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The Importance of Human Resources in a Business Environment

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The Importance of Human Resources in a Business Environment



Human resource describes the management and hiring of employees in an organization. It is concerned with raising employee performance through various strategies. This is the most important resource as it helps a business utilize other resources. Traditionally, the role of human resource was viewed as that of hiring and firing staff in an organization. Business experts have revised this notion and gave a much wider view of the contribution of human resource. The various roles of human resource make it important to a business.

Recruitment and Engagement of Workers

Recruitment and engagement of workers is one of the most important roles. It can take a business a long time to find the right people, which can lead to high costs. Getting a good fit when it comes to recruitment of workers can be achieved through human resource. Recruitment and engagement of workers helps a business get the right number of workers (Carbery 2018, p18). Human resource helps in finding competent people to work for an organization by being able to identify the right skills. Engagement helps workers adapt to working conditions.

Performance Management and Training

The performance management and training of workers is very important in a business. Workers face problems while they are doing their normal work in a business. Performance management helps in identifying these issues and address them (Eby et al. 2019, p7). Training workers provide them with learning opportunities where they are able to develop their skills. Training helps in reducing the weak links in an organization as it contributes to the personal development of the employees in an organization. Personal development can be achieved through investing in employee training, which makes an organization strong and improves its competitive ability.


The success of a business depends with the level of communication in the organization. Businesses require effective communication in order to operate effectively (Markovic 2018, p21). Communication from top managers needs to reach their subordinates effectively, and employees should have proper ways to communicate with their employers. Employee grievances, if not communicated, can cause business problems as employees perform poorly as their demands are not fulfilled. It is important that communication between both parties be handled effectively; essentially, this is the role of human resource.


Human resource is important to a business in many ways. Its benefits can help a business improve its competitiveness and achieve a larger market share. Businesses should create human resource departments to help them in the management of their workers. In this manner, many businesses will achieve success. Further research should be conducted on how human resource can improve.






Carbery, R. and Cross, C. eds., 2018. Human resource management. Macmillan International Higher Education.

Eby, L.T., Allen, T.D., Conley, K.M., Williamson, R.L., Henderson, T.G. and Mancini, V.S., 2019. Mindfulness-based training interventions for employees: A qualitative review of the literature. Human Resource Management Review, 29(2), pp.156-178.



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