Dr.Shiva Gopal Vasishta is a practising neurologist in Voorhees, New Jersey. As a neurologist, he is able to treat numerous disorders such as peripheral nerves, muscles, stroke, headaches, dementia, epilepsy, seizure and other diseases that affect the nervous system. He finished his studies at Government Medical College, Nagpur in India. He later on, received a comprehensive training from renowned global experts such as the Tufts University Medical Center John Kelly and Theodore Munsat.
Shiva Gopal Vasishta currently works with Eastern Neurodiagnostic Associates and he takes into account various insurance plans particularly those that are available through QualCare, Humana and Aetna. In addition, he also associates with Kennedy Health System’s trusted campus in Cherry Hill. Shiva Gopal Vasishta has in-depth knowledge on the fundamentals of EMG testing and how it works, about myopathy and peripheral neuropathy and eventually quantitative EEG in psychiatric disease and epilepsy.
A computer model that predicts the age of human brain
According to a study conducted in eLife, a new computer model has been invented and it is trained on scanning the human brain and make a prediction on the age. In this study, the researchers were trying to develop a computer model that fuses information disseminated from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with that captured by magnetoencephalography (MEG). The computer is trained with data from the Cam-CAN database, which stores the MEG and MRI data for about 650 people whose age range between 17 and 90 years.
Through his long term experience as a neurologist, Shiva Gopal Vasishta is able to diagnose and cure various neuromuscular organs and organs associated with the nerve system. He is undoubtedly a competent doctor whose entire focus is mainly treating and helping patients recover from ailments. He has saved many lives throughout his neurological career.