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The history of Saint Vaiteur, Quebec

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The history of Saint Vaiteur, Quebec

Barbonne, R., & Shearmur, R. (n.d.). Requalification du secteur St-Viateur Est : Estimation des comportements de mobilité. Retrieved April 17, 2020, from

A general research that provides information on redevelopment of the St-Viateur district. The research analyzes the general redevelopment projects in the district that are complete and provides a mathematical framework for the planning of the process of redevelopment of the district. The report also provides geographical data about the district and the population structure to enable the planning and development of the commercial and residential areas in the St-Viateur district. This knowledge can be important in analyzing knowledge of the street and the entire town with regards to its history.

Bergeron, M., Larocque, M.-J., McGuigan, P., & Sanche, M. (1998). Bibliographie récente de l’histoire de l’Église Canadienne, 1997-1998. Études d’histoire Religieuse64, B 1.

This publication is a combination of scholars who sampled together bibliographies about the religious activities of the city of Quebec. The bibliography creates a central gallery of articles about the religious beliefs of the people of Quebec, helping in the study of the lives of the people of Montreal and their catholic culture. This information can be useful when studying the attributes of the people of Montreal and their historical origin based on religion. This information helps in the study of the religious activities of people on the streets of St Viateur.


‌ Bilefsky D. (2019, November 26).  A Montreal Bagel War Unites Rival Kings. The New York Times.

‌ Dan Bilefsky is an author of the New York Times for more than three years and is currently the correspondence of the magazine in Canada that is based in Montreal. This article is found on credible news sources and can focus on the location of The New York Times in Montreal. The article describes the evolution of culinary arts in Montreal and the attempt to protect the culture of the city by readjusting to meet the demands rather than closing down the iconic bagel Shops. St-Viateur is a famous street with this art of cooking dominating its bakery shops.

Buzzetti, J. (2017, April 10). Street Network Morphologies: On the Characterization and Quantification of Street Systems. A Case Study in Montréal. Spectrum.Library.Concordia.Ca.

Buzzetti, Juan, is a former master’s degree student at the University of Concordia. He released a case study of the spatial dynamic study of the streets of Montreal, making this thesis a valid source of information about the street. The paper explores the vast characteristics if the designs of streets in Montreal with old traditional designs of cities in the town before re-urbanization and the cultural and human activities in Montreal throughout the period of traditional development of the city’s old systems and the new re-urbanized city streets today.

D’Alimonte M (2016 May 18).The Real Honest Story Behind Montreal’s St-Viateur Bagel Shop.Www.Mtlblog.Com.   Micheal D’Alimonte is an author of the MTL blog which publishes local news about Montreal town where the street is located. The author has published articles related to local and countrywide news for more than three years now. This article is an inside story of Montreal’s St-Viateur Bagel Shop. This shop is important on the street for its culinary art. The article gives a description of the evolution of the Bagel shop since the 1960s allowing it to shed some light on the street and the city’s history.

Desjardins, Y. (2014). Mile End History: Prologue – Mile End Memories. Retrieved April 18, 2020, from

Yves Desjardins is an author of history on the website Mile-end Memories and has posted content on the history of towns and news updates for more than five years. In this article, the author explores the history of Quebec since the early time in 1827. Neighborhood in Quebec has been explored from the structural developments to human activities in the neighborhoods throughout the years and different architectural evolution of residential homes with time. This makes it easy to unearth some information about Saint Viateur Street.

Groulx, L. (1955). DURAND, JOSEPH et VIATEUR, c.s.v., Jean Durand et sa postérité. Les Clercs de Saint-Viateur, 1145 ouest, Avenue Saint-Viateur, Outremont, 1954. In-8, 460 p. Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique Française9(2), 288.

The research is a presentation of the history of the descendants of the people of Canada back to the time of Jean Durand in 1657. The story exploits the genealogy of the family of Jean and follows to research his descendants as much as possible. Although the story is not fully developed, it offers important information to understanding the history of the natives of the country.

Laperle, D. (2011). Les clercs de Saint-Viateur au Canada, 1947-1997. Historical Studies in Education / Revue d’histoire de l’éducation.

Dominique Laperle is a historian known for his work on the educational institutions of the Congregation of the Clerics of Saint-Viateur in the Lanaudière region. It offers us today in an imposing pavement, half a century of Viatorian history. In his introduction, Mr. Hébert sets out to demonstrate the originality of the Clerics’ work, to understand what characterizes them through these fifty years of change and to identify their specific contributions. Is there a line of archives that my-Hébert missed? We doubt it, and who gets down to reading this large volume will literally delve into the congregational universe of the sons of Louis Querbes.

Macdonald, A. (2008). Montréal & Québec City for dummies. Wiley.

The diversity of the street in nature is the main reason this street is so famous in the city. With mixed European and Canadian cultures, Austin McDonald expresses the complexity of people on the street and how they lead a normal life on the busy street. From Jewish Bagel shops to Greek shops and Canadian Residential townhouses on the street. This makes the city more collaborative to visitors in the area. Austin McDonald is a Canadian actor and writer

Radice M & U,D. (2011). Ethnography of the street; when is a street not a street? Anthropology news. Retrieved from:

The author of this article, Martha Radice a well-established anthropologist that focuses her studies on social, cultural, and spatial dynamics of different cities. Some of her other work includes the Urban Experience of Anglo-Montrealers published in 2000 by the Presses de l’ Université Laval. She is also a part-time professor of sociology and Social Anthropology at the University of Dalhousie. This article could be an important source of information on historical facts of the Montrealers on the streets of Saint Viateur

Serge Courville & Howard, R. (2009). Quebec : historical geography. Univ of British Columbia Pr.

Serge Courville is a Canadian Geographer known for the study of life in Canadian cities in the past centuries. Other written work of the writer includes ‘Rural life in the nineteenth century – Quebec’ which analyzes activities of people in the town of Quebec in the 19th century. A geographical analysis of cities in Canada, such as Quebec, will provide a lot of information that will be relevant in discussing the life of the people in Quebec and their distribution in different towns and the forces that led to the development of cities such as Montreal.

T’Cha Dunlevy (2017, May 23). A family affair: St-Viateur Bagel celebrates 60 years. Montreal Gazette; Montreal Gazette.

The St-Viateur Bagel is a common shop on Saint Viateur Street in Montreal. This article in the Montreal Gazette is an important source of historical information about the age of the street, and it is a major point for Bagels in Montreal Township. The article discusses the history of the bagel shop and the important date marking sixty years of operation in Montreal town. Morena, the leader of the Bagel shop, explains the journey of the shop throughout its history

Xu, J. (2018, April 16). The intertwined histories of St-Viateur and Fairmount bakeries. The McGill Tribune.

The bagel shops tradition that is common on the most famous street of Montreal, ST Viateur. This Jewish tradition is very common in Montreal streets, and it is engraved in the culture of the citizens in this place. This article provides a link to the origin of the natives living on the street. This culture has been going on for years in Montreal since the first store opened in 1919. For this reason, the culture of the bagels makes the city’s unique flavor making this street very famous. Jenin Xu is an author of The McGill Tribune, a McGill university magazine.











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