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Teaching Faculty, Infrastructure is good.

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Teaching Faculty, Infrastructure is good.

Serial No:Interview TranscriptsCode CommentInitial Analysis
1Government School : 8th  std Male
Why all these?
This is for our project for our subject and we are going to ask you about your school
Tell me something about your school?
My school name is GMPS and I study in class 8th. 1) My school is beautiful; they are building a new toilet which is also good, also my school has a big playground, teachers are also good as they help me with my doubts.
So there must be rules and regulation in your school, so what do you think about that and also do you feel sometimes those rules are not necessary?
2)Whatever rules are there they should remain the same only as it is good
So you don’t have any problem with any rules?
Okay so tell me few rules
3)We have to wear tie, belt, ID card, shoes and also we have to wear school dress
Any other rule except to the school dress?
4)Yes, don’t touch girls; don’t argue with your teachers.
Why do you think it’s important to wear school dress?
If we wear school dress people will know from where we are.
Okay Good
What do you think about infrastructure of your school?
5)It’s very good.
Do school take you for picnic, monument visit or take you to visit some place?
6) Yes, government took me to mysore visit it was only for six people. I visited mysore palace, mysore zoo, tipu sultan summer palace. Then we also visited a temple. After that we went to a hotel we ate and slept there. After than visited kaveri dam and also one fall.
So do you think teacher are bias with students who score good marks?
7)Yes teacher do that which is good because it will encourage those students to score good marks.
But don’t you think that not all students are good at studies like my sister she is not good at studies but she is a very good sportsperson and also an excellent artist. So do you think people should be judged on the basis of academics?
9) So is there any task specification based on gender like this work will be done by girls only and that by boys?
It happens once like ma’am bags girls are only allowed to keep in the cupboard not boys, while boys shift desk.
Do you thing that this task can be done by both?
Why? Cause boys will steal from the purse?
No it’s because it doesn’t suit boys to do that kind of work.
Do you think parent’s teachers meeting are necessary and it’s good?
Yes it is and it’s also good.
What your views on this?
10)I feel good as teacher praise me in front of my father.
What do you do in your break time?
I eat lunch
With whom?
With my friends
Not with everyone?
No everyone is my friend.
So after that do you play?
We go to classroom and do some fun there.
What hope you have in school? Like I hoped by studying in this school I will become a good person and will learn how to speak English.
11)By studying in this school I will that kind of person who will make everyone proud.
What do you like the most about the school?
When MLA comes here and gives us so many things.
What do you hate?
12) Toilets as no water are there.
What according to you is a good school? Not your school? Like your dream school?
I didn’t get
What do should one school have according to you?
13) Good friends, good academics, sports (long jump).
So by chance if you open a school what do you want in that?
Understanding Teachers, big playground, everyone should be happy.
1) Teaching Faculty, Infrastructure is good.










2) Content with existing rules.











3) Happy with school uniform.








4) Also content with broader rules of decorum.










5) Content with infrastructure














6) School excursions is good



7) Considers Bias to be good.









8) Contradicted self





9) visible gender bias





















10) Encouragement is something they long for.


















11) aspiration from education







12) Things that can better









13) Their version of a good school.

2Government School: Male 8th std
Tell me something about your school?
What should I tell?
Anything like how do you feel about it whether good or bad?
I like it.
Like some rules and regulation are there do you thing it’s of any use or it’s useless? And also do you think everything in that is correct?
It’s Right
But still don’t you feel sometimes not every rule is right according to you?
1) No I think all the rules are correct.
So, what’s your favourite subject?
When teacher teaches us I like it that’s why
So you also like your hindi teacher?
So which on you like the least?
As in subject?
So you like the entire subject?
That’s good
Do you think the way you are thought from book its correct instead of book  it should be done practically for example how plant grow like generally its is drawn on board what’s is there in the book. Don’t you think like instead of that they should take you outside and tell how a plant grow by showing the thing with an real plant with that they tell you about sunlight, water how that is an essential part of plant life. So, do you think practically they should teach you or from book?
They should only use book.
It’s good with the book only
But don’t you think taking you outside the classroom showing practically is better?
No it’s good outside way also
Do you think it should also be taught in a practical way? And will that be useful?
Yes we should learn outside the classroom
It’s good as in its good to look at the things in a practical way and also we remember that very well and will be in our mind forever.
What do you think about your school infrastructure? Means building, playground, classroom like the way it is built in.
I like it all.
So, classroom gets clean daily?
Who do it?
Do you get break?
Lunch break
Yes lunch break
So you eat with everyone?
Yes with everyone
So you don’t sit with your friend?
I eat with them also
So after that what do you do?
I come back to class
Don’t you play after lunch break?
No, it’s like eat your food and go back to class.
Have you ever participated in extra co-curricular activity like music, dance, and sports?
They do that in school
So have you participated?
In which activity then?
Kho Kho
Okay so in kho kho. Do you like playing kho kho?
What do like the most?
Kho Kho
Have school ever taken you for a visit like museum, garden, monument or for picnic?

