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taking the Entrepreneurial potential self-assessment test

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taking the Entrepreneurial potential self-assessment test

After taking the Entrepreneurial potential self-assessment test, I can ascertain that in most of the results, I have successfully obtained the pass mark set by entrepreneurs. In some sections, I have surpassed the average score, and this is indeed very encouraging. Nevertheless, I do admit that I need to keep working on specific entrepreneurial considerations such as my resistance to stress, having attained below the average mark.

There are two noteworthy attributes that I have learned about myself in the assessment, and these are my need for success and self-sufficiency. The analysis shows that my need to succeed in life is precisely at a level that an entrepreneur should have. The results have shown me that I’m able to motivate myself, and as a result, I come out more competitive with myself and with others in my surrounding. Additionally, my strong desire and will to achieve enables me to set both long term and short term goals that are in line with what I want to excel in.

Self-sufficiency means that I strongly aspire to be my own boss. Yes, it is almost evident that everybody would want to possess this trait, but what has amazed me is that my score for this particular characteristic surpasses the average rating for business executives. From this, I can deduce that I strive to attain independence, where I can make my own decisions and restrictions. I believe that this trait will undoubtedly prompt me to be more creative in my undertakings so that shortly, I can attain my entrepreneurial aspiration.

Results from the test have further uplifted my entrepreneurial dreams as I can now visualize myself as a remarkable businessperson. My perseverance and enthusiasm will enable me to keep working towards realizing this dream, regardless of any obstacles or uncertainties that may arise. Moreover, having attained the average score for aptitudes, I believe that I hold the competencies, abilities and tendencies to act on these ambitions.

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