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  1. Functions and Roles of Syntax Syntactic unit positions, also called gatra, refer to grammatical functions. Grammatical functions become a container for each syntax unit, as well as for situational meanings of syntactic units, in general there are four functions namely S, P, O, K. Example: Sister / buy / milk / in SPOK stalls fully describe syntactic functions, such as in the following diagram Subject Subject Predicate Sentences Information Ket. Place Ket. Time and so on In the formation of a construction, for example sentences, each element has a role in shaping the overall meaning. In other words, the constituents have their respective grammatical roles. There are many types of roles, some of which are actors (agentif), goals (objective), recipients (benefactors) causes (causative), tools (instrumental), time (temporal), place (locative), actions (active), slaughter ( passive), and possession (possessive). D. Modes, Apek, Kala, Modalities, Focus, Diathesis These terms often appear in discussions about syntax. These six terms are also very closely related and are often confused. a. Mode Mode is the expression or description of the psychological atmosphere of the action according to the speaker’s interpretation or the speaker’s attitude. The following are various modes and examples: 1. Declarative mode (mode that shows a neutral attitude). For example: When a sister fights with an older sister, the mother breaks it. 2. Optative mode (mode that shows hope) Example: Hopefully COVID-19 passes quickly 3. Imperative mode (mode that shows command) Example: Get a book! 4. Introgative mode (mode that shows questions) Example: Why should I go? 5. Obligative mode (mode that states must) Example: I have to study in order to pass the exam 6. Deciderative mode (mode that expresses will) Example: I want to go to Russia. b. Aspect Aspect is a way of looking at the formation of time internally in situations, circumstances, events, or processes of various aspects. one example is “I wrote an essay” and the following are various aspects: 1. Continuous aspects (Actions continue) Example: 2. Intensive aspects (Events just starting) Example: Just opened the rain umbrella has stopped 3. Progressive apek (Actions in progress) Example: Mother is feeding fish 4. Reptitive aspects (Actions that occur repeatedly) Example: Abdan often stay at Aiman’s house 5. Perfective aspects (Actions that have been completed) For example: Father has finished working, and go home 6. Imperfective aspects (Actions take place briefly) Examples: 7. Aspectative aspects (Actions ended) Example: Since that day he no longer works at PT A. c. Kala Kala is information in sentences that states when the action was mentioned in the predicate. For example: “Today mother is at home” d. Modalities Modalities are statements in sentences that state the attitude of the conversation to the thing being discussed, namely regarding actions, circumstances, and events. For example: – Father wants to perform the pilgrimage e. Focus Focus is a prominent element in the sentence so that the listener or reader is focused on that part. In Indonesian the focus of the sentence can be done in the following way, (1) Providing guidance on the part of the sentence that is focused, (2) Prioritizing the part of the sentence that is focused, (3) Using even particles, which, about, and are on the sentence being focused, ( 4) contracting out two parts of the sentence, (5) Using the possessive anaphoric possessive possessive construction. For example: About the person let it go f. Diathesis Diathesis is the relationship between the perpetrators in the sentence with the actions stated in the sentence. Here is one example of diathesis, namely “our money was taken away” and various types of diathesis: 1. Active diathesis 2. Passive diathesis 3. Reflexive diathesis 4. Reciprocal diathesis 5. Causative diathesis

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