The problem with my workplace
The problem with my workplace is that we still use a paper-based system, a time-consuming strategy, especially when an employee is requested to look for a specific document. With the increase in the number of clients, the storage space used to keep files is full, and this has forced files and piles of papers to be placed on desks making the working environment untidy. The first benefit of the paperless office system is that it is environmentally friendly since it assists in reducing pollution and preserving the trees used in the manufacture of papers. Shifting to a paperless office will enhance employees’ morale, guarantee customers’ satisfaction, opens business doors for companies, diminish untidiness, and reduces production costs.
The problem should be reported to the head of the IT department, who will then direct it to the company’s human resource director. Having a paperless office will save the company money and also boost its productivity.
Incorporating interview feedback from other workers on what they think about the paperless office system in the proposal will strongly support my claim. Also, educating colleagues on the pros and limits of the paperless office will aid them in making better decisions on the paperless office concept.