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Rowley was born with a speech and language disorder

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Rowley was born with a speech and language disorder

Rowley was born with a speech and language disorder and raised in a deaf environment. Her parents were also born deaf. Communicating was difficult due to the lack of proper deaf educational equipment and facilities. Most families lacked proper guidelines on how to identify and treat the deaf. Rowley was a victim of circumstances whereby she struggled to fit with others and experienced difficulties, especially in learning institutions. In this paper, I will explain how my perception has changed in providing services as a speech therapist, including assessment, treatment, and counseling.


According to Rowley, she was diagnosed with a disability when she was aged 15months at that point. She was still young to understand the magnitude of the problem. From my perspective, infants should be diagnosed as early as possible to identify possible causes of speech and language disorders. This will assist the guardians in planning on how to educate the child. The affected infants require special education, for example, sign language. Children suffering from such disorders should be treated with care and affection. Understanding their problem is the initial step in helping them. Parents should support their children at home and help them carry out activities that Speech-Language Therapists recommend, For instance, helping them understand sign language. Determining the extent of the disorder ensures the patients receive appropriate medication and counseling. Rowley did not undergo guidance and counseling, this partly impacted her social and emotional life. Advice is crucial as it assists the patients to accept and solve the issues they encounter daily. From my perspective, we should all support the disordered and help improve their health status.



Although my perception has changed, i still have fears about whether i will help the affected patients. I believe my attitude will positively impact the speech and language, disordered children. I expect to achieve this goal by offering counseling and treatment services to the affected patients.

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