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Steel abrasives supplier

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Steel abrasives supplier

_______ is one of the majorly prominent and highly reputed names that is always indulged in the finest facilitation of an extensive range of industrial abrasives media. A plethora of Global Leaders are known to be the manufacturers of our notable products, and we have always been proud of the same. We never compromise with the top-notch quality of our commendable products, and thus, you don’t have to worry about the same.

Highly credible abrasive supplier since _____

We have been continually looked upon as the authorized distributor of the WINOA logo.

Our products are 100% certified and recyclable.

What are Steel Abrasives?

On mentioning the steel abrasives, they are none other than the steel particles, which play a significant role as the peening media or abrasive. The steel abrasives are prevalent in two different shapes, and their usage varies based on the various industrial applications.

  • Steel grit: The Steel grit notably characterize the grains, which are accompanied by an angular shape. Such grains are emitted via the crushing of steel shot. It stands as one of the most important reasons behind their sharp edges and the prevalent broken sections. Its physical body is harder than that of a steel shot you would come across multiple sizes as well as the hardness of this steel grit.


  • Steel shot: On the other hand, steel shot is defined as the set of spherical shaped grains generated out of the molten steel. Their generation passes through the whole atomization process, and you can get the steel shot in various hardness and sizes.

ROUND STEEL SHOT- A type of a Steel Shot:

The Round Steel Shot is quenched as well as the tempered, spherical shaped product made up of hypereutectoid steel (C ≥ 0,85%). This steel shot hails with resistance and is resilient to fatigue due to its heat treatments controlled in the finest manner. You can use the Round Steel Shot in almost all kinds of applications, especially where there is an existence of a maximum bounce and an effect for mass as well as shot peening.

Applications of steel shots:

Steel shots are highly beneficial, and thus, they are associated with a plethora of applications. Have a look at some of the applications of steel shots below:

  1. Shot Peening:

Steel shots can easily be used in shot penning. Shot Penning is very important in making various machinery such as steel automobile crankshafts, gears, turbines, torsion bars, shafts, etc. stronger. Apart from that, shot Penning is also responsible for decreasing their stress.


  1. Sand Removal:

Steel Shots can be used in sand removal, and thus, the users can expect them to clean the castings efficiently.


  1. Surface Preparation:

Various industries use steel shots to support the coatings, including painting, enameling, powder coating, rubbing bonding, metallization, and many others.


  1. Scale Removal:

Many industries also us the steel shots to clean the non-ferrous as well as the ferrous alloys. These include plates and pipes which are made out of die-forging, drawing, rolling, after heat treatment, stamping, etc.


  1. Cast Steel’s shot blasting:

Steel Shots play an eminent role in blasting of shipboard, steel board, profile steel, and various other types of steel materials.


  1. Roughening and de-burring:

Steel shots serve as the best help when it comes to the aesthetic treatment of a good number of materials. Apart from that, it also has the ability to remove the existing burrs on metallic products. They arise due to these products’ injection molding.

Types of Steel Grit:

There are different types of steel grits, and each one of them is mentioned below:

  1. Angular Steel Grit:

The heat-treated oversize shot pellets are crushed, and this leads to the production of the cast steel angular grit. The Angular Steel Grit is used for surface preparation as well as air blast cleaning.


  1. GP Steel Grit:

The GP Steel Grit can be used in a good number of descaling applications. It is quenched as well as tempered when it is new to the industry!


  1. GL Steel Grit:

The GL Steel Grit is quenched as well as tempered, however, it is considered to be harder than the notable GP steel grit. Apart from that, the GL Steel Grit is also known to lose its sharp edges when it passes through the process of shot blasting. It can serve the best help in descaling and applications related to surface preparation.


  1. GH Steel Grit:

The GH Steel Grit is noted as a steel grit that is quenched with the utmost stiffness and hardness. It always stays angular while being in its operating mix as well. The GH Steel Grit shall serve as a great help in surface treatment procedures, uniform production, etched finish, and other relatable activities.


  1. WGR Steel Grits:

The WGR Steel grits can be used to cut the hard-stone products like granite. These are quite special products and thus, are distinct in their own ways.


Our team is continually assisting as well as guiding each of our customers in finding the apt product, service, and technology satiating his/her blasting operation needs.

  1. Consulting:

With our top-notch consulting services, you are going to attain some great help in the optimization of your blast operations. Our team shall guide you in choosing the blasting parameters, steel abrasives, and various other decisions. These include analyzing your blasting costs, proposing the action plans, etc.


  1. Training:

Our whole team is highly experienced, and we would love to share our knowledge with you. Moreover, we would also love to learn more things from you. With our personalized training, we always ensure that your queries are prioritized and served in the finest possible manner.

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