Through the ministry of health and sanitation, the government should provide financial assistance and support to the identified clinical models which have been struggling to manage the population health. It is evidenced that such clinical models have been financially limited in their activities in managing population health since most of the health activities being practiced or issued by the clinical models require substantial financial support in terms of the medical kits, resources, and other related requirements in maintaining public health.
Since the management body of such clinical models which has been engaging into public health activities through the provision of health services to the members of the communities have limited access to the required resources and facilities needed to effectively offer health services to the members of the city, providing such support to the health care facilities will promote public health management within the community. Since it the responsibility of the government to ensure public health through the provision of health services to the citizens, such services have been limited to specific people within the communities, thus leaving out the needy and more vulnerable members of the society. Such actions have negatively impacted health services delivery within the country hence contributing to the poor health status of the marginalized people within the community. They cannot afford to cater to the rising cost of medication.
Financial support to clinical models that have failed to manage public health successfully will be termed as a sign of appreciation to such clinics and acknowledgment of their efforts towards maintaining good health of the vulnerable members of the society hence will motivate them to continue providing such services to members of the nation. With the continued support and management of public health, health status and living standards within the community will be improved.
Strategic elements in funding and support to clinical models
Availing required medical equipment
Since models clinics have been limited by lack of essential resources required for maintaining population health, the government can prefer to provide medical types of equipment to the clinical models within the marginalized community in order to promote their effort of providing medical services to members of the community. Medical types of equipment, like protective clothing and other related equipment, are very costly to private clinical models. Therefore, their effort in managing population health has been a challenging task for the management body of such clinical models since they have to spend more resources in order to acquire such services which in most cases have led to bankruptcy and closure of such centers as they do not gain from managing the population health.
Providing medical pieces of equipment as support from the government is believed to positively impact the general population health indirectly as the activities of such model clinics in managing population health will increase due to the availability of the required medical pieces of equipment needed for the program. Since such clinical models are nonprofit organizations, such support from the government will cut their operational cost; hence will tend to improve their services to more members of the community despise their social status in order to ensure and promote the functional health status of the community members.
According to the research which was previously conducted by the community-based health officials, the number of people who are seeking medical assistance from such clinical models has been growing thus following the rising cost of treatment within the country which most of the low-income earners, the poor and unemployed members of the community cannot afford hence they prefer free medical services offered by the clinical models in which have been declining due to inadequate medical resources and other support. This has been caused by the rising number of patients who are seeking medical services from such clinics; hence such equipment is inadequate.
Allocation of funds to such clinics during the financial budget period
The government, through the ministry of health, can decide to allocate funds to such clinical models during the financial budgeting period in order to cater to the health services offered by the identified clinical models within the communities. By financially supporting the identified clinical models, population health will be transformed by the activities of such models as they will extend their medical services in other communities due to sufficient funds required in organizing various health activities. Financial allocation by the government is one of the most valued support the government can offer to the identified clinical models which has been struggling to ensure better population health but has been limited by lack of funds to sponsor most of its medical activities. Through the allocated funds, the clinical heads will organize more intensive health care services to the members of the community, like mass testing for the infections, conducting education programs for the vulnerable members of the community, and engaging in disease prevention and control measures within the community.
Following unsuccessful attempts by such clinical models in managing population health within the country, there have been increased cases of disease infection and outbreak within the country since the medical services which were previously offered by such clinics were focused on disease control and prevention. The closure of such clinical due to financial restrictions has negatively impacted the population health in several ways, thus, from the poor health status of the people to the regular disease outbreak in many parts of the country.
With financial support from the government to the identified clinical models, the management body of such clinics will be able to effectively offer health services to the members of the society which will help to manage and ensure the excellent health status of the poor and disadvantaged members of the community who cannot afford to pay for medical services in more advanced medical centers due to the cost of medication which is too high for them.
Intended outcome
The intended health outcome of the recommendation provided thus based on the provision of funds and support to the identified clinical models which have been struggling to manage population is to increase and improve the health services offered by such clinics since the government has incurred some operation cost. This implies that the identified clinical models which have been providing medical services to vulnerable members of the society will improve their health services and extend such services to other communities as the limiting factor identified has been sorted.
The activities of the clinical models which are likely to be extended to other area include the provision of health education to the households, conducting mass testing and disease control and prevention measures within the community and provision of health services to the sick and needy members of the society. Such services will be aimed at improving the living standards and health status of the people as they are focused on fighting infections and disease within the community.
The other outcome from the recommendation has been identified as availing health care services to members of the society. By supporting and funding the activities of such clinical models, the government will promote the availability and free access of medical services to the members of the community, thus following the clinical models’ objectives and goals which are in line with the government intention of availing health care services to its citizens. Members of the community will be able to access medical services from such clinical models that have been offering health services since they have enough resources and requirements in providing advanced medical assistance due to government support.
of rules to regulate population health management in the country
The government through the ministry of health and sanitation and the office of vice president should enact laws and regulation which will guide population health management by various non-governmental bodies thus following the rising cases of some organizations seeking marketing advantage nd favor from the population by using population health management phrase to lure members of the community to their organizations. Such an organization has been using the words of managing population health to avoid government intervention in their activities. Still, in the real sense, they intend to market their products and services they offer to the population. They aim to create public awareness about their existence in the health market hence tend to lure members of the public into seeking medical services from their organization; later, they force them to pay for such services.
