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The influence of non-military threats to the existence of globalization

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The threat of non-military as well as globalization is a matter which will be interrelated because there will be so many kinds of threats coming from outside both for the west and east even though it will certainly provide a threat where the threat will give a problem into a country. As a country that starts a globalization process which becomes a trend center for millennials today is a threat which will make the generation of a country, especially Indonesia itself, will lose its identity, because it will make the millennials will increasingly leave culture and local wisdom which is more suitable to be used in the country of Indonesia itself rather than following the style from outside which is the result of the influence of globalization. In addition, an example that can emerge from the effects of globalization is the presence of various kinds of foreign dances that are remembered more by young people than dances originating from within the country where the dance is a dance that has a very old formulation, in addition to the form of the style and pose of photos taken, and such activities where looking for a sensation. Therefore, the influence of non-military threats to the existence of globalization is one of the threats that has many negative effects. The threat of non-military as well as globalization is a matter which will be interrelated because there will be so many kinds of threats coming from outside both for the west and east even though it will certainly provide a threat where the threat will give a problem into a country. As a country that starts a globalization process which becomes a trend center for millennials today is a threat which will make the generation of a country, especially Indonesia itself, will lose its identity, because it will make the millennials will increasingly leave culture and local wisdom which is more suitable to be used in the country of Indonesia itself rather than following the style from outside which is the result of the influence of globalization. In addition, an example that can emerge from the effects of globalization is the presence of various kinds of foreign dances that are remembered more by young people than dances originating from within the country where the dance is a dance that has a very old formulation, in addition to the form of the style and pose of photos taken, and such activities where looking for a sensation. Therefore, the influence of non-military threats to the existence of globalization is one of the threats that has many negative effects.

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