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Science of morality ethics

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Science of morality ethics


The topic of the science of morality has been on the highest note in today’s world; the diversity of humanity has brought a lot of questions that are demanding the knowledge of this topic. The relationship between a clear understanding of what is right and wrong in aspects of ordinary human life and the daily activities is categorically valid and should be understood by each and every individual in the society (Midgley, 2002). The experience of human in the environment entails and allows the ethical guidelines to guide different forms of interactions are so genuine, and that is interrupted in any kind. Doing right or wrong to people in a society demands answering and to understand the rule of science and the solemn function of the brain. This is the powerhouse and the most fundamental aspects of human science biologically, physically, and spiritually; it again confirms that the matter and the topic of sense of humor when relating to the living things. The human actions towards non-living things are so severe and come naturally because of the power and the moral ethic guiding the avenues of life of diversity.

Freedom and morality are inseparable and are counted as matter and topics of interactions. For the full presentation and implementation of morality, absolute freedom is necessary. This encloses all forms of freedom ranging from freedom of speech to freedom of expression. According to a concept of Kant of moral philosophy, freedom is a priority and essential requirement for the realization the morality and ethics in the society. Therefore, the association between freedom and morality is valid and alive in our society its acknowledgment should be cultivated and practiced.

Moral value and ethics in society help in the understanding of normal and conscious facts. This escalates to goodwill and acknowledgment of science in the lives of people living together in a community despite their diversity. On the facts and topics of freedom of speech, it’s excellent and advisable that people should develop understanding and upholds various rights as far as freedom is concerned. Morality and ethics echo the excellent contribution of each and everyone in society; it can happen by giving everyone equal right chances to express themselves verbally.  Its help a lot to here divers opinion and through freedom of expression when accorded to all people in the society. In today’s world, people are aware of their rights and freedoms regarding some matters in society; this brings us back to the matter of consciousness and ethical knowledge. Ethically, individuals and various people should be left free to make their decisions, and this is facing another set of challenges in that it’s compromised, and this is where the restriction that Harris was talking about. In as much as people should be left to say, express, and associate without much consideration, they should be made aware of the associated consequences. Harris gave a spiritual example of spare the rod spoil the child; there must be some limit freedom even as people are trying to be morally correct d relevant.

Controversial and tricky this topic of ethics, morality, and freedom might seem, consciousness and awareness of the limits should be guidance to all aspects of it all. The last part of the freedom agenda, freedom of association, applies the same concept of consciousness and proper understanding of ethical manner and respect to both self and others. This definitive and detailed explanation is set to declare the dilemmas and the ethical quandaries that still exist within the people of the United States and the rest of the world. But then the question is, where and what brings the issues of ethical dilemmas and predicaments in a society of learned and civilized people, then we remember the rule of democracy and freedom. People are yearning and very thirsty for information; in the process, they are missing the right path.

According to the article and statements of Hellen, it’s competent and very ethical to agree or to disagree with what someone is saying, and at the same time, it’s very ethical to support the right of him or her saying the same. This brings the whole idea of respecting what the right and bringing in the issue of restriction and drawing clearly the lines of limits. Morality in the aspect of clear understanding the wrong and the rights decision and things when done to people of a certain caliber, the whole concepts of humanity and diversity of many answers to various questions. Ethic claims that there are several answers to most questions; this brings the issue of paying taxes.

The main question as to why and how are other institutions are affected why some are enjoying brings many thoughts into to mind of a concerned person. When we talk about equality and the power of choice together, the role of government, and the relevant institution, we must recognize the institution’s roles and contributions. This will bring some sense of ethical consideration before making some critical decisions. My mind and thinking on the matter are as follows. It remains the responsibility of the IRS to test whether the said institutions that are affected are genuinely recognized; this will bring sense ethics and the validity of morality in the scene of government. I’ve decided to remain firm with the idea that all organizations should be exempted.  There are several options laid out to ensure that this is accomplished, the use of the methodology test. This should be so aggressive to ensure that there is a right to identification the impermissible advocacy. Another option is to maintain and continue to grant 501(c)(3) status to all the organization and the institution that are proven and are claiming to be educational. This will attend to the need of the white supremacist organizations. (Raffa, 2000) According to my thinking, IRS tried their best as far as this case is concerned. Even though they were greatly affected by the challenges, and that is known; instead, it could have adopted the concepts and the ideas of the national movement and national alliance. In summary, they didn’t err the cases; we must accept the facts that challenges present themselves in a unique way and also appreciate their support on the same.

