The Dignitaries254 Constitution.
Groups name:
The Dignitaries254.
Be different.
Converting the rural area into productive and independent cities.
Never regret anything because at one time it was exactly what we wanted.
1. Objectives.
- To improve saving and teach financial management skills.
- To improve access to saving and credit services.
- Invoking entrepreneurship skills among the members.
- To reduce vulnerability to poverty in times of crisis (sickness and other functions as decided by members).
- To further economic self-reliance.
- To provide a forum for sharing ideas and knowledge.
- To provide support for members in difficulty.
- To aid the community in identifying and resolving their problems.
- To encourage members and community coherence.
2. Powers.
To achieve our aims, the group should;
- Open a bank account.
- Raise money.
- Work with similar groups and exchange information and advice.
- Organize activities.
- Do anything lawful, which will help us to fulfill our aims.
3. Contributions.
- A monthly contribution of Kshs300.
- The contributions should be made directly to the group’s account number and submit evidence or to the allocated mpesa number.
4. Membership.
The committee may admit any member hailing from any region of Kenya who supports the aims and objectives of our group and pays a membership subscription fee of Kshs500 as decided by the executive.
5. Member resignation.
- Any member who desires to resign or leave the group shall be given 50pc of his/her cash in hand.
- Any group member desiring to resign from group shall give two-month notice (written) of the intended resignation to the Secretary and resignation shall take place from the date of expiry of the notice, provided the member has cleared all outstanding loans and other commitments made by him/her to the group.
- If any of the shares of a member desiring to resign are invested in land, building, and other immovable property, the resignation shall only be effective when another member of the group has bought such invested shares.
- Any member who fails in arrears with his monthly for more than three months shall automatically cease to be a member, and his name struck off the register of the group.
6. Expelling a group member.
- The executive committee shall have the power to suspend a member from his/her membership because the member has adversely affected the reputation and dignity of the group or a member has contravened any of the provisions of the constitution of the group.
- Any person who is expelled from membership is not entitled to a refund of any sums of money contributed by him/her to the group.
- If the group expels you with defaults of the loan payment, the group will face the liability of loss, and that member shall not be entitled to any refund from his/her savings.
- In case of registration, and someone becomes dormant (three months), the member will be eliminated from the organization.
7. Special meeting.
The meeting will be done in case of any matter arising from the group. It should be an emergency issue requiring the attention of every member. It can be done online or through a formal meeting, as suggested by the informer.
8. General Meeting.
We will have a general meeting annually, which will be taking place on 10th August Every year to commemorate the day we did a step towards the start of the group. This will also be in hand, providing the way forward for the upcoming group’s year.
9. Ordinary meeting.
We should also be having normal meetings once every three months to check the progress of the projects in place. This also will help us guide every member on the matters of contribution.
10. Meeting procedure.
- The Chairperson or person acting as Chairperson shall have a casting vote.
- A quorum at any general meeting of the group shall be ¾; at least one should be an honorary officer.
- The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings.
- Every member should attend meetings / compulsory/ failure to that,
- 20/=late coming.
- 30/=totally absent.
- This should be understood as a measure to spearhead seriousness.
11. Finance.
- The financial year shall run from September to August.
- The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of the Association.
- Members shall pay a subscription as the committee may decide from time to time.
- The income and property of the Association derived shall be applied solely towards the aims/objectives of the Association as set out in clause 2, and no payment shall be made to any member or Honorary officers except the repayment of out of pocket expenses.
- At the end of each financial year, the accounts shall be examined by an independent examiner within two weeks of the end of the said financial year.
- The examined accounts will be presented at the Annual General Meeting.
12 Dissolution.
If the committee decides that on the ground of expenses or otherwise it desirable that the group shall be dissolved, it shall call a special General Meeting of the Group, by giving a twenty-one days’days’ notice in writing to each Group member stating the terms of any resolution to be proposed. If decided at the Special General Meeting by a simple majority of those present by voting, the group shall be dissolved. The committee shall wind up affairs of the group. Any assets remaining after satisfaction of any liability’s property payable shall NOT be distributed amongst members but shall be given to such charitable organizations like orphanages for the benefits of the community as the committee shall decide.
13. Amendments.
This constitution may be amended by a resolution passed by a two –thirds majority of those voting at any General Meeting of the Group, provided that notice of the meeting stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed thereat, shall have been sent to all members of the group not less than fourteen days before the date of the meeting.
14. Affirmation.
Date 3rd April 2020
Name Signed
[Chairperson] ——————————–
[Secretary] ——————————–
[Treasurer] ——————————– ————————–
[Members present] ———————————- ————————–