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Scientific solutions to water purification

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Scientific solutions to water purification

You’ve watched the TEDTalk by Dr. Deborah Swackhamer, the Flow documentary by Irena Salina. You’ve gained a sense for the growing concern regarding our most precious resource, water.  It’s time to consider solutions to the world’s water problems from a chemistry standpoint.

For Exam #3, you will research scientific solutions to water purification and create a wiki page to share the information with your classmates.  It is recommended that you focus your research so that you can properly address the chemistry of the solution.  For instance, you can limit your research to a particular region of the world, such as Saudia Arabia relying on desalination plants or Bangladesh overcoming arsenic contamination.  For the examples given, you would explain how desalination works and, for the second example, how arsenic is chemically removed from tainted waters.  Be certain to choose a topic that allows you to discuss the chemistry of the water purification so that you can earn a good grade.  Let me again emphasize that you will not be focused on the problems, but rather the solutions that are currently in place or under investigation.

To post your research on the wiki, each student has a personal page to develop.  Click here for an example student wiki page from a previous semester.  Include your name and the title of your research, post 1000 words on your topic and include three meaningful images (diagrams, molecules, chemical reactions, etc.)  You must include at least three citations (APA format) at the bottom of your post. When you are ready to submit your project, click Enter the Wiki, you are in the Water Wiki. Find your name, click on it, and it will link you to your own Project page where you create your submission. When you are happy with it email me and I will freeze it so it cannot be edited by anyone else.


To post your research on the wiki, develop the your personal page on your water-related topic.  Include your name and the title of your research, post 1000 words on your topic and include three meaningful images (diagrams, molecules, chemical reactions, etc.)  You must include at least three citations (APA format) at the bottom of your post.


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