The role and the principle of morality and freedom, right to participation, and contribution to the development of the country’s economy is entitled to such groups. This is not limited to the various right of accessing the basic requirement and as per the outlined regulation. Freedom of speech and expression are also entitled to such organizations. This supported by what Harris said: the freedom and rights of individuals, including organizations and the institutions, are attached to the ethics, i.e., selecting what is desirable to a particular organization. The statuses that I can confer to these organizations after the realization of everything is a charitable and educational organization. This is done after the lessons of morality and freedom.

Freedom of expression of speech demands that everyone be allowed to air his or her opinion when someone is accusing me of being biased. I must acknowledge and accept it’s normal. On defending my position, constitutional rights are a fundamental document that rules the land, and all my opinions are rooted in this document. Much ethical and moral consideration was conducted before this declaration of my opinion. My points are meant and discussed to help vulnerable people and the organization to realize the attached benefits of ethics and the morality guidelines. So there some allegation and points of biasness, confirmation and valid evidence are needed.  The sense of humor should accompany the issues of morality and freedom. My opinions are my opinions, people might suggest this, but intelligent based on the research says that knowledge builds on each other. My views, as I said before, are attached and drawn from the approved sources, which are confirmed by other scholars. The capability and the skills therein are so robust and explicit that the knowledge required for an idea to be academically and professionally sound must present the displayed experience. The resources used qualifies and this work and the opinion therein as credible and the quality work.


In conclusion, the relationship between human values and science brings a matter of morality, which later results in the important agenda of right and wrong. Guidance is required for one to realize his or her potential even as people are interacting in normal life. To realize values and the importance of morality and the integrity of ethics, people must be involved in the participation and the contribution to better working and social environment. Ethical codes of conduct revolve around freedom and go hand in hand with morality. When some sense of immorality is observed in any form, it means threats to freedom are given a priority, and this brings cases of injustices and equality between people and even between the organization and the government. Without morals and ethics, freedom is a dream that cannot be realized, and therefore, people should be given the opportunity to choose what is right and wrong to them particular and the associated consequences are to rest upon their shoulders. (Sen, 1987) When upholding ethical guidelines, understanding the way of thinking of the human mind and considering the facts of freedom and morality. This confirms the point that all individuals should be accommodated in society, and before all judgment is done, proper analysis of the relationship between science and morality should be carried out. There is a confirmed sense in which the brain works, and this brings the issue of consciousness, minds are configured to passive and work in a very important way. Lastly, the role of morality and freedom in the context of science focuses on internal and external factors. These involve the function of the physical part of both and the interaction with the external environment. This brings about the realization of the core values in life, such as responsibility and reliability of an individual. Therefore, each and every individual must seek a deeper understanding of morals and ethics in the requirement for a better and considerable life in society.  Despite the importance mentioned above of morality and freedom, limitations, and challenges are also valid. Too much freedom can also cause some ups and downs; these are not limited to increased crime and a high level of carelessness. People forget their boundaries and cultural limits. Economic sabotage and can be another challenge that is incurred since some companies and organizations can fail to comply with the regulations laid out to pay taxes, as we have seen in the above discussion. This justifies the fact that a limit of freedom is not be set to act as a control limit to both individuals and the institution. (DeGrazia, 2014).)








DeGrazia, D. (2014). Moral enhancement, freedom, and what we (should) value in moral behavior. Journal of medical ethics40(6), 361-368.

Raffa, T. (2000). Advocacy and lobbying without fear: What is allowed within a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization. Nonprofit Quarterly7(2), 44-47.

Sen, A. (1987). Freedom of choice.

Midgley, M. (2002). The ethical primate: Humans, freedom and morality. Routledge.








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