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Case Study

The etiological and epidemiological factors responsible for HNSCC cases and healthy controls

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The etiological and epidemiological factors responsible for HNSCC cases and healthy controls

The present investigation focuses on the etiological and epidemiological factors responsible for HNSCC cases and healthy controls. In total, 100 subjects were enrolled in this study. For the present research, both the HNSCC cases and the control subjects were selected from the Dr. B. Borooha Cancer Institute (BBCI) in the Kamrup urban district of Guwahati, Assam, India, according to the exclusion and inclusion criteria. The following questionnaire was interviewed individually, including age, sex, type of lifestyle habits such as tobacco chewing, tobacco smoking, betel nut chewing, pathological reports, oral hygiene, personal and family history of cancer, and type of cancer. The critical factors for HNSCC cases and controls are given in the table (Table-1 and Table-2). Detailed information of the subjects has been provided in the table-1, while table-2 contains the summarized data of t. It is evident from Table-1 that, except for one patient, all HNSCC patients had either betel quid or tobacco chewing habits.

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