The 15 Best Abs Exercises of All Time
Many people have the misconception that crunches alone are all the workouts needed for the fantastic abs they see celebrities having. However, this is far from the truth. Not only is doing crunches alone ineffective in achieving toned abs, crunches put a lot of strain on your spine when done incorrectly. This can cause you back problems. To protect your spine and avoid the unnecessary pains and aches, you need abs exercises that are not only effective but also easy to do.
Fortunately, many abs exercises are safe, easy, and a sure way of achieving the toned abs. The following are 15 of the best abs exercises of all time.
- Assisted Reverse Side Situp
This exercise works on the transverse and the obliques muscles, which are the major components of the core. To do this exercise, lie on your left side as you rest most of your weight on your left hip. Raise your legs in the air while maintaining a 45-degree angle between your legs and the floor. For support, you can place your left forearm on the floor.
Bend your knees and bring them to meet your chest as you raise your chest to meet the knees. Once they meet, go back to the previous position and repeat this 15 times on each side.
- Bent Leg V-Up
This exercise is ideal for you if you have always wanted to have six-pack abs. To start, lie on your back and bend your legs in the air at a 90-degrees angle. Clasp your hands over your chest, and in one move, straighten your legs as you lift your torso, extend arms and reach for your toes using your hands. Do this 15 times.
- Alternating Toe Reach
This is another exercise that you can incorporate in your work out to get great oblique and transverse abs. As the name suggests, the exercise involves reaching for your toes using the opposite side hand.
While lying flat on the floor, extend your legs and place them at a 45-degree angle. Ensure your arms remain straightened by your side at the shoulder level. Start by lifting your torso and raising your right leg so you can touch your toes with your left hand. Return to the lying position and then do the same with the left leg. Repeat this 15 times.
- Leg Raise and Reach Clap
While lying flat on your back, raise your legs and keep them at a 45-degree angle. Keep your arms on the floor by your side. Lift your legs off the floor, so they reach your hip level while keeping your lower back on the floor. As you lift your legs, curl your upper body, and bring your hands together behind your knees, then clap. Lie down again and repeat the movement for about 15 rounds.
This abs workout is effective in burning fats in the lower as well as the upper areas of your abdomen. It also tones the hip and the lower back muscles.
- Lying Windshield Wipers
With your arms supporting your upper body, lie down on your back and keep your feet together. Then, gently lift your feet while maintaining stretched toes. Swing your legs side to side without them touching the ground.
To make the workout more manageable, you can raise both legs to the center, lower them to the side and then bring them back up to the center and then lower them to the other side. Repeat the movements for about ten rounds.
- Russian Twist
While sitting on the floor, slightly bend your knees and ensure your heels touch the floor. Then, slightly lean back so you can engage your abs. While placing your fingertips on the floor, rotate to the left side and then the right. Ensure your fingertips remain on the floor as you rotate. Take 60 seconds to alternate back and forth and do the whole exercise for about 15 minutes.
You can make this exercise harder by lifting your feet off the floor and then holding a medicine ball as you rotate from side to side.
- Side-To-Side Crunch
Start by lying flat on the floor and bending your knees. Your arms should remain by your sides, and your head and shoulder blades should curve forward off the ground. Now, lift your torso off the ground and stretch your right hand as you reach for the right foot. Similarly, reach for the left foot with the left hand.
Do this without lowering your chest and repeat for about 15 rounds. You do go for fewer rounds if you are doing it for the first time.
- Side Plank Dips
Planks are more engaging than the typical sit up. Besides giving you great abs, planks work on your back muscles, which are an integral part of your core section. This exercise is considered advanced, so do not give up if you find it difficult on your first try.
Begin by lying on your left side, with your left forearm on the floor in front of you. Your elbow should be under your shoulder and your right hand on your hips. Stack the right leg on top of the left leg and then lower your hips towards the floor, hold for about 30 seconds and then bring them back up. Repeat this movement on each side for about 15 times.
- Side Plank and Reach Through
Begin this exercise while lying on your left side plank style. Your left forearm should be parallel to the ground, and the elbow should be under your shoulder. Extend your right arm straight in the air until it reaches shoulder level and then places the right leg on top of the left leg.
Now, engage your core by slowly rotating your chest towards the floor and then bring the right arm below and across the body chest. Go for a maximum of 15 rounds for the best results.
- Toe Reach
Begin by lying on your back with legs pointed toward the ceiling. Your upper body should be resting on the mat and arms clasped on your chest. Using your lower abs while curling your torso, crunch upwards, stretch your hands and aim them towards your toes to touch the toes. Go back down and start again.
If you are doing this exercise for the first time, you may discover that you can’t touch your toes. This is okay for first-timers. Just be sure to reach as high as you can and remember to bend your knees if your hamstrings are tight slightly.
- Plank
Start this exercise while you are on your hands and knees. Bring your elbows to the floor and ensure they are directly below your shoulders. Extend your legs, so they are behind your body and then balance on your toes. You will have formed a straight line starting from your head to your heels.
Ensure your body remains in a straight line by squeezing your legs, abs, and glutes and ensure your hips stay in one position (do not lift or sag them). As you gaze directly in front of your face, engage your abs, and hold for about 30 seconds. Repeat 15 times.
- Plank With Hip Dip
Begin this type of plank exercise while on a forearm plank position. Now, squeeze your butt and engage abs as you slowly dip the right hip to the right side. Be sure to stop before you hit the floor. Do the same to the left side after reversing the movement and go for a total of 15 rounds.
- Cross Mountain Climbers
Position your body in a high plank posture then stretch your arms. Ensure your body is in a straight line starting from your head to your heels and then bring your right knee to your left elbow. Ensure you engage your core as you straighten your body from your head to heels.
Go back to the starting posture and repeat the workout.
- Bicycle Crunch
To start, lie on the floor, then straighten one leg and bend the other leg while keeping the knee bent towards your chest. Ensure that both feet do not touch the floor and then place your hands behind your head. Now, alternatively, extend and bend your knees as you rotate opposite elbows in the direction of the bent knee.
If the exercise proves too much for you in the beginning, you can simplify it by keeping your hands on the floor by your side as you use your legs to ‘cycle.’
- Deadbug
Deadbug workout helps you build a stable and solid foundation for your spine so you can enjoy other athletic activities and have a generally easy lifestyle. For instance, the exercise strengthens you so you can move heavy objects and walk up hills.
To do this exercise, start by lying on your back and raise your hands in the air. Your hands should be above your trunk, and your legs should be raised at a 90-degree angle. Now, lower your right arm and left leg toward the floor in slow motion. Go back to the center and repeat with the other arm and leg.
You can mix up the exercises, but be sure to do them regularly for better and faster results. Generally, the above exercises can be done for a maximum of fifteen rounds.