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The effect of Brazil nut and Almond Supplementation on cholesterol levels.

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The effect of Brazil nut and Almond Supplementation on cholesterol levels.


1.1 Introduction.

In dietary supplements, people use nuts, fruits, seafood, tubers and vegetables for nutrition and health benefits. Most Nuts are rich in various nutrients that enhance healthy living due to the nutrition contents of the nuts. For healthy living, diets require supplements such as fibre, Selenium, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and minerals. Nuts are good sources of Selenium that is an antioxidant that helps fight diseases like Alzheimer, cancer and heart diseases.  Selenium is also an anti-aging agent and helps in fighting stress and anxiety.

Brazil nuts and Almonds are some of the most popular nuts in the U.S.A. and America at large. Brazil nuts and Almonds offer nutritional benefits to the body due to the composition of the nuts with various nutrients, and they provide different health benefits to the dieters. The dietary form of both the Brazil nuts and Almond are almost equal in percentages per gram. The various components of nutrients found in the two types of nuts make them vital in supplements of nutrients to fight different kinds of diseases in the human body (Cole, 2018). The numerous health benefits of the Brazil nuts and Almond include in fighting diseases such as Diabetes, Cardiovascular arrests, Sclerosis, and neoplasia, among other conditions.  Brazil nuts and Almond have high amounts in Selenium and other dietary nutrients and supplementing them in the diets improves the nutritional aspects of a person in many ways. The composition of the various nutrients in the Brazil nuts and Almond are necessary in healthy living and mental growth.

Brazil nuts provide various nutrients that assist in heart health and improvement of the Cholesterol levels in the body.  Improved levels of cholesterol in the body helps in lowering the risks of diseases such as stroke, obesity and diabetes (Cole, 2018). Almond also has the nutritional components that help improve the levels of cholesterol in the body and fight against diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, stroke and diabetes. This study will systematically review how the dietary supplements of Brazil nuts and Almond improve health and improve cholesterol levels in the body. The study will examine the various components in the Brazil Nuts, and Almond that helps in enhancing the Cholesterol levels in the body.

Optimal levels of cholesterol in the body are vital in the health and growth of a person. Everybody needs certain levels of cholesterol in the body for cell growth and development, and new hormone generation. Cholesterol in large amounts is however harmful to the health of some people, and thus the levels of the cholesterol in the body should be regulated. Cholesterol in large amounts may cause various problems in the functioning of the heart, blood circulation, and risks of other diseases such as stroke and diabetes.

Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is found in the body of a person or any mammal. Cholesterol is generated in the body by the liver, and some of it comes from the food we eat. Food supplements like seafood, meat, cheese, and nuts are sources of cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol is transported in the body through the bloodstream by attaching to various proteins as Lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are the combination of the proteins and the cholesterol that flows in the blood to the different parts of the body.  Multiple types of Lipoproteins carry cholesterol in the body which are high-density Lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), Very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), and Chylomicrons. All the lipoproteins have different effects on the heart health of a person as they carry different amounts.

Unhealthy diets and other risk factors are the most causes of cardiovascular diseases. The dietary supplements and healthy living reduces the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. The world Health organization has ranked cardiovascular diseases as a leading cause of death around the world. The cholesterol levels are one of the reasons of the cardiovascular diseases as they affect the functioning of the heart and the development of the antioxidants that help prevent such diseases. The dietary supplements that can help in the regulation of the cholesterol levels in the body include the seafood, nuts, meat, vegetables, and cheese among other foodstuffs that help in the management of the minerals and fats in the body.

1.2 High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL).

Cholesterol may either be bad Cholesterol or good Cholesterol depending on the effects of the cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol is a form of a fat-like substance that is present in the human bodies. Cholesterol is transported in the various body parts through the bloodstream, and it combines with the proteins present in the blood cells. When the cholesterol combines with the proteins, they form lipoproteins that are the regulators of the cholesterol amounts in the body (Ros, 2009). There are various forms of Lipoproteins present in the body, and each type of the lipoprotein has its effect on the health of a person, especially on the cholesterol levels and risks to cardiovascular diseases.

