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the legal issues that arise from intersection cameras

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the legal issues that arise from intersection cameras

Several concerns have been directly linked to the office of the special prosecutor in the situational report of Counterlancy Pass municipality that needs address by the governor. The issues raised include; intersection cameras, speed traps, undocumented cameras,  corrupt police officers and elected officials, racial discrimination and crime scene investigators. These issues have been widespread and a big menace to the minority group in the municipality. This paper will examine the legal issues that arise from the observed concerns and the measures that have and will be taken to curb the problems.

The issue of intersection cameras is economically depreciating the revenue of the people of Counterlancy pass, and this is because over two million dollars issued in the installation of these cameras. It is for this reason that a locally organized group in the community filed a suit to get rid of those cameras. However, the matter is yet to be given a court date. It is viewed that the matter is being delayed intentionally because it benefits the white community and the black community re the ones majorly aggrieved by it. It is also noted that the municipality has eight main intersections where individuals are fined for failure to comply with the intersection laws.

Secondly, speed traps have been set on the roads to monitor the speed limit set by the government to reduce the number of accidents as well as deaths caused by road accidents. It has been observed that each police during his or her shift issues 12 and more speed tickets every single day. After an investigation, it was observed that the Chief of the police department demands every officer to issue the speed tickets regardless of whether an individual has oversped or not.  Also, it was observed that more than eighty percent of the speed tickets are awarded to the black community, which shows that racial discrimination is quite dominant in Counterlancy pass municipality.

The most prevalent legal issue is Racial discrimination in the municipality. The population of Counterlancy pass consists of fifty-five percent white people, thirty-eight percent black and seven percent the Hispanic people; the black and Hispanic people form the minority group in the area. Racial discrimination is seen at the police department in the number of police officers who consist of its staff; only six percent of the police consists of both the black and Hispanic population. Upon the Chief of police asked about this ratio, he stated that the minority applies but fails during the entry exam, unlike the white community. Another form of colourism is police brutality, which is very common among black male youth, they are mishandled, and their encounter is characterized by unnecessary use of excessive force that is unsubstantiated.

Undocumented immigrants are among the vulnerable people in Counterlancy pass. One of the reasons that makes them vulnerable is because they are weak and only work in plantations. It has been reported that during the payment period, they are prone to robbery and their wives and children to rape this is because they cannot report to the police department for fear of being taken back to their country as they are illegal residents in the United States of America. The police are very much aware that the undocumented immigrants suffer such heinous acts, but no action has been taken by them to ensure they are protected and live peacefully.

Corrupt police officers and elected leaders also play a significant role in the current state of insecurity and inequality in the municipality. Police officers have been on the scrutiny for the non- disclosure of one of their members who allegedly kidnaps and sexually harasses under age and kills them. The police were aware that one of them has been committing such first-degree crimes but have not brought him to justice. It is also witnessed that the Chief demands his subordinates to issue speed tickets for every session they are on the road. Lastly, corrupt elected leaders are also involved in the situation in Counterlancy Pass since they are only interested in the citizens who will be of value during the electoral period, and the rest cannot get assistance if they are not American citizens.

Crime scene investigators are also a significant concern in the justice department as they should analyze and present the results of the evidence found in the crime scene. It has been discovered that the autopsy specialist has been giving the wrong analysis and reasons for the death of individual people. The black and Hispanic population greatly suffers for this offence, a practical example was observed in the death of a young girl who was found dead in the woods, and when the autopsy attendant was enquired why he had not performed a full autopsy, he said the report was final, and there was no need to open up the body or even the sexual examination. It is essential to note that the girl was a mixed-race, and the family was inadequate; for this reason, the crime scene investigators did not perform due diligence in the investigations.

Various measures have been implemented to reduce the cases of the concerns that were brought out in the situational report. One of the measures is hiring police that ensures the diverse population in Counterlancy is reflected optimally. Secondly, the intersection cameras are to be done away with as the public had instituted a suit for tge cameras to be removed, as the office of special prosecution the matter is to be looked into further. Thirdly, the significant and widespread concern, racial discrimination, and anti-discrimination policy are to be formulated to impede the inequality that the people of colour in Counterlancy face. Lastly, every corrupt federal officer is to face charges, and the means of justice attained. They are to be prosecuted like every member of the society without any favouritism.

One of the current issues that have already been addressed is the issue of corrupt police officers, an investigation has been carried out on all the members of the police department, and currently, four police officers have been laid off awaiting criminal charges. The anti-discriminatory and hiring practice proposed policy has been presented to the local government for scrutiny as we await the final decision of its consideration to be enacted as part of Counterlancy Pass laws.

The concerns raised are of great importance to the people of Counterlancy as they affect their day to day lives. The minority are the ones greatly affected by the concerns ad the White community has an advantage because of their financial capability and skin colour. This paper has addressed the various concerns adequately and how they have affected the different population of the municipality. The paper has further provided legal measures that will reduce the instances of the issues raised in the situational report.


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