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Set off your business or evening looks with this Bulova women’s diamond watch

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Set off your business or evening looks with this Bulova women’s diamond watch

Set off your business or evening looks with this Bulova women’s diamond watch. The mother of pearl face adds a hint of shimmer, providing a perfect complement to the stainless steel case and bezel. A link-style band delivers contemporary style with its wider shape and interlocking pieces, and a row of 21 diamonds encircles the round watch face, sending a hint of sparkle in every direction with each flick of your wrist. This women’s dress watch showcases understated elegance with a simple design and modern silhouette.

With flat mineral crystal quartz movement, this Bulova diamond watch ensures accurate timekeeping to keep you on schedule throughout the day. A deployment clasp ensures a secure hold on your wrist to help prevent accidental loss as you tend to important business matters or mingle with party guests, and the analog display features hour, minute and second hands for a quick check of the time. The face uses simple markers instead of Arabic or Roman numerals, providing a low-profile look to complement everything from pantsuits to sophisticated cocktail dresses. Boasting a handy dial on the side, this Bulova women’s watch allows for effortless adjustments.



Tidy up your utensils with this Monogram Fully Integrated dishwasher.  The custom panel seamlessly blends in with the surrounding cabinetry creating a consistent look across your kitchen.  An adjustable full-extension third rack provides a versatile loading and makes cleaning of flatware easy, and four bottle jets in the upper rack ensure effective cleaning of the insides of your travel mug and sports bottles. This Monogram Fully Integrated dishwasher features a 42dBa sound level that doesn’t drown out your conversation in the kitchen.

With LED lighting, this Monogram dishwasher allows you to inspect the cleanliness of your utensils before removing them. A 16-place setting capacity makes it easy to clean the huge pile of dishes in a short time after a dinner party.  A steam + sanitization feature eliminates harmful microorganisms from the dishes making you worry less about getting sick during a flu season or the hygiene of your baby bottles, and over 90 powerful jets cover all corners of the dishwasher for an ultimate wash. The hard food disposer has a stainless steel blade designed to break down large food particles preventing the wash arms from clogging. This Monogram Fully Integrated dishwasher boasts an effective drying system that delivers sparkling clean and well-dried utensils.

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