High-density Lipoproteins (HDL) regularly referred to as good cholesterol is good for the health of a person as it promotes good heart health and ant oxidation of the body cells. The high-density lipoproteins are mainly found in foodstuffs and nuts like the Almond and the Brazil nut that are available in the U.S.A. and the American nations as a whole (Ros, 2009). The high-density Lipoproteins are generated in the liver of the human beings and are usually good for the body. The high-density lipoproteins may also be found in the dietary uptake of some foodstuffs that contain a high concentration of fats.  However, the medical practitioners recommend low use of the foods that have higher fats concentration to provide the levels of fats uptake and the intensity of the cholesterol in the human bodies. The higher concentrations of the cholesterol in the bloodstream of a person may cause various health complications like cardiovascular attacks and other kinds of diseases.

Low-Density Lipoproteins are also known as bad cholesterol is the types of Lipoproteins that affect the human health in negative ways. The Low-density Lipoproteins presence in the body of a human being presents the risks of attack from various kinds of diseases like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. The low-density lipoproteins are risks to having a stroke, and heart failure as the most conditions depend on the level and the type of cholesterol a person has in their body. The nature and the level of concentration of the Low-density lipoproteins in the body of a person may cause health problems mostly in the heart and the general health of a person as most of the body parts depend on the blood flow and components in the blood may reach any part of the body. If there is a concentration of a specific type of lipoprotein in the bloodstream of a person, the lipoprotein may find a way in any of the body tissues of a person and thus cause harm if the lipoprotein is harmful or in higher levels.

Higher density lipoproteins and Low-density Lipoproteins are the ones that affect the cholesterol levels and types in the body of a human being. The concentration and the standards of the lipoproteins in the body determine the way the body transports the various nutrients to all the parts of the body and the levels of the body ability to fight diseases and conditions such as the cardiovascular attacks and other kinds of diseases. The levels of the lipoproteins and the types of the lipoproteins in the bloodstream may cause blockage to the blood transporting vessels and arteries of the human heart and thus cause problems in the heart (Gibney et al. 2009). The excess types of cholesterol in the body may be deposited at the ways of the arteries and cause irregular functioning of the bloodstream, thus causing the heart to overwork. The overwork of the heart may cause heart failure or cardiovascular attack.

1.3 Selenium

Selenium is a mineral that is essential in the health of a person as it helps in fighting various kinds of diseases. Selenium is a nutrient that is obtained through diets and helps in enhancing body functions such as metabolism and fighting some diseases and conditions such as thyroid and oxidative stress (Tapiero, Townsend, & Tew, 2003). Selenium is thus helpful in enhancing the body functions of fighting diseases such as Alzheimer and heart diseases. Selenium helps in fighting diseases such as cancer and heart diseases that are chronic and cause health hazards to people around the world.

Brazil nuts and Almond are sources of Selenium in the diets that help in fighting the various kinds of diseases that affect human beings (Tapiero, Townsend, & Tew, 2003). However, the excessive presence of Selenium levels in the human bodies may also cause health problems (Lima et al., 2019). The Brazil and Almond nuts are good sources of Selenium but should be taken in moderate volumes to prevent the risks of excessive Selenium in the body.

1.4 Magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral in the body of a person and plays a vital role in enhancing the health f a person. Magnesium is a critical mineral for preventing the risks of many kinds of diseases that affect human beings in health aspects (Tapiero, Townsend, & Tew, 2003). Magnesium is useful in preventing diseases like cardiovascular attacks, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer, and another kind of health problems like the premenstrual pains (Cole, 2018). Magnesium deficiency is caused by poor diets and consumption of foodstuffs deficient in Magnesium (Tapiero, Townsend, & Tew, 2003). The deficiency of Magnesium among many people in the U.S.A. causes them to have poor health and low immune systems that cannot fight with the diseases caused by the deficiency of Magnesium in the body systems.

Magnesium is sourced mostly from the dietary supplements people take in their meals. Brazil nuts and Almonds are sources of Magnesium as they contain a good percentage of the mineral in their composition. Almond, for example, has a higher concentration of Magnesium than any other nut. The deficiency of Magnesium in a person’s body may be supplemented by a doctor’s prescription of the supplements. Almond is an excellent supplement to the deficiency of Magnesium as it has a good percentage of Magnesium in its composition.  According to an analysis made by the medical, one ounce of Almond contains about 80mg of Magnesium which is okay for daily uptake for a person (Ware, 2020). People suffering from magnesium deficiency can thus be recommended to take Almond or other food supplements that are rich in Magnesium to prevent the attacks of diseases such as cardiovascular attacks and diabetes.

