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That time of year thou mayst in me behold analysis

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Sonnet 73 is one of the 154 sonnets written by Shakespeare. The sonnet is titled that time of year thou mayst in me behold. Primarily, the poem is written to express the writer’s feelings about life and issues of love and end of life. Arguably, the poem by Shakespeare displays the skills of poetry and displays its message in the first person to the reader. The poem bears various messages of life with the help of the structure and devices used. However, the central message lies in the description of life.


Arguably, sonnet 73 bears several themes whose purpose is to bring out the message of the cycle of life and how irreversible and uncertain it is. Shakespeare uses himself as the speaker to talk about his own life. Mostly, this message has been brought out through the theme of aging. On the eleventh line, the narrator says, “that on the ashes of his youth does lie.” This line is meant to present in clarity the theme of old age to the reader. The persona –is explaining how fleeting life and youthful age is. This theme of fleeting youth is evident in the use of this line that describes the end of his youthful energy, which sees him lying on his death bed.

Additionally, the setting of the poem is in one day. The poet describes his day and indicates that the day is coming to an end. The use of symbolism is quite evident in this particular setting of the sonnet. For instance, the twilight symbolizes that the day is coming to an end. Similarly, the age of the persona is nearing its prime, and now he realizes that darkness is coming. Additionally, the poet uses the word sunset, which, similarly, indicates the entry of old age.

Primarily, with the sole purpose of showing the message of the poem, which is the cycle of life, the poet uses the theme of love. The persona describes love as part of the cycle of life where one looks for love but loses it in the end after getting it. In the 12th line, for instance, the narrator says, “consumed by that which it was nourished by” this description is about love. Through the use of this theme, Shakespeare suggests that youthfulness is made healthy and beautiful by love.

Mainly, When one is young, they enjoy being in love. However, as the persona ages, he realizes that love has abandoned him and that instead of nourishing him at his old age, it consumes him. Additionally, the poet expresses how meaningless this cycle of life is occasioned by love and old age. This fact is brought about when the persona complains that even after loving what he cherished most, he must leave it.

Additionally, the poem uses the theme of death to bring out the message of the cycle of life. The theme is clearly when the speaker says, “as the deathbed whereon it expires.” This line supposed to inform the reader that life is a short cycle that ends on the death bed; arguably, death is the ultimate end that each man must face in the end. However, much one tries or strong they are, the death bed is the end of the journey of life.

There is a very prominent use of metaphors as devices in the sonnet to bring out the three themes. For instance, the line “after the sunset fades in the west” is a metaphor. This metaphor is used to indicate that the sun is sinking. In this case, sunlight is the energy of a young person. The day is ending, which means that life is nearing the end. Arguably, this end is being occasioned by the onset of old age.

Essentially, the beginning of the night is supposed to mean that the last ours of this older man’s life are approaching as he grows old. Additionally, the use of this metaphor of the sunset on the west could mean death. The Oldman’s day has ended, and hence, nightfall represents the end of life.

Notably, there is a specific description of death. The speaker first says, “Which the black night must take.” This line is a crucial metaphor that is supposed to describe the cruelty of death when it finally catches up with one. The old man is aware that death must have what he has gained in the years of his youth. Arguably, in regard to the cycle of life this metaphor is used to describe how inevitable death is and in the end it takes away not only youthfulness but life itself. The phrase “deaths second self” is a metaphor that tries to confirm the approach of death. This phrase means sleep.

Essentially, the other metaphor in the sonnet is that of the fall. The speaker says, “When yellow leaves of none, do hang.” This statement at the beginning of the sentence shows the approach of the end first through old age, which marks the end of youthful life than the path of death. The fall is a metaphor that, just like the shedding of leaves, shows that one is stripped of all their strength with the approach of old age. After pa gradual shedding of the energy, one finally has none left. At that moment, even breath leaves. This entire sonnet is a metaphor that is based on the setting of the fall.

The use of fire in this sonnet is metaphorical. “In me, you see the glowing of fire.” Then he goes ahead to say that now that fire lies in the ashes of his youth. First, this metaphor indicates the love that he once had in his youth. However, that pleasure has been burnt out by the life that he has lived, and now it remains as memories in the ashes of his youth. The ashes represent the present while the fire is his past, which was full of pleasure and energy. Additionally, this metaphor is also useful in explaining the suffering of old age, which burnt out his fire.

The sonnet has also utilized assonance. There is an evident repetition of the vowel e in repeated words’ few’ the line “when yellow leaves, or none or a few.” This device is useful as it emphasizes the idea of the depletion of life. Additionally, the use of assonance here emphasizes the uncertainty of life. Also, there is assonance in the phrase “deaths second self,” which confirms finality.

In conclusion, sonnet 73 significantly utilizes various devices to bring out the message of the cycle of life and its uncertainty. The tools include the use of symbolism, metaphors as well as repetition in the form of assonance—additionally, the themes of aging, love, and death help to bring out the central message.

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