So when you come to school every morning how you feel? Like for some they want to come or some they don’t want to go. Some feel happy while some people don’t. So, how do you feel about it?
I feel happy because I to study here.
So you feel good?
Why do you think it’s important to come to school?
For study
So when you come to school do you feel happy or you feel stress for some reason for example you don’t feel good because of the environment.
No everything is fine and I am happy
Do you think teachers are bias like they in a very good way with people who score marks while the opposite with people who are not good at study?
I didn’t get it
Like you got good marks and I got bad so teacher will favour you more tell everyone you are good and on the other had do the opposite with me. Do they do that?
If someone score low marks they teach them
Teach them means?
They will beat and ask
They don’t tell others look he scored good marks or she scored badly?
They do that
How do you feel about it? Have you ever gone through this? Because I have got 1 in maths out of hundred.
I have never gone through it because I have always got first rank
What about your friends?
I don’t know
It’s okay
Like you are having any problem in school? Do you tell teachers?
Yes sometimes
And do they help?
Yes they do
Like whenever I have tension because of exam or I don’t understand anything
Do you think in your school there is something like gender role is there like girls should do this work boys should do that?
So everyone do all the work? No role specification is there?
Do you think parent’s teacher meeting is useful? Like parents meet your subject teachers and talk about you?
Yes I think it’s necessary and important. Teacher says to our parent how are we doing.
Don’t parents say anything to teachers?
They say to teach
What your parents said?
They didn’t come
So if you do anything wrong do they fine you?
If someone gets 500 teachers keep it and their mother come and collect that.
What according to you is a good school?
My school is a good school
See for example for me a good home is something where T. V is there, my parents are there so like that what according to you is a good school?
Playground, Good Teachers and everyone like coming to.































































2) Happy with the teaching method






3) Contrary Ideas








4) Advocates change in teaching methods








5)Likes the infrastructure

























































6)Generally happy with the environment
































7) Apparently no Bias









8) Contradictions
















9) Academic Support is provided











10) Contested statement with gender bias….refer top interview












11) Parent Teacher meeting is important and welcome






















12) General expectation from Good School



Princeton school : 9th std Female

How do you come to your school?

By walk

Is your home far from school?

No, it’s nearby only

Tell me something about your school? And how you got here?

It’s a good school

But how did you get in here?


Who suggested you this school?

My brothers.

Did they studied here?


Is there any rules and regulation in your school?

Yes there is.

Is there any rule which you don’t like?

I like all the rules.

So, which one you like the most?

I like that we should be perfect and regular to school.

Perfect in the since?

Means not being stylish.

If the person is stylish is the person bad?


Any rule which you don’t like that much?

No, I like every rule.

What about infrastructure? Like the classroom, buildings, ground areas?

It’s good

So it’s good? According to the government there should be 30 students in the classroom. So you don’t get disturbance as your class has so many students and also you sit in the last desk.


As there are so many students in the classroom do they get equal opportunities?

No everyone gets equal opportunities.

EVERYONE gets equal opportunities? But when I was in school there were around 28 students but still we didn’t get equal opportunities.

No no everyone gets equal opportunities.

What’s your favourite subject?

My favourite subject is science. In that I biology. And also English.

So do you think teacher influences the subject you like?


Who is your favourite teacher?

Shajila Ma’am and Latika ma’am

Which subject they teach?

Shajila ma’am teaches social science and latika ma’am teachers.

You don’t like other teachers then?

No no i like them

Oh so you like them more?

What all are the facilities you get in your school?



Like study, we can come to lab for practicals.

Which all labs are there?

Computer lab


That’s it.

Science lab is not there.


How are the washrooms?

It’s little dirty.

Do you get separate dustbin for sanitary napkins?


So you didn’t talk about the dustbin with your teachers?


So as you are in grade 9th do you think practical method is better than the bookish method?

I think practical method is better because we are able to grab things fast.

What do you do during your break time?

I enjoy reading text books.

In breaks also you read textbooks?


