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System thinking is a problem thinking technique that analyses a problem within the system and the immediate elements that relate to the difficulties or affected by it. A systems thinking perception is frequently used in management and operations science across the variety of industries, from agriculture and telecommunications. From the previous assignment, the fundamental problems that are associated with the system thinking are the lacks of a clears framework to the actual problem of the system under consideration. System thinking begins with a useful review of the issues of the situation in the real world. This problem is often considered from the problems situation that is expressed and is used in the formation of the solution to a problem (David et al., 2020).

Therefore exist a difference between real-world problems and a possible problem. A system thinking, therefore, is never based on the hypothetical scenarios alone, it should useful consider the actual real-world issues in the formation of systematic thinking and decisions making. This can be translated to a root definition of a purposeful activity system and the later development of conceptual models of the determining system root definition. To effective develop a system thinking scenario, a comparison of the open system and the real world system thinking is, however impotent and this technique (David et al., 2020).

The fundamental premise of the systems constructed practice is viewing a single method prescribed to a patient in the general operation of healthcare. The comprehensive healthcare system is fashioned by many codependent minor systems-physicians, hospitals, pharmacies and several others. On the distinct patient level, a systems approach aims to create success in the healthcare practice, considering all medical services that the patient is presently exposed to. The practical application of the systems-based method can fully recover the patient’s results and safety. On the general healthcare system level, the systems thinking is frequently applied to condense waiting for lines in hospitals, improve screening practices to diagnose diseases quickly. The Rich Picture shown below is of the problem that was identified in assignment one;

Root Definition report using CATWOE

The CATWOE analysis significantly makes it possible to keenly identify the problem areas, what a company expects to achieve and the solutions that are likely to influence the stakeholders. This analysis is instrumental in identifying and solving the problems that mostly involve multiple and conflicting interests. Before any problem solving, it is helpful and sometimes imperative to explore the problem roots and all the factors that are relating to it. After successfully knowing the problem, stakeholders can, therefore, make the right decisions on how to take further actions. The solution that only helps to highlight this insight is the CATWOE analysis. The Root Definition is part of the soft systems approach or can help in gaining clarity about a particular situation of interest, and one must get full transformation correct.

Client-The first element in this structure is clients, the users of the system, here these people are defined and how the process is likely to affect them. Every business should think about its customers every minute and every day. These are the people which includes the individual members of the community, the users who are likely to be affected by the changes made by the system thinking implementation process. The decision made concerning the system thinking will affect the patients of the facility as well as the workers, which includes the healthcare practitioners within the same facility (Alwi, 2019, August).

Actors-these are the key people who take part in the implementation of the changes in the process of the system. These include the individual healthcare practitioners and the other management key stakeholders who affect the various changes. They always get affected by the decision that a company makes. The critical action of the system thinking is often the most considerable element of the system thinking implementation. As such, there are need to have the best understanding of the systems thinking than any other stake; however, in the CATWOE (Mor & Zion, 2019).

Transformation- this is the change that the system brings, every time a decision is made, which is related to the business, one must check on the methods that are going to be affected. The elements of transformation involve the actual change that makes a difference in the situation or the problems that are being solved.   The conversion should include all the different actors/ stakeholders in making changes, as suggested by the system thinking. Such decision making process help in the actual solution that has been identified.

Worldview- this is the justification of the transformation of the system or the process. It often entails placing the proposed methods under scrutiny in a generally more full context or the relevance of such operations to the entire system. It can always be considered the big picture and the broader impact of the transformed system; methods are normally analyzed to come up with a positive and negative effect on the business. This stage can be defined as the most important as most stakeholders have their various approaches to the same matter. It looks at the global owner of the facility may consider some changes that are in line with the common scenario or context.  In doing these other considerations, such as universal standards, are often found (David et al., 2020).

Owner– is the owner and the sole decision-maker has the full power to control the whole system, he decides whether the order will be implemented or not. In this case, the owner can be the major shareholders of the healthcare facility.

Environmental constraints;-this refers to the external constraints under which the system worked. The external constraints in one element which hampers and or restricts changes to the policy. Some of the external alterations for the method may include ethical regulation, regulation and financials constriction, among other factors. These are some of the restrictions that may halt operating of the system

This analysis clarifies the key issues that are not certain; CATWOE makes explicit what individual stakeholders try to achieve; it, therefore, combines the perceptions of various stakeholders in a common platform. With the help of this kind of analysis, stakeholders can test their assumptions, their positions and assertions (Alwi, 2019, August).

Optimal solutions to overcome the problem

In observing the elements of system thinking which are already common in public health research. In the rapidly changing field of global health, it is not easy to know whether the recent attention to systems thinking is just another trend. Fist, to overcome the problem, it is essential to develop a clear roadmap towards a system thinking effectively. Action towards improving the systems key futures is the most critical tool towards having a better healthcare system or process. Here are some of the stations that system thinking may significantly contribute to solving. The severe problems that are involving different factors, which include understanding the big picture to be efficiently solved. The other most important means of overcoming the problem identified is through a closer examination of all the factors that surround the system thinking CATWOE. Understanding and effectively examining the CATWOE is essential in coming up with the solution since all these factors can be streamlined.


Abidin, N. Z., Jaafar, I. A., & Alwi, A. (2019, August). The application of system thinking in solving complex problem: A case study of dengue transmission control policy. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2138, No. 1, p. 040001). AIP Publishing LLC.

Tripto, J., Assaraf, O. B. Z., & Amit, M. (2018). Recurring patterns in the development of high school biology students’ system thinking over time. Instructional Science46(5), 639-680.

Borsci, S., & David, L. Z. (2020). Human factors and system thinking for medical device. In Clinical Engineering Handbook (pp. 829-831). Academic Press.

Mor, M., & Zion, M. (2019). Applying a system thinking learning approach to improve perception of homoeostasis-a fundamental principle of biology. Journal of Biological Education, 1-27.

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