all choice of methods. The method used will either help in delivering the message or may end up making the message too incomprehensible. Rhetorical criticism is important as it gives the reason and needs for the artifact and the message that the artifact seeks to give.




Critten, J. (2015) Ideology and Critical Self-Reflection in Information Literacy Instruction, Communications in Information Literacy, 9(1), 145-155.

Eadie, W. F. (2016) 21st Century Communication: A Reference Handbook, Volume 1, Sage Publications, 249-272.

Jasinski, J. (2011) The status of theory and method in rhetorical criticism, Western Journal of Communication, 65(3), 249-270, DOI: 10.1080/10570310109374705.

Jobs, S. (2005) Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish, Stanford Commencement Address, June 12, 2005, Retrieved from

Phaedra, C. P. & Onís, C. M. (2018) Rethinking rhetorical field methods on a precarious planet. Communication Monographs, 85(1), 103-122.

Stockman N. (2013) The Concept of Ideology in Critical Theory. In: Antipositivist Theories of the Sciences. Sociology of the Sciences, 3, 240-246.



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