Technical Skills of a chief information officer.
Technical skills consist of the knowledge that someone has acquired that aides at operating or running a particular job directly. It can be acquired through training, apprenticeship, or general life experience. Without the technical knowhow, one will be termed unqualified for a job, and in the event of offer, he or she may not deliver at all or will require close assistance. A chief information officer is someone who is entitled to the responsibility of running the IT department in a firm. Therefore, the officer is expected to portray a high level of expertise in that field to help the organization to achieve its goals (Hütter & Riedl, 2017). The IT department is an essential element in communication as it carries the connected computers and web design of the organization. This facilitates the flow of information within the departments of the firm and also to the external environment of that organization which consists of the general public. Some of the technical skills of a chief information officer consists of the following:
Software development
An organization software consists of the computer storage data with information that pertains to the firm’s assets, employees and other stakeholders. The software should be made to enable proper information governance within the organization. The place of an experienced chief information officer is to be able to lead in formation, development, protection and expansion of this software Therefore this officer should posses high level intelligence of how to make the companies software competitive and in line with the objectives of the organization. This can be proved by testing the security of this software, its amount of data storage, its value addition to the production process, the cost of its implementation, how many other employees have acquired technical knowhow of operating it (Hütter & Riedl, 2017).
Recruiting and budgeting
An organization should boast of having a robust employee base who are well versed in information technology and communication. This can only be made possible whereby the officer concerned overseas recruitment of qualified personnel. The chief information officer is expected to come up with the qualification grades and professional requirements for one to secure a job in that department.The process of recruitment should bring out the best workers that will boost the business turnover. This task therefore can only achieved by an information officer with a clear technical know how in the area. On the other hand, a chief examination officer is expected to formulate a budget allocation for his or her department for the next expected financial period. When this budget is well thought out it brings success in the operations of this department due to availability of adequately proportioned funds.
Project management
Any well organized firm must have projects that it conducts in a given financial period with an aim of improving the business turnover (Hütter & Riedl, 2017). This is achieved whereby departments come up with their independent projects according to their role in the company. When it comes to information department the Chief officer should lead his or her team to come up with a tenable project that can bear measurable results. This project shoulder consider the general firm’s projection in that particular year, innovations and inventions in the communication sector, competitors communication strategies, global trends, e-commerce, effect on the public image, the cost implications among other factors. For these elements to be captured skillfully the organization requires a very competent chief information officer who has the specific technical know how.
Knowledge of the firm and its goals
Every company has its unique identity, foundation and mission. A competent information officer should be able to comprehend on his or her finger tips the basis of the firm (Tiwana Amrit, 2017). This impeccable knowledge will help in ascertaining what to be done for the firm to continue in a particular direction. The officer should exhibit the understanding of the firm’s article of association, memorandum of association, promoters expectations and the task being undertaken. By having this knowledge the officer can be able to inform the management what is needed to make communication productive for the company’s good. But where this quality is unavailable the firm will miss the contribution of right information passage to stakeholders on key issues of the firm. This officer should also have adequate knowledge on information technology through schooling and training over time in recognizable communication training centers that are accredited.
Non -technical skills of a chief communications officer.
Non- technical skills consist of the interpersonal knowledge in an individual that he or she uses to better the performance of his or her duties. They are acquired through personal upbringing, experiences in life, individual character and talent, intrinsic behavior, and learning. This skills differ from one person to another in their degree and type. A chief communications officer of an organization will have to practice several non-technical skills to ensure he or she achieves the best in their duties without much struggle.
Communication skills
The officer should be able to make connections with relevant stakeholders both within the organization and outside the organization. This calls for a diplomatic demeanour that is elusive in many officers. Effective communication through selection of right channels of communication, mode of communication, content to communicate and to who, how to eradicate communication barriers and capturing a wider customer base should be the necessary elements to observe in a communications officer. Therefore, the officer should be patient, slow to anger, able to offer good judgement and objectivity to issues. Where this officer inculcates good communication strategies the form will have an increase base of suppliers, customers and shareholders wiling to invest in the business. It also eliminates prejudice and false information that may impact negatively on the public image of the firm hence reducing its sales.
Team work and leadership skills
A well polished chief information officer should enhance good leadership by being part of the working team and act as a role model rather than a dictatorial boss (Gouveia, & Varajão, 2019). This skill is enabled also by being available not only to supervise the work done but to motivate the employees by word of affirmation and tangible rewards. The chief officer should provide direction and offer solutions in situations of difficulty for junior workers in their course of work. This makes the workers to always look up to him or her as their reliable and dependable leader. In some instances the officer should actively involve the subordinates in the decision making process for them to feel part of the system. However, the officer should be firm in decision making and never to act like someone who doesn’t believe in his or her own directions.
Being approachable and humble
Some leaders always socialize with people according to their class and pay grades (Tiwana Amrit, 2017). This character makes many to be arrogant and proud toward their subordinates. However the skill of being accessible easily enables one to acquire day to day necessary information on every single issue that occurs within the organization. Therefore, the officer will be able to communicate relevant and practical solutions and directions always by virtue of being into which with every daily occurrences within the firm.
Training for a competent Chief Information Officer
The officer should participate in relevant seminars that are organized by the firm or any other external firm on matters of information technology. Secondly, bench marking is also a yardstick that can be used by the officer to learn from other communication officers and share experiences. Thirdly, the officer should enrol in a higher learning institution that offers short courses on information management and technology. Last but not least, online information can also become handy for this officer to learn and grow in their knowledge in the information sector.