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Substantive Response to the Discussion Question or Topic

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 Substantive Response to the Discussion Question or Topic

Several medical problems face Hispanic communities in the US. These illnesses include cardiovascular diseases, Type 2 diseases and childhood obesity. As such, the prevalence of these diseases requires the efforts of healthcare professionals to prevent further spread among the Hispanic communities.

Your response Grivel is articulate and provides sufficient research on the diseases affecting the Hispanic community. I concur with your view that the Hispanic community is faced by some of the greatest health risks in the United States. As noted earlier, chronic diseases like cancer, obesity and type 2 diseases affect children and adults as well. The high prevalence is indeed due to some of the lifestyle choices and practices by the Hispanic community. For instance, many Puerto Ricans and Mexicans smoke hence the high number of cancer cases and heart diseases. As such, there require stellar immediate actions from the relevant healthcare institutions and Hispanic communities as well to minimize the health risks.

Health risks affect both the Hispanic born Americans and the immigrants as well. Therefore, dealing with such increasing ailments requires DNP students to be equipped with the required knowledge since it is proving to be one of the prevalent challenges facing US healthcare institutions. You provide a valid analysis that nursing plays one of the most crucial roles in the promotion of good health and the prevention of diseases and supported by (). In this case, it is the responsibility of medical professionals to ensure the active participation of all Hispanic citizens ensuring they engage in activities that improve the quality of their health. All in all, health professionals need to be equipped with the necessary skills and implement health policies serving the interests of all Americans regardless of ethnicity.

To conclude, DNP students and health care providers are mandated to implement health policies and strategies that improve the quality of care provided to all Americans. As noted above, Hispanic communities are affected by terminal diseases like cardiovascular heart problems, Type 2 diabetes and obesity. Therefore, mitigating health risks depends on the collaboration of all citizens and nursing professionals advocating for better health care.




Shaw, P. M., Chandra, V., Escobar, G. A., Robbins, N., Rowe, V., & Macsata, R. (2018). Controversies and evidence for cardiovascular disease in the diverse Hispanic population. Journal of vascular surgery67(3), 960-969.

Velasco-Mondragon, E., Jimenez, A., Palladino-Davis, A. G., Davis, D., & Escamilla-Cejudo, J. A. (2016). Hispanic health in the USA: a scoping review of the literature. Public health reviews37(1), 31.

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