social media marketing or promotion
Compared with traditional marketing tools, social media marketing or promotion is the quickest way to promote brand recognition, know customer needs, obtain feedback and accelerate the traffic of a company’s webpage. Through the use of social media the company can form a connection with their customers and in return this will enable them receive feedback good or bad that can assist in developing the business by exactly understanding customer’s needs. Social media also offers the fastest way to promote a brand for instance through the use of public figures, influencers and celebrities to push sales on social media site such as Facebook, Twitter Myspace and, LinkedIn (Husain, Ghufran & Chaubey, 2016). Social media is also helpful in generating leads through use of sponsored content on social sites.
The pre-exposure marketing is needed to announce the business existence to potential customers. The social medium is ideal since it has a wider reach through referral and is cheaper to use. The pre-exposure marketing captures every detail of the organization so as to distinguish from other competitors so as not confuse the customer. Through the use of the social media for pre-exposure marketing the organization is able to obtain quicker feedback from client to adjust shortfalls in the company’s product.