(Your scene analysisshould include ALL of the following.)
Basic information
about the characterNameSexAgeMarital status and history:Educational level:Economic/Social status:
What do I really want? When do I wantit?
From whom (in the play) do I want it?Who in the play can help me? Who in the playcan hurt me? Who is an obstacle? Why? Whatare my achievefears?
How can I get it? How (and whom)can I threaten? How (and whom) can I induce?
Why do I expect to get it? Whydoes it excite me? What will I do when I get it?Briefly
describe the setting
for your scene.
Another way to look at it….
Cohen’s G.O.T.E From Acting One
G.O.T.E. Character Analysis Questions
Goal- The character’s principal quest.
What do they want more than anything?
What does the character really want?
Obstacle – What stands in their way and keeps them from achieving the goal?
Who or what is the obstacle?
Tactics- How will the character get what they want?
How does the character try to achieve the goal?
To what lengths would the character go to achieve the goal?
Expectation- Does the character expect to achieve their goal? Why or why not?