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A brief overview of the company

Spark is a company that operates in multinational countries around the globe. The company’s core function includes the manufacturing of electronics products, software licensing, and production of software.   The company is known for its services, such as the production of operating systems platform used by computing devices, mobile phones, among other electronic gadgets. The organization has a mission of empowering society through the innovation of devices and platforms that can help the society meet opportunities and efficiently run businesses. It is worth noting that Spark company has it headquarter in the United Kingdom. The spark became global around 2010. Since its globalization, the company has worked hard to compete well in the global arena and acquire a good portion of the market share.

The aim of the company is to produce the highest quality of electronics through the highest form of technological innovation. Because of the nature of the products that Spark company engages in, the company has been faced with sustainability issues that relate to the production of IT products. This includes the emission of C02. Studies indicate that the manufacture of electronic devices is key players in the emission of C02 gases. This is directly linked to the global warming effect, which has been declared as the global pandemic (US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 2018).   One of the core values of Spark company is to conduct its business in an environmentally sustainable manner. Hence, the continuous emissions of greenhouse gasses and its contribution to global warming have been a point of scrutiny, which resulted in the creation of various strategies to resolve the problem.

Role of the Department

As mentioned above, the key sustainability issue that has been identified includes the emission of C02 gases through the production of electronics. The process that encompasses the production and usage of electronics results in the emission of greenhouse gases.  As discussed above, the emission of the greenhouse has been documented to lead to global warming, which is one of the major causes of climate change. To conduct our business and production in an environmentally sustainable manner, the company has been able to come up with strategic goals that have been broken down as key deliverables for the different departments. Key departments that will take place in the strategic sustainability plan include the operations department, marketing, human resource, and our department, which is the research and development department.

The operation department is tasked with the deliverable of ensuring that key operations that take place during production and supply of the products occur in a sustainable manner and according to the best practices of the bodies involved.  The department ensures that the due diligence is followed, and the rights of the supplies are upheld. The due diligence of purchasing the required materials for manufacturing must be adhered to according to the standards stipulated in the quality and safe use of the materials. This functionality is a key mandate of the operation team. The marketing team is an integral team in the marketing of the products. Hence, they are tasked with the mandate of ensuring that the product meets the standards before reaching the final consumers. The marketing team has been tasked with the deliverable of ensuring the social sustainability of the products as a factor in ensuring that the consumers are able to get products that fit the quality that is sustainable and less to emission during usage.





US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 2018. Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP).



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