1.5 Phytophenols

Phytophenols, usually known as polyphenols, are chemicals or nutrients found in various dietary supplements. Phytophenols are essential in the health of a person as they are antioxidants that prevent different kinds of diseases in human beings. Phytophenols are mostly found in nuts such as almonds and Brazil nuts and are essential in the health of a person. Phytophenols help fight diseases such as cardiovascular attacks, diabetes, and other kinds of diseases that cause cell damage.

Nuts such as Brazil nuts and Almond contain certain levels of Phytophenols that are useful in combating various kinds of diseases that cause havoc in human health. The amounts of Phytophenols in Brazil are sufficient to prevent people from the different types of conditions that affect the heart and the health system of a person.

1.6 Aims and objectives

The study aims to establish the importance and benefits of consuming Almonds and Brazil nuts by human beings in the aspects of health. The study aims at developing the nutrients and minerals present in the Almonds and Brazil Nuts that are useful in maintaining optimum levels of cholesterol in the human body. The study will also recommend the various amounts of Almonds and Brazil nuts that a person should take in a day to have the optimal levels of cholesterol in their bodies.

The study also aims to establish the usefulness of the Brazil nuts in the optimization of the cholesterol levels in the body. The study will review the amounts of the fats that Brazil nuts or the Almonds nuts contain and whether the fats are suitable for the body or not. The study will examine how the Brazil nuts and Almond supplements have been accepted in the medical fields as ways of improving the health aspects of people by controlling the levels of cholesterol in the body.



4 Discussions.

4.1 Overview.

The dietary supplements are vital in enhancing the health status of a person. Cholesterol levels in the body affect the functioning of the body and heart health, among other effects on the health of a person. The levels determine a person’s health and the types of the Lipoproteins present in their body or the bloodstream (Fernandez & West, 2005). The levels of the high-density lipoproteins in the body and the standards of the low-density Lipoproteins in a person’s blood are determinants of the cholesterol optimum in the body of a person (Fernandez & West, 2005). The optimal levels of cholesterol in the body determine various aspects of the body ability to curb multiple types of diseases that may affect. Most of these diseases are heart-related diseases or the cardiovascular attacks that are the leading killers of the people around the world.

Dietary supplements are essential in enhancing the health and presence of the nutrients that help in preventing the effects and attacks of these diseases. The various conditions require proper and optimal intake of some minerals such as the Selenium and Magnesium for prevention and enhancing the body ability to fight the infections (Fernandez & West, 2005). Selenium and some types of fats and proteins are essential in strengthening the strength of the body to fight certain infections or diseases.

The essential minerals and chemicals such as Magnesium and Selenium are easily gotten through dietary supplements of the substances that are rich in the composition of these minerals and chemicals. Brazil nuts and Almonds are nutritional supplements that contain metals and chemicals that are essential in maintaining the optimal levels of cholesterol in the body (Ros, 2009). An optimized level of cholesterol in the body helps in curbing the risks of diseases like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and Alzheimer. Cholesterol in itself is not a bad element in the body, but the levels and the type of the lipoprotein it comprises affects the functioning of the bloodstream and thus causing various kinds of illnesses.

4.2 Thematic Style Discussion.

Systematic studies have shown a relationship between Brazil nut consumption and coronary heart disease infections or risks. Almond and Brazil nuts have a direct association with the levels and types of the lipoproteins found in a human bloodstream that affects the health of the person. Brazil nuts and almonds are rich in nutrients that are highly recommended to enhance the control of the coronary disease in humans. The Coronary heart diseases are mostly caused by the presence of the low-density lipoproteins in the blood system of a person that cause blockage of the blood vessels and the heart.