With the enactment of such rules and regulations, the government will be able to identify such organizations seeking marketing advantage in the name of managing population health and dealt with according to the set health care providence rules and regulations. It will also be aimed to reduce the rate of corruption in the health sectors since these organizations frequently seek government support and funding for their benefit. It is believed that such people are deeply connected with government officials or government offices that try to gain from the government through corruption.
The rationale for this particular recommendation presented to the ministry of health through the office of the vice presidents is ensuring equity and sanity in the health sector, thus following rising cases of corruption in the health sector. The recommendation will ensure that such facilities receive funds and donations given by the government to public health facilities and community- based clinical models in order to improve and effectively manage population health.
It is aimed at reducing corruption cases within the health sector by the government by closing down the identified organizations which are seeking marketing advantage in the name of managing population health within the community.
Strategies elements in enacting legislation in the health sector
Shifting departmental health heads within the government
Since those seeking marketing advantages based on managing population health are linked to the top government officials in the health sector, the government, through the office of vice president should shift health staff to another department in order to break the chain used by the identified firms in gaining fame and government donations. Yet, they intend to seek a marketing advantage and not to manage population health. The government will ensure equity and fairness in health department by shifting current health officials with the more qualified and professional staff since by doing so, the new team will not embrace corrupt activities by the organizations or individual who intends to gain from government donations through public health funding.
The strategy of shifting departmental heads within the health sector will ensure effective implementation of the set rules and regulations by the government in control the activities of health facilities and other health organizations in managing public health as the existing staff is suspected to be part of the rot within the health sector. If the government fails to relocate the team, the implementation of health legislation will be compromised since the health policies and regulations proposed will not favor their dirty business in the health sector.
Regular auditing the activities of such clinical models
Auditing the process of the mentioned health service providers within the society in managing public health by government agencies will ensure transparency and accountability in the activities of such organizations. This will enable the government to identify organizations that have been after seeking a marketing advantage in the name of public health management; hence strict action will be taken against them. Auditing the books of counts and other operational activities of various organization involved in managing public health by the government will identify the usage of public health funds allocated to them by the government as some of the organizations have been misusing such funds only to rich themselves rather than providing health services to the members of the public.
Intended outcome
The outcome projected by the recommendation is to enhance accountability and transparency in the health sector. The intention of improving accountability and transparency will be fostered by the identified strategic elements identified above in the recommendation, thus through the audition process on the various public health sectors and clinical models who have been offering clinical services. The government will have to audit the usage of funds allocated to such health facilities concerning the intended role of managing population health since it has been noted with concern that some of the organizations are seeking marketing advantage rather than to improve population health with the allocated funds. They use the phrase of managing population health in order to get the government findings. Therefore through the auditing process, transparency and accountability will be improved within the health sector nationwide.
Secondly, corruption within government officials in health sectors will be minimized by the government action of shifting the staff within the health sector. Due to fraud, various organizations n have been receiving government donations and funds in the name of managing population health. Still, they end up taking advantage of such contributions for their self-development rather than providing health services to the public. For the government to reduce the rate of corruption within the health sector, it is evidenced that shifting and relocating senior staff at health sectors will be effective as they are the root cause of such dishonesty and corrupt activities within the industry. From the discussion above thus strategist elements in enacting health legislation by the government, relocating nd shifting staff has been identified as the best strategies to be adopted by the government to restore sanity and honesty in the health department of the county.
- Provision of health insurance cover to the public to ease access to medical services
The government, through the local medical insurance firms, should provide health insurance cover to the members of the public to increase their access to medical services in more advanced health care facilities and to reduce congestion experienced in clinical models in charge of managing population health at the community level. The recommendation is necessary since most of the people lack medical cover; hence they are forced to pay for the high cost of treatment they incur at such advanced medical centers. This has resulted in congestion at the local clinical models where they are being served at a lower cost as compared to more prominent hospitals.
By considering the recommendation of insurance health cover to the members of the community, it is believed that congestion and work pressure reported by the local clinical models which manage population health will be eased as most of the patients will be referred to other health facilities for more advanced treatment. This will enable such clinical models to concentrate on minor health services like health education services and disease control and prevention within the community.
The rationale for the recommendation is to improve access to medical services for the public despite their financial status since most of the advanced hospitals are costly in terms of their charges, therefore, limiting the number of patients being admitted. With a health insurance cover, population health will be effectively managed and improved due to increase medical services offered by the government and the clinical model facilities within the community. Members of the public will, therefore, freely access better medical services despise their financial status as the government will cater to some premiums charged by the insurance firms.
Strategist elements min providing health insurance cover
Partially paying for insurance premiums
Following the cost of insurance cover, the government can prefer to cater to half the cost of premiums paid by the public for their insurance cover. By partially incurring the insurance cost, the government will, therefore, make the cost of insurance health cover affordable to the low-income and unemployed members of the society as they can cater to the cost of monthly premiums charged by the insurance company. The strategy will best apply to communities where most people are low-income earners and jobless or depend on farming as their economic activities. They will be able to cater to the insurance expenses, which much cheaper as compared to medical charges by the hospitals.
Intended outcome
The intended outcome for the above health recommendation is to improve access to medical services and reduces the cost of medication for the public. With the adoption of the judgment, the cost of the medication will be diminished, thus creating access to members of the public to freely seek a remedy in more advanced health facilities whenever they feel sick. The reduced cost of drugs has facilitated this through the insurance cover provided by the government for its citizens as the insurance company will directly incur the charge of the medical services offered to them. The public will indirectly incur such fees in terms of the monthly premiums set by the insurance firms in which the government, too, will pay half the cost for its citizens.