Spirituality Needs for Children and Families
Question 1
- a) Nurses should understand the spiritual needs of the children and their families. They should be concerned about and focused on the spiritual needs of families with the imminent ill children. It meant to be the most difficult times that the family faces, becoming a parent or a family member of a child with severe illness or is facing imminent death. Thus, there should be an exploration of how pediatric disease should be dealt with appropriately. Nurses lack competence in communicating with children and families about their spiritual concerns and their spiritual experiences highly documented; thus, there should be an increase in recognizing the spiritual needs of children and families, which is an essential aspect while dealing with pediatric illnesses ( Ferrell et al. 2016).
- b) Yes, a child’s life-threatening illness negatively impacts the members of the family, such that their physical, psychological, and spiritual health are affected. It may lead to depression and poor quality of health, which is an ultimate loss in the family and the society at large.
- c) Effective communication is a crucial element that the pediatric nurses should enhance to the families and parents facing the death of a child. The interface will enable the nurses to give straight forward, honest, and direct information in a way that they are showing compassion.
Question 2
- a) Understanding the spiritual needs of older adults is a rising concern that nurses should emphasize. Following the ageing group’s intervention, it is helpful for nurses to provide care to the older adults, which will promote better outcome health results leading to successful performance in the health administrations.
- b) Spirituality improves better health outcomes and thus, lowering anxiety to the ageing population. It is a crucial element to develop better results and improve the health of the developing group appropriately.
- c) Older adults face many complications regarding their health outcomes; therefore, nurses should understand and assess ageing adults’ health to promote better health performance (Pesut et al. 2015).
Question 3
Hinduism is one of the fastest-growing religious and cultural believes with much diversity in beliefs and practices has got no doctrinal authority. Hindus gave much freedom to practice their beliefs; however, there are many cultural and personal variations which hinders the practice of nursing to the Hindu patients. It becomes a concern for healthcare providers to seek their patients’ spiritual beliefs before providing their services to patients. What becomes a matter of interest to me is how the Hindu patients deal with stressful situations due to their religious beliefs.
Question 4
Hmong heritage has different cultural beliefs and practices and its challenge for them to adapt to new healthcare deliveries. It is mainly hindered by their strong traditional beliefs and lack of trust in other people since they are refugees. Hmong people pay active attention to their healthcare providers while the information carefully explained. Hmong heritage uses herbal medication, and this raises concern to how they survive the problematic situations regarding severe illnesses.
Question 5
Japanese heritage has a high demand for cultural competence in nursing care, and there is an exploration of how to practice the nursing practice on their behaviour. Japanese nurses practice their nursing tasks in a wide range to promoting their patient’s health outcomes. Comparison of the Japanese nurses and the other countries nurses is essential in examining the nursing practice. In Japanese, the nursing practice is met with challenges since the people there believed in traditional medicine, thus opposition expansion of the role of nursing; this becomes an area of significant concern.
Question 6
Judaism expresses their beliefs in God and; thus, the Jewish nurses should learn the ideas of Judaism people while practising health care. Clinical health team faces a challenge to gain the understanding and insights needed to achieve the healthcare goals and reconcile disparities between majority and minority values of Judaism culture. In conclusion, culturally competent care provides healthcare workers with the ability to deliver the best outcomes according to the patient’s cultural, social, and religious beliefs.
Ferrell, B., Wittenberg, E., Battista, V., & Walker, G. (2016). Exploring the spiritual needs of families with seriously ill children. International journal of palliative nursing, 22(8), 388-394.
Pesut, B., McLean, T., Reimer-Kirkham, S., Hartrick-Doane, G., Hutchings, D., & Russell, L. B. (2015). Educating registered nursing and healthcare assistant students in community-based supportive care of older adults: A mixed-methods study. Nurse education today, 35(9), e90-e96., B., McLean, T., Reimer-Kirkham, S., Hartrick-Doane, G., Hutchings, D., & Russell, L. B. (2015). Educating registered nursing and healthcare assistant students in community-based support of older adults: A mixed-methods study. Nurse education today, 35(9), e90-e96.