Brazil nuts have the monounsaturated fats which are regarded as good fats as they are highly beneficial to the health of a person. The monounsaturated fats are of low cholesterol amounts and thus provide less risk in the cardiovascular attack diseases and other forms of infections caused by higher cholesterol amounts in the body (Field et al., 2003). Studies have shown that a 100mg of Brazil nuts contain 66.4 grams of fats (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2008). The research shows that the Brazil nuts are highly concentrated in fats that are not harmful or not affecting the levels and types of Lipoproteins that affect the Cholesterol amounts in the body (Fernandez & West, 2005). The fats present in the Brazil nuts are therefore essential in enhancing human health and provide the necessary nutrients for the healthy living of a person. Brazil nuts are sources of the various minerals that are required in the body for a healthy life and thus are excellent dietary supplements. The minerals present in the Brazil nuts like the Magnesium, Calcium, Selenium, and Potassium are essential in the growth and development of the body ability to fight and curb certain diseases such as cardiovascular attacks and strokes. The Brazil nut though has a high percentage of fats, but the fats present in the Brazil nuts are less harmful and less improvers of the levels of cholesterol that is harmful to the body of a human being (Field et al., 2003). The fats present in the Brazil nuts are mostly the Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and not the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (Field et al., 2003). Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) are not harmful in the body of a person but are useful in enhancing the levels of cholesterol and the type of the Lipoproteins in the body. Polyunsaturated Fatty acids (PUFA) on the other hand are the types of the fatty acids that are not found in the Brazil nut and are harmful and promote higher cholesterol amounts in the body and the wrong types of Lipoproteins that may cause heart diseases and another kind of diseases such as stroke and diabetes.

In an analysis of the fatty acids and concentration of the fats in various kinds of food supplements Garg & Woods, (2013), explains the different fatty acids and the types of fats available in the multiple types of food supplements including nuts. According to Garg & Woods (2013), the Brazil nuts are abundant in the MUFAS that are essential in the human health (Fernandez & West, 2005). The monounsaturated fatty acids are critical to the metabolism and provide nutrients that are crucial in the immune systems of a person. The other foodstuffs that are good sources of the fatty acids are the vegetables and the seafood or the different types of meat, but they do not have a higher concentration of the fats as the Brazil Nuts and Almond. The Brazil nuts components of fat are essential in the various aspects of health. They thus are recommended as dietary supplements for the people in need of the fatty acids or lipoproteins responsible for some functions of the body cells.

Monounsaturated fatty acids or the MUFA analysis also show a negative result in the control and prevention of some diseases. The more concentration of the MUFA in the body of a person is not likely that the person would be protected from all kinds of conditions. The study thus tries to show that the MUFA should be taken in moderation for optimum amounts of the Fatty acids to be present in the body. Higher concentrations of the MUFA from the Brazil nuts and Almond may cause some health problems. The MUFA components in the Brazil nuts or the Almonds are not useful in prevention or curing of some kind s of diseases and preventing certain body conditions according to Garg & Woods, (2013). However, comparing the benefits of the Brazil nuts and the Almonds in curbing and preventing the cardiovascular diseases in humans, the nuts are recommended as food supplements that provide the relevant nutritional components to fight with the diseases. The brazil nuts and the Almonds are useful in nutrition to ensure good health for the people who require food or dietary supplements in the various Lipoproteins that are necessary for the prevention of some of the most severe and chronic diseases. These diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and type two diabetes, are the leading killers of people in most countries around the world. The disorders are also the most elements that consume most of the funds either from the individuals or the government as the government try to ensure health for the people.

4.3 Physiological Outcomes.

Brazil nuts and almonds are effective in boosting the functioning of the various body parts and organs such as the heart. In the numerous studies carried out, the Brazil nut and Almonds are also essential in enhancing the functioning of the brain since they act as antioxidants. Antioxidants are vital for improving the operation of the mind and brain as they reduce the levels of cholesterol that affect the blood flow and nutrients supply to the various parts of the body (Field et al., 2003). The antioxidants ensure that the blood flow in a human body is smooth and the quality of blood is useful to enhance the functioning of the body parts.

