The development of Information Technology (I.T.) and the internet
The development of Information Technology (I.T.) and the internet have significantly improved access to information. This development has opened up the potential for misuse of technology by people, groups, and even nations. One such outcome is cyber-terrorism. According to Weimann (2005), cyber terrorism is “the use of computer network tools to harm or shut down critical national infrastructures (such as energy, transportation, government operations).” Denning (2001), however, adds that attacks have to be significant enough and comparable to physical acts of terrorism for them to be considered acts of cyber terrorism. Cyber terrorism poses a great danger to the United States, and the country needs to take active measures in reducing the threat of such attacks.
Cyber terrorism opens up the country to terrorists, releasing essential and confidential data to the wrong hands. With the use of the internet, terrorists can illegally access vast amounts of data from the USA’s databases. This information can then be used as intelligence to plan future physical acts of terrorism. The United States should consider the protection of such data with paramount importance.
Terrorists can use cyber terrorism to cripple vital infrastructure within the country. A single attack can affect water and power systems causing shortages and outages for indefinite periods. Cyber terrorist attacks have the potential to reach a considerable portion of the population. Wiemann (2004) points out that the large number and complexity of potential targets guarantees that terrorists can reach many people, which is appealing to the terrorists. The effects of such attacks can be more significant compared to those of physical terrorist attacks
Cyber terrorism poses a great danger to the United States, and the country needs to take active measures in reducing the threat of such attacks. The danger of such attacks is only going to increase with the developments in I.T. Funding of the technology sector can help the government protect itself against future events.