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Tamela using positive procedure on Sam

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Tamela using positive procedure on Sam

I think Tamela should use a positive procedure when dealing with Sam.  From the case above, Sam has had exemplary performance in the past 15 years. He was also corrected before, and he changed. This, therefore, means that the recent behavior of Sam could be because of a personal problem that is forcing him to violate the company’s policy. Since Sam’s past performance shows that he is a hardworking employee, it is only fair for Tamela to give him room to change to the desired behavior. Such an employee needs to be mentored, positively supported, and motivated to improve his performance. Apart from that, the problem that could be causing the undesired behavior should also be identified, and a solution to it discussed. Positive discipline does not focus on punishing an individual but on mentoring and motivating them to improve in performance. An employer and an employee should both be working towards achieving a common goal.

A script that Tamela will use on Sam

Tamela should ensure that they meet with Sam and discuss his performance. When talking about, Tamela should not focus on the negative actions of Sam but rather on his positive effects. She should recognize his exemplary achievements and appreciate them. The larger part of the conversation should, however, be on the problem. Tamela should be sure that Sam understands that there is a problem with his actions. It is only after he realizes that he is going to take the discipline positively. To make Sam understand that, Tamela should, therefore, inform him of the company’s policy, rules, and regulations, and the desired behaviors that she is looking for as an employer. After identifying the problem, she should also explain the effects the problem has and will continue having on the company if not addressed. When all that has been discussed and well understood by both sides, they should then come up with an action plan. An action plan refers to what is supposed to happen next now that the mistake needs to be corrected. Tamela and Sam should come up with ways of rectifying Sam’s undesired behavior. Throughout the conversation, Tamela should ensure that she emphasizes the positive aspects as a way of making Sam receptive of the whole problem. The problem should, however, not be pinned down to the point that Sam doesn’t realize that his undesired behavior is an issue.


Tamela using the progressive procedure on Ned

I think Tamela should use progressive procedures when dealing with Ned. The progressive method is a way of addressing an employee’s problem using negative feedback that follows a series. This means that if an employee commits an offense for the first time, an oral warning is used. In other cases, the warning notice may be written. If the employee repeats the violation, serious punitive measures like suspensions and eventual termination may be employed. For Ned’s case, he was repeating the violation for the third time because he had received a written warning before and was also suspended and not paid for two days. This shows that Ned’s behavior was not changing. Ned seemed angry and bitter at Tamela since his grievances that what had been done to him was unfair was unsuccessful.  For his case, Tamela would either consider upping his suspension days to 4 or 5 days, demote him or terminate him. Since Ned is the assistant network administrator, Tamela may consider demoting him from his position. She will reduce his rank to a job with lesser responsibilities.



A document that Tamela will give to Ned

Tamela would first investigate the issue and collect pieces of evidence on the violation. She will then go ahead and write an involuntary demotion notice. The notice will contain the company’s policy that Ned violated and the reason for involuntary demotion. She should be sure to highlight the specific acts that make it necessary that Ned is demoted.  The document should also contain evidence of the violations that justifies his involuntary demotion. Then finally gives him a chance to respond to the allegations. The response should be either in writing or orally. This opportunity is for Ned to present reasons why he thinks the demotion could be unfair.

After ten working days in case Ned doesn’t respond, then Tamela will give a final demotion notice. The document will contain the violated policy and the groundS in which the system was violated. A law in which the demotion action was taken should also be cited. The document should also state the demotion date and any other disciplines that may have been used in decision making. At this point, Ned is given an opportunity to appeal within 20 days and a commission appeal form attached to the document. If he does nothing about it, then he is going to be automatically demoted. Demotion works on the basis that the company has the right to either promote or demote an employee based on merit.  So Tamela has the right to remove Ned from his present position to a position with less responsibility.








Osigweh, C. & Hutchison, W (1990). To Punish Or Not To Punish? Managing human resources through “Positive Discipline.” Employees Relations,12(3), 27-32





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