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The ability to understand and manage one’s emotions

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The ability to understand and manage one’s emotions

The ability to understand and manage one’s emotions in a positive way is known as emotional intelligence. This is also known as emotional quotient. It is essential to note that emotional intelligence helps in relieving stress, communicating effectively, and sympathizing and empathizing with others. Emotional intelligence aims at improving relationships, increasing the success rate of people at both the workplace and at home, and connects with one’s feelings. In essence, emotional intelligence contributes to a positive outlook on life. There are specific and essential attributes that are affiliated with emotional quotient—for instance, self-management, which involves control. Self-management is the ability of a person to adequately control his feelings and behaviors and healthily manage their emotions. This includes adapting to different circumstances while still maintaining a positive and good outlook. The second attribute is self-control. Self-control involves the recognition of one’s emotions and how they impact you. Self-awareness is about understanding your strengths and weaknesses and accepting them. Social awareness is the third attribute that involves empathy. The ability to connect with others and pick up their emotional concerns. This helps in the establishment of relationships and creating a bond between people. Lastly, enhancing communication and developing good relations between people. This involves relationship management as they are an essential part of a person. Maintaining healthy and positive relationships is vital.

It is essential to recognize the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace. Emotional intelligence plays a significant role in our lives. It is critical to understand that emotional intelligence influences success. For instance, it is not the smartest person who is the most successful in life neither the most fulfilled. Intellectual ability is not a factor that influences absolute success. While this might influence success, emotional intelligence plays a significant role in how things turn up. Emotional intelligence affects your daily life and daily interactions with people. This is what determines and influences success. Emotional intelligence contributes to the workplace by helping a person scale the social complexities of the workplace. It ensures good leadership and impacts the success of a career. For instance, a good leader is rated as a person who can control his or her emotions. The employees of the organization turn to the leaders for direction and guidance in times of crisis. A leader should be able to navigate his emotions and bounce back to guide and lead the employees.

Secondly, emotional intelligence influences your relationships with others. As stated earlier, emotional intelligence equips one with the ability to empathize and sympathize with others effectively. It helps in the establishment of a bond and the creation of a relationship. If a person can understand his or her emotions, he or she is in a better position to interpret and understand others successfully. Additionally, it helps one express himself better. This is important and essential in the workplace. A workplace is based on relationships. Ensuring these relationships are positive and healthy contributes to the overall success of the organization. Employees like a leader who they can effectively communicate with. They also like working with people who easily understand and support them. Emotional intelligence helps in the establishment of a positive relationship and influencing the workplace positively. Thirdly, emotional intelligence affects a person’s physical health. A person who is not able to manage his or her emotions cannot handle stress and other mental issues well. This, in turn, affects the physical health and physical condition of a person. Health conditions such as high blood pressure and heart attacks are as a result of stress coupled up with physical issues. In essence, good emotional intelligence leads to physically healthy people in the workplace. This improves and ensures everyone is working to the best of their ability.

Emotional intelligence contributes to the social information of a person and improves a person’s connections with others. It sheds light on the people around you. It is essential to understand that social intelligence is one of the most vital skills in the workplace today. It helps people identify friends from foe. In essence, it helps identify why a person is interested in you. The world is filled with people of different characters. Not all characters are as good as some aim to cause pain and destruction. Emotional intelligence helps protect you from this by equipping you with the necessary social skills to identify what is right and wrong. Social skills also contribute to the management of the nervous system. Emotional intelligence contributes to the management of the mental health of a person. If a person can handle his or her emotions effectively, he reduces the chances of depression and anxiety. He or she can work through their feelings and work possible ways of handling them.

My personality test results

Type A personality, type anal, kind obsessive, not to the compulsive side. I am an optimist. I am Positive and able to adapt to new situations quickly (good adaptability). I am working with my compatibility and my patience. I lam conservative, introverted, reserved, punctual, some perfectionist.

DISC type Di personality: an initiator, energetic, intense worker, charismatic.

When analyzing the ENTJ, we could observe I tend to draw energy from those around you, intuitive and tend to love to explore new ideas and always looking at the big picture, still thinking and following the facts to make decisions, very structured and organized.

On the same token from your DI personality, we could observe weaknesses, for example: delegating too much to others and perhaps losing control over details even though you love to remain in total control of all the results. You like to jump over too many ideas or opportunities at once. Your speed or pace is so fast that it bothers others and cause them stress, they say that you do not like to follow consistent, predictable routines and sometimes sarcastic, which may cause miscommunication with more literal people. But like everything, even our personality has a solution. They recommend recognizing and holding our jokes and sarcasm that may hurt others—trying to follow a consistent plan or routine while working with others to release control of the project to others sometimes better suited than us. To avoid too many ideas at once, and they recommend writing them down and to prioritize them one idea at a time. You like so much the verbal debates that sometimes people take you for argumentative, with some tendency for the challenge, confrontation, and to be in charge or control. They even mentioned exploding with tempers when under extreme stress.

From the results obtained in my personality test, it is clear that I need to work on my social skills and patience. This will help in the establishment of relationships and the creation of a positive environment for everyone. This will also contribute to excellent social skills on my part, therefore, impacting every single person in my community. Emotional intelligence contributes to the overall wellness and improvement of society.

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