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Subject line: Thank You for your time.

Hello [Interviewer’s Name],

I wanted to take another opportunity to thank you for your time during my interview last Friday (date). I had a great time engaging in a conversation about structural engineering and its pivotal role in designing and redesigning structures to enhance their safety and efficiency for the public. Also, I enjoyed learning more about the Structural Engineering position, and the expectations of the organization from the individual who would be successfully selected.

It is an exciting opportunity that I could succeed in considering the background from my previous internship, which mainly involved redesigning of an existing structure to improve safety. I was thinking about what you said about incorporating newer designs to old bridges while keeping substantial elements of the initial design to maintain its originality. I feel it is important to maintain some of the structural designs based on the initial concepts of the old bridge and incorporate them to the new concepts to strengthen it, which ensures that the old shape does not remain changed. In my previous internship, I learned some important aspects of structural redesign and thus, I like the approach you are using to redesign the old bridges to improve their safety, as well as efficiency.

I am hopeful that my experience would translate into a great success of the company as your new Structural Engineer. I am looking forward to hearing from you about the next steps. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Thanks again for the great conversation and time.








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