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The Grand Weaver

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The Grand Weaver

Jesus leads us to an intimate relationship but we will not be able to love Christ without Him who first loved and loved us. Our closeness and intimacy with Christ will bring us more and more like Him. Divine intervention is not as simple as what we think and as easy as we imagine it but giving ourselves truly follows Him, not only selfishly desirable for personal satisfaction but following Him, according to Himself. As believers we must know clearly that God has won us to be His children and wants us to live in holiness. There are various events and ways, God can call us and direct us to the path that He has prepared for us. Through divine meeting we can convince our souls that God is near (immanent). Living in a fallen world, we often think that God might be busy with other people who are more important or even think that God is silent when we experience endless problems. But Christ is a living person, and gently gives us clarification, direction, experience as a form of love and tangible actions of God actively taking care of each of our lives. When we see a work of weaving, or pottery that is only made of simple materials but after becoming a valuable souvenir we can reflect it into ourselves, which through the hands of God we are formed and bestowed a life full of guaranteed life decent and beautiful. Every thread that we go through has its own purpose. Jesus leads us to an intimate relationship but we will not be able to love Christ without Him who first loved and loved us. Our closeness and intimacy with Christ will bring us more and more like Him. Divine intervention is not as simple as what we think and as easy as we imagine it but giving ourselves truly follows Him, not only selfishly desirable for personal satisfaction but following Him, according to Himself. As believers we must know clearly that God has won us to be His children and wants us to live in holiness. There are various events and ways, God can call us and direct us to the path that He has prepared for us. Through divine meeting we can convince our souls that God is near (immanent). Living in a fallen world, we often think that God might be busy with other people who are more important or even think that God is silent when we experience endless problems. But Christ is a living person, and gently gives us clarification, direction, experience as a form of love and tangible actions of God actively taking care of each of our lives. When we see a work of weaving, or pottery that is only made of simple materials but after becoming a valuable souvenir we can reflect it into ourselves, which through the hands of God we are formed and bestowed a life full of guaranteed life decent and beautiful. Every thread that we go through has its own purpose.

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