Brazil nuts being one of the best sources of Selenium is a vital element in enhancing the functioning of the various parts of the body. Selenium enables the body to be stable and be able to fight multiple types of infections, such as heart attacks and stroke. The presence of Selenium in the body is vital in the human body immune system, and also in the ways the body responds to the various diseases attacks (Ryan, Galvin, Connor, Maguire, and Brien, 2006). According to Ryan, Galvin, Connor, Maguire, and Brien, (2006) Brazil nuts have a variety of nutrients and minerals that support the functioning of the body and enable good health to the people who supplement the diets with the nuts. The operation of the various parts and cells of the body is enabled by the presence of multiple minerals and fats in the bloodstream. The bloodstream is the medium of transport in the human body and allows the minerals to reach to the various parts of the body. A healthy blood is the one that has the right types of cholesterol, and that is enabled through dietary supplements. Having some amounts of Brazil nuts and Almonds is a good source of the nutrients that will allow Cholesterol levels and types that are essential in the functioning of the various body parts.

4.4 Summary.

Improving lipid levels and types in one’s body is essential to maintain proper levels of cholesterol in the human body. Brazil nuts and Almond are the most common nuts that are rich in low saturated fats that help in maintaining the required levels of lipids in the body. The lipids are essential in the various metabolic functions of the body, but they must be kept in optimal levels for a good healthy body. The fats like the HDL and the LDL profoundly affect the Cholesterol type and levels in the human organs and thus may cause various implications to the health of a person. The multiple consequences may include the coronary heart diseases that are the leading killers of the people around the world.

Brazil nuts and Almond are useful supplements for the various minerals that are essential in the functioning of the different body parts of a person. The mineral nutrients found in the Brazil nuts and the Almond nuts are Magnesium and Calcium that help in the growth and development of the bones and proper functioning of the various body parts. The multiple nutrients found in the Brazil nuts are essential in the human body as one serving of the Brazil nuts has multiple supplements that help in reducing the levels and types of cholesterol in the body. The multiple elements of nutrients found in the Brazil nuts include Magnesium, Fiber, Calcium, sodium, carbohydrates, sugar, fat, and Calories (Frey, 2020). These nutrients make the Brazil nut a useful supplement in the dietary aspects of a person as the nutrients are essential in the growth and health of a person.

To enhance the levels of cholesterol in the body, various aspects are needed in the blood system of a person. The issues include the availability of the different fatty acids, Lipoproteins and blood cells. The lipoproteins may either be the high-density Lipoproteins (HDL) or the low-density Lipoproteins (LDL) that determine the level and types of cholesterol present in the bloodstream. The availability of the High-density lipoproteins is enhanced by the high intake of t6he food rich in the monounsaturated fatty acids which are found in the various types of nuts like the Brazil nuts or Almonds. High-density lipoproteins are referred to as good cholesterol as they enhance the good health of a person.

In contrast, the low-density lipoproteins are referred to as bad cholesterol as they cause some health problems to the human beings. The levels of the lipoproteins in the bloodstream and the type of the lipoprotein present in the blood affects the functioning of the various body parts and the ability of the body to fight different kinds of diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular attacks and Alzheimer among others. The coronary heart diseases (CHD) are caused by the failure of the blood flow system to accommodate the fats that clog to the walls of the bloodstream system or the blood supply vessel. The cholesterol level and value in a human body can be controlled by the uptake of the various nutrient supplements such as Brazil nuts and Almond.


Cholesterol levels in the body are determined by the presence of the various lipoproteins in the body of a person. There are mainly four types of lipoproteins that affect the cholesterol levels in the body, but our study primarily dealt with two. The two lipoproteins that the study focused on were the high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and the low-density lipoproteins (LDL). The HDL is regarded as the right types of cholesterol as they help the body in fighting some diseases and prevention of the infections as they enhance the ability of the immune system of the body. The LDL is referred as the wrong types of cholesterol as they cause health problems to the people and the presence of the bad cholesterol in the body increases the risks of attacks by diseases such as coronary heart attack, diabetes and stroke.

Brazil nuts and Almond are rich in various nutrients that are dietary supplements that help in maintaining optimal levels of cholesterol in the body. Uptake of a Brazil nut in some milligrams ensures that a person has an absorption of various mineral, nutrients and fats that are essential in the multiple processes of the body. The Brazil nuts and Almond are rich in Magnesium, calcium and potassium as well as Selenium which are vital in the regulation of the cholesterol levels and types in the body. Brazil nuts or Almond can thus be essential nutrients supplements for the people with the various nutrients deficiencies and also for the maintenance of the optimum cholesterol levels and types of lipoproteins.





















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