The Doctrine of Creation of the Catholic Church
The Catholic Church was the first institution of worship among the western Christians. The church originated over 2000 years ago, under the entitlement of the Roman Catholic Church (Roman, 2017). The foundations of the Catholic Church are rooted in the teachings and life of Jesus Christ. As the name suggests, the Roman Catholic Church outlined and empowered the teachings of Jesus to the people of Rome. According to the Catholic tradition, Jesus Christ is the head of the church. Jesus established the first Christian community in the province of Judea of the Roman Empire in the 1st century CE (Torrance, 2016). Through various teachings and exemplary life, Jesus nourished the faith of the early believers. Even after the ascension of Jesus Christ, the early Christian church persisted. However, there was a need for the establishment of strong institutions for supporting the missions of the early church. The Roman Catholic Church was founded with the fundamental objective of ensuring continuity of the early church of believers.
The Catholic Church teaches about the life of Jesus Christ as the saviour. As a spiritual organization, the Catholic Church holds a strong faith in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. As the founder of the early church, Jesus heads the Catholic Church (Roman, 2017). Leaders in church govern the activities of the church about the Lordship of the Christ. The Pope is the most reverent leader of the Catholic Church. Pope serves as the president of all the catholic churches across the globe. Pope is assigned to support Jesus Christ in the headship of the church. The primary teaching of the church is the word of God. It reminds the believers of the teachings of Jesus Christ, preparing the way for His second coming. The church equips the Catholics with the values of leading holy lives to please God (Torrance, 2016). The Catholics Church is significantly focused on the spiritual nourishment of the believers.
The doctrine of the Catholic Church upholds the moral standards of society. Besides aligning believers to the Christian faith, the Catholic Church serves a significant role in supporting moral uprightness in the community (Bokenkotter, 2007). Referencing the teachings of Apostle James in the Bible, the church calls believers to live the practical part of their faith. Apostle James summons that believers should align their actions to the word of God. The sermon calls believers to live per the standards taught in the word of God. The Ten Commandments defines the Christians code of morals (Roman, 2017). The book of the law outlines the dos and don’ts for the believers. In addition to spiritual nourishment, moral uprightness is fundamental for believers. Without doubt, believers are the mirrors in the society. The Catholics follow the exemplary life of Christ in their dealings with other members of the community. They participate in works of charity and promote oneness in society. Indeed, the Catholic Church teaches the doctrine of leading holy lives.
The teachings of the Catholic play a significant role in aligning believers to the way of Christ. As the early church, the Roman Catholic has remained in the frontline of supporting the church founded by Jesus (Bokenkotter, 2007). Unlike with many churches in the modern world, the Catholic Church has not deviated from the true gospel. I find the Catholic Church been an essential institution in the contemporary world. It takes the significant position of aligning believers to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Moreover, the Catholic Church plays a vital role in upholding the moral standards of society. I commend Catholic believers as good actors of the word rather than be just listeners. They adhere to God’s commands of helping the less fortunate in the society and living holy lives. Indeed, the Roman Catholic Church is an essential institution of promoting spiritual development and moral uprightness among believers.
Bokenkotter, T. (2007). A concise history of the Catholic Church (Revised Edition). Image.
Roman, B. S. S. C. B. (2017). Catholic Church.
Torrance, T. F. (2016). The Trinitarian Faith: The evangelical theology of the ancient Catholic Church. Bloomsbury Publishing.