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The aspect of language change

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The aspect of language change that I find worrisome is the normalization of slang words which leads in dialect diversion between different populations. This results in different languages because different populations are incorporating their slang into the language (Birner). The aspect of language that I find fascinating is the evolution of words to adapt to the changing needs of the users. As technology and experiences are changing new words are coming up to adapt to these changes such as Google and Blogs. These are words are have now become common and are an exciting new way for people to express themselves (Curzan).

Part 2: Question 1

The evolution of English has been quite extensive over the past decades. As the younger generation is growing up with major technology changes more new words are being formed to cater to these changes or to make the language more comfortable and easier to use (Lederer). Words like “texting” and “gym” are becoming common words that everyone is now using. Before people would say I will send you a text message, but as time went by people shortened the word to texting as it was much easier to use. The other word is “gymnasium”, a place where people go to exercise; since the word was long it has now become common to use the word gym. These are words that have changed as a result of the evolution of English.


Part 3

The theme of the story revolves around the idea of the importance of parenthood and the hardships of life that people go through. This theme is expressed in the story through what happens to the main character as well as the fact that the story is translated into a fable. A fable is a story that involves the ideas of mythical storytelling with a medieval-type theme, which is what makes the story so compelling.


The passage is less wordy because of the removal non content words such as there, and etc. The revised passage also avoids redundancy such as of the word “theme”. The division of the passage into different sentences makes it easier to understand increasing clarity. Lastly, the revised passage has no grammatical errors, which is an improvement over the original one.



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