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Square of Opposition APA Formatting Recall your reading in Chapter 9 of our textbook regarding categorical logic and the Square of Opposition and, in a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following: Describe the Square of Opposition What is categorical logic? What is the purpose of the Square of Opposition? Identify key features of the Square of Opposition. Explain how the Square of Opposition is used to translate statements into standard-form claims and corresponding standard-form claims including desсrіption of the relationships that are depicted within the square. Identify the components of the A, E, I and O standard-form claims (or propositions). Using the diagram in your text as a guide, create one original example using an ordinary statement and translating it into standard-form claims (A, E, I and O statements) using the Square of Opposition. Identify the translation and claims in your example using the corresponding letter. For each corresponding standard-form claim, explain how you identified the translation and corresponding claims and their relationship to one another based on the relationships depicted on the square. In other words, explain why each choice of claim in your example is correct for that particular relationship. Example provided must be original and not taken from our lecture, textbook readings or online resources. Square of Opposition APA Formatting Recall your reading in Chapter 9 of our textbook regarding categorical logic and the Square of Opposition and, in a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following: Describe the Square of Opposition What is categorical logic? What is the purpose of the Square of Opposition? Identify key features of the Square of Opposition. Explain how the Square of Opposition is used to translate statements into standard-form claims and corresponding standard-form claims including desсrіption of the relationships that are depicted within the square. Identify the components of the A, E, I and O standard-form claims (or propositions). Using the diagram in your text as a guide, create one original example using an ordinary statement and translating it into standard-form claims (A, E, I and O statements) using the Square of Opposition. Identify the translation and claims in your example using the corresponding letter. For each corresponding standard-form claim, explain how you identified the translation and corresponding claims and their relationship to one another based on the relationships depicted on the square. In other words, explain why each choice of claim in your example is correct for that particular relationship. Example provided must be original and not taken from our lecture, textbook readings or online resources.

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