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The drive behind the use of cloud computing by ATN

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The drive behind the use of cloud computing by ATN

Following the fact that ATN is a provider company, that offers network tools to industries that deal with telecommunication connections around the world, is a crucial contributor to their need to adopt cloud computing. ATN is undoubtedly is a large company with consideration of the fact that they have emerged even to include some acquisitions that entail huge industries that deal with components of the internet infrastructure, and other providers like the cellular providers. The accumulation of diverse infrastructural elements over the years could be a factor that causes the ATN to adopt cloud computing.

Nevertheless, the market space is continuously under pressure as more companies are joining the space. That includes both the local and international companies in operation within a similar area as the ATN company. The indulgence of the ATN company in the search for means to promote their competitiveness and efficiency through the use of current technologies to cover cost reduction issues is a prove also for the need for cloud computing. Any company that focuses on cost reduction, cloud computing eventually becomes an option since that is a critical business driver for any business to acquire new technologies.

Further, the continuous act of ATN on the acquisition of resources over time has caused an environment that has tremendous complexity and is heterogeneous. Once the ATN has acquired an additional investment for expansion purposes, they fail to induce a cohesive compacted method in their IT environment to curb inconsistency. That has resulted in more identical applications running concurrently and has resulted in a continuous increase in operational and maintenance costs. Again, the collaboration of ATN with a great European telecommunication provider back in the year 2010, resulted in more complications in the IT field as operations got severely slowed. That also calls for more need for cloud computing in ATN.

The other issues that prompt the ATN to seek cloud computing are the inefficiency that resulted from a sudden outsource of applications from overseas with intentions to lower their maintenance and operation costs. Although some extent, the idea reduced costs, it never improved operational efficiency. Besides, the outsourced applications’ functions overlapped, making their consolidation difficult. Over time, it dawned on ATN company that the idea to outsource requests was not enough for the all process of concentration, and a change of the architectural environment was necessary.  Following the above circumstances that ATN faced, forced them to adopt cloud computing technology.

Importance of cloud computing to ATN

In consideration of the situation that prevailed at ATN, cloud computing was a better option compared to other previous technological applications. That is because cloud computing is a technology that can help the ATN company to improve its efficiency, reduction in the cost of operation and maintenance, promote easy cope with unpredictable changes, and even future planning.

Cloud computing will provide the ATN company with the ability to plan for their future about their IT requirements. Consequently, that process will help them to minimize the inconsistency experienced in the process to achieve efficiency and performance. That comes by as every time they have tried to incorporate new applications for their company, and it resulted in failure and disappointments.

Besides, the adoption of cloud computing will equip ATN companies with a PaaS IT environment. Following the fact that ATN has acquired and consolidated different company architectures, the PaaS application will offer them a platform to accommodate the various frameworks and architectural settings of their businesses. Besides, the PaaS platform can be customized by particular providers to suit the specific needs of the ATN company. The use of the PaaS environment comes along with various benefits. The PaaS platform is scalable as the cloud provider provides them as it enhances work distribution automatically. Further, the architecture utilizes the provision of IT resources and makes them available to various users.

Besides, as ATN suffers cost reduction issues, cloud computing will be of great help to them. Cloud computing ensure there is the alignment of performance of the company and reduction on both operational and maintenance cost. To achieve cost reduction, ATN can bank on investment in automation through infrastructural expansion. Further, the absorption of the technique will also enhance accountability on the support value in existence and the in-coming one. All these come about as the ATN IT environment grows with correspondence to maxima usage of the requirements.

All companies call for the ability to adapt quickly to the changes that occur and fit in. Cloud computing comes along with the ability to facilitate the agility of an organization. ATN can accommodate that through the acquisition of new resources in the IT environment, alteration of some of the company’s needs, and change of priorities as things unfold. For a sufficient ability to cope with company changes, ATN has to embrace the provision of resources that are readily available and reliable. On implementation of the company agility brought about by cloud computing, the ATN must focus on the reduction of the broader scale investments and infrastructural ownership costs that perhaps hinder them from the settlement for quality IT infrastructure. The agility advantage enables them to acquire current and expanded company automation answers.

Also, cloud computing offers IT resources in independent formats, which is a cluster form that is connected to function as a single unit. Application of the cloud comping tech will, therefore, foresee the ATN company to reduce not only the company’s system failure but also increase its reliability and availability. Again, the idea behind the clustering of IT resources is that they get classified into hardware or software, hence offers identical performance, and in case of failure a single unit, they can get replaced with ease. Finally, since ATN has also adopted telecommunication enterprises, cloud computing will foster high-speed communication.

The ATN concerns for cloud computing

However, the need to adopt the new tech of cloud computing, the ATN company has some concerns with cloud computing. They have the fear that they might lose the regulation over their application if they entrust their data with external cloud providers. They fear that the control might interfere with their internal policies. Also, they worry about how their pre-existing application will be conjoint with the current cloud-based field.

Nevertheless, these claims are unjustifiable since the platform provided by the various cloud providers is always customized to suit the different consumer’s needs. The diverse platform, which includes SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS, is reliable as they have foundational security controls suitable in their environment. These give the ATN company assurance of the security of their data and interference of their policies.




Thomas Erl, Zaigham Mahmood, and Ricardo Puttini (2013) Cloud Computing Concept, Technology & Architecture. U.S. Corporate and Government Sales


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