So you don’t eat lunch or talk or play with your friends in the break time?

No I talk to them for few minutes.

How long is your break time?

45 minutes.

So where do you eat your lunch?

In the classroom.

Do you have any functions/ events in your school?

Yes like annual day.

Where does it take place?

In happens in some other auditorium which is not in school.

Do you participate?

Yes I do.

What all activities you do there?

Like dance and speech.

Any kind of workshop takes place in your school?


But if it happens in future do you think your classmates will enjoy it?

Yes they will.

So any kind of competition happens in your school?


Do you think examination is important?


So by chance if you get good marks and I get bad marks because of which teacher give us tag of good and bad student do you think that is good?



We should treat everyone equally no partiality should be there.

So what do you do when you have any doubts?

Teachers take extra classes.

Do the school take you for school trips?


Where do they take you?

They took us to innovative film city, wonderla.

They don’t take you for outstation trips only local trips?

Yes only local.

Do you feel that your has safe learning environment? I meant physically and mentally?

It is bad.

Do you feel happy when you come to the school?


Every day you feel happy?


Are you sure?


So do you walk alone to home or go with your friends?

No, I go alone.

Have you felt inferiority complex in your?

Yes not because of teachers, but students joke sometimes and I feel bad about it.

Does it happens also happens with your classmates?


Do you have counselling sessions and also if there is any problem do you share it with teachers?

Yes teachers help us a lot.

Are the task you do is gendered like boys will do this task and girls will do that?

No, everyone do anything.

So, who is better in academics girls or boys?



Because girls study more and also boys have much knowledge but they don’t speak out.

Do you think parent’s teacher meeting is important?


Who comes for the meeting?


What do they ask teachers?

How is daughter doing?

If you come late to school do you face any punishment?

We are beaten up.

Do you know beating is not allowed in the school?


Is there any kind of fine system in the school?

Yes it is there. If we don’t get our diary signed then we need to pay fine.

Do you know about no detention policy?


In this policy children are passed to other class even if they fail. So do you think it is right to do that?


Do you have dustbins in classroom?

Yes we have.

Is the classroom clean?

Yes aunty cleans them.

Do you have any kind of image for how should a teacher be like?

Yes, they should mingle with everyone, should not be partial.

Why do you think wearing uniform is important? We are just going to study?

Because everyone is equal and they should feel equal.

Tell me about the best experience you had in your school?

Hanging around with my friends.

Worst thing about your school?

Only washroom I think.

Do you think written projects are useful as it is just copy pasting?

No, it’s not good we should get to make models.

Any another method of assessment you want to be there?

Yes quiz.

Do you think your books are up to date?


So you guys have political science as your subject. Do they tell you about riots and all and also in science do they tell you about latest discovery?


Do you take tuitions?

Yes, we have tuitions in school only.

Like you pay extra for it?


Everyone takes?

No not all.

Why do you take tuitions?

To study more.

What do they teach in tuitions?

Same thing what we studied in class.

So what’s the use of taking it.

As population is less we are taught properly.

Do you get influence by your friends?

Yes, they have taught me to be frank and direct. We should not go in wrong path.

What is wrong path according to you?

I don’t know.

Do you social networking account like instagram, tiktok?

No no no

Do you have class monitor system?

Yes, we do and I am only class monitor.

How do they get elect?

We gave our name and people vote for us. And teachers don’t interfere in this.

Do you have any sports or extra co-curricular activities in school?


What will make you school better?

Big classroom, playground, laboratory and a better washrooms.

Last question what according to you is a good school?

This is a good school.

I know this is good school.

What should be your perfect school?

More freedom and equal treatment, big science lab.















1) General acceptance

















2) Compliance with Rules


















3) Good Infrastructure


















4) Equal Opportunity



































5) Usual Facilities available in School






























6) Pedagogical method change






7) No play time










































8) Not to be judgemental about grades v/s intelligence





















9) Excursion






10) Feels unsafe at school




















11) Emotional well being at school is lacking with friends and helped with by teachers.















12) Lack of gender bias







13) Causal reason to academic superiority














14) Corporal Punishment










15) Monetary Fine?







16) Believes in the concept of merit











17) Idea of a good teacher











18) Ideas of equality




19) Co-hort/ peer culture





20) Infrastructural problem





21) Change in the pedagogic method




22) Change in assessment method













23) Understands the need of education
















24) Causal Approach to Tuition















25) Empowered in the school.






26) Democratic nature of the school






27) Focused on academics




28) Idea of a better school










29) Better infrastructure and participation





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