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Sociology: Education Inequalities

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Sociology: Education Inequalities

Question 1

Davis and Moore argue on structural functionalism in the education system. They say firmly claim that society should grant unequal rewards so that it can function. The duo explains that education needs social stratification and meritocracy for a society to function competitively. According to them, people should put extra effort into whatever they are doing to achieve more rewards. This sociological stand may be termed as inequality since people are not put on the same level of rewards. However, meritocracy is functional, where competition is involved. Similarly, students should work harder to achieve better grades, for it greatly determines one’s future career and prestige. Davis and Moore talks about the meritocracy myth that students from wealthy families should get higher grades and jobs as opposed to their counterparts from poor family backgrounds. This myth should not be accommodated in society since students from poor families who get high grades can get top jobs without connections. However, the myth can create. Sometimes this fear may result in social inequalities as people seek success through literary decided outcomes as far as competition is concerned.

Question 2

Davis and Moore argue on the importance of social stratification in the academic field since students will get high grades and acquire top jobs. To them, society should be shaped by shaping the students in the education system. Their terms take the structural functionalism theory. However, Jonathan Kozol takes the conflict theorist path to challenge social inequality in the education system. According to Kozol, competition (meritocracy) should not be entertained in schools since structural inequalities exist. In his argument, students come from different social class classes, such as poor and wealthy families. The latter group takes advantage of considerable resources to facilitate their education compared to those from low-income family backgrounds. Additionally, Kozol says that differences in types of schools may result in inequalities in education. For instance, Kozol’s research generally shows that classy private schools outdo public schools in grades. The difference in school’s resources has a hand in its performance. Henceforth, the analysis should be done in consideration of the type of school but not in a generalized way.

Question 3

Symbolic interactionism perception is vital in explaining the alarming differences in the education system. Oakes agrees with Bowles and Gintis on the existence of education inequality in society. However, the two parties differ when it comes to establishing the acute holder of the social disparities between education and society. In her argument, Oaks dismisses Bowles’ and Gintis’ claim that learning can narrow such inequalities. Oakes believes that education is the one that closes inequalities. She suggests that equal access to education can solve the contemporary issue through teachers’ ability. Oakes says that people should assume that students do not know. Hence students will pay attention to whatever their teachers teach.

Question 4

Education molarity is vital in the education system. Durkheim argues on the importance of teaching moral value to students to benefit them in the future and society. The sociologist focuses on the point of solidarity in instilling morality in education. He suggests that students should be taught to take class and school as a society where morals are part and parcel of it. However, he is afraid that education transition from mechanical to organic solidarity may break the common solidarity bonds. In his article, Durkheim is concerned about the scenario when students are taught differently concerning social matters such as religion instead of solidarity. The students may cease to perceive each other as a small society member, which will consequently be reflected in the general society. He believes that the loss of common bonds can be solved by teaching discipline among the students. The discipline will then be reflected in the education system and the entire society. According to Durkheim, discipline should not be left to teachers to instil it, but it’s a general society’s role to help in bringing up desirable persons in society.

Question 5

Education and society play an interdependent role. While most of the sociologists agree on the existence inequalities in education, they also have varying opinions on how to deal with the disparities. Bowles and Gintis, Kozol, and Oakes have different conclusions on the matter. Bowles and Gintis conclude that education cannot narrow inequalities. They believe that it is the leading role of society to change so that the education changes too. On his side, Kozol concludes that education can narrow inequalities only if the society transforms with education. He argues that education should take the leading role in shaping students into desirable persons in society, which have minimal involvement in trimming students. On her hand, Oakes, firmly believes that education can narrow differences only if equal access is prioritized in seeking knowledge. She argues that the teachers have the leading role of imparting knowledge in students. However, Oakes says that success in school can be achieved if students learn and practice what they are learning from their teachers. Consequently, teachers should teach the norms of society. For instance, if teachers instil the norm of unity despite differences in social statuses, the students will grow up in the society in solidarity. However, if the teachers exhibit racism sentiments, the students will grow up in the society knowing that people should set themselves according to racial classes.

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