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Special Occasion Speeches

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Special Occasion Speeches

Special occasion speeches are speeches delivered when marking significant and particular events (Special Occasion Speeches: COMM 101). The most entertaining speeches usually fall under this category. As such, it is no wonder; I find these speeches most enjoyable. The examples in this category include but are not limited to award ceremonies‘ acceptance speeches, weddings and graduation ceremonies congratulatory speeches, commemoration and anniversary speeches, bar mitzvahs, and toasts. I love toasts because they can be precise and exciting. One can toast to anything. However, I will highlight eulogies today.

A eulogy is a speech given in honor of the deceased. I presume this may well be the best type of speech anyone who hates public speaking would not mind doing. It is mainly because one rarely gets to do many eulogies in their lifetime in normal circumstances. I love tributes because you hear and learn new and fascinating facts about people you did not know. It is the only time when speech is effortless as the only goal is to pay respect in the most real possible way.

Eulogies, like many other special occasion speeches, carry the element of humor and are filled with light moments. I do look forward to the eulogy section when I attend funerals. Many attendees, even kin, do expect that the eulogy section gets filled with amusing and entertaining comments. I find eulogies so powerful; I mean how they can completely change the mood, even if for a moment, of such a serious and sad occasion. The other reason I enjoy eulogies is the fact that they are mostly real. In recent trends, especially, how you lived is what will be shared- no romanticizing and sanctifying of people too much as was the case before.

Last but not least, eulogies are usually very personal. Only close friends and relatives, as opposed to just anyone, are given the podium to eulogize a deceased person. That way, fake friends and relatives are stopped. It, therefore, makes eulogies very hearty and touching, and honestly, I find that beautiful.



Works Cited

“Special Occasion s Speeches: COMM 101: Public Speaking – Lemonds B. – FALL 2019 – SECTION# 27891.”


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