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The process of people develop into liars

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The process of people develop into liars

The human capacity for deception, to lie, and to communicate honestly is depicted by nature. The lie was born, and humans use deception and lie to inflate their images. Some positive and some adverse outcomes can be seen, but everyone uses deception and wrong communication for some minor or significant achievement. People are motivated to lie because of their desired results. Someone lies to gain fame, and another person would lie to save himself from danger. All humans in one or the other way are adept at it. The lie is a beautiful thing that attracts people, but later, these liars face notoriety and social failure. We lie with ease because we think for short-term advantage and happiness but consequences and grief that it could bring for us. We cannot think for a human who is honest in all his/her dealings because dishonesty is as essential and depicted in our behaviors. Being deceitful has become an unbothered part of our practices, and it is no more wrong to say that to lie is human (Dol, 2020).

The article says that every human can deceive each other and be deceived or to deceive others is not surprising. These days the most common lie people use is to make money or wealth from others. Fraud and lie are two standard practices that people use, and they feel nothing challenging to use dishonest communication for their gain. It is a universal talent of humans, and no one can deny this fact. Lying is an easy way to gain something like power instead of putting efforts. We all lie but still want others to tell us the truth. To tell a lie might be difficult for the first time, but it doesn’t feel difficult for next time. Socialization plays an essential role in shaping behaviors and communication standards. If a child didn’t feel bad about lying and didn’t afraid of its outcomes, then he/she is raised in such a social setting where to lie is not a big deal. And he faces no criticism and punishment overlying. Over time they develop skills to lie; thus, no one can detect something going wrong. As the article says, “Some of them may have been more experienced or more suspicious, better speakers and listeners, better readers of presentational communication, or simply smarter” ( (Dol, 2020, p. 02). This statement shows that to be a good liar, you want to be smarter. Some liars lie to each other, and the funny aspect is that they fail to understand tricks that other liars use.

People become liars over some time, and these processes enable them to listen and understand tricks that other liars use to trap them. The brain starts adopting things and behaviors from the social world. The first stage is the self-acceptance of lies and dishonesty. Thoughtfulness, deceit, and trust are forms of assault on human beings. Self-defense is also an excuse people use to lie. After lying the first time, step by step, people learn to cope with their fear-related lies. It all depends on the consequences of a first time lie. A society is a primary accelerator of behaviors, and this is where we learn and practice our shaped behaviors. “A society, then, whose members were unable to distinguish truthful messages from deceptive ones, would collapse. But even before such a general collapse, individual choice and survival would be imperiled.”  (Dol, 2020, p. 02) A society that didn’t teach its people to be answerable about their behaviors, values, and norms raise dishonest and liars.

Co-operative behaviors shape our communication styles, and this is true that it depends on social norms, and in our society, people being selfish didn’t cooperate and help each other. As the article says, “Co-operation, then, is a reasonable individual choice only to the extent that the others are also willing to avoid freeloading. Everybody should agree to put some of their selfish interests aside.”  (Dol, 2020, p. 02) In societies where children’s raised in support of lying and their behaviors didn’t address appropriately as right or wrong, trust collapse there. How could we suppose to trust each other when we are liars? It is also evident that liars have strong mental capacities because they know how to control their emotions. While lying and to make it successful, they have to keep their body and mind supportive at one point. Society is essential everywhere – the ability to lie and to avoid its undesired outcomes also depends on one’s social status or social image. For example, people from higher social classes can survive with their lie more than those from the lower social level. This is because of their power to oppose negativity if they occur. An individual from a higher social class can hide all his negativity and lies under cover of his power, but a lower-class individual can’t do this.

Children develop into full confident liars when they know that it is easy to tell a lie than to explain the truth. “Most importantly, lying is a more complex cognitive activity than honest speaking, and lie detection is more complex than simple comprehension, requiring additional cognitive processing.”  (Dol, 2020, p. 02) When children understand that lying is secure and to detect a lie is severe, they adopt this communication style for their daily life and become professional liars. To lie is a universal human attribute, but the way people use it to defend themselves is different. The lie is a variable behavioral act that brings different outcomes for people – it could be a feeling of pleasure, or it could bear a loss of something. We need to expect negative and positive results when we lie, and we should be ready for this. This is how liars are developed into a different character that is not accepted by society. Society is the accelerator of these behaviors, and society itself hates those who lie. This is a bit confusing. Individually, it makes society and every individual in one, or the other way is a liar and dishonest then, on what basis do we criticize others and judge their behaviors?

Liars and those to lied both need to have special skills. “The victims of the liars, those lied to, must have made as variable a group as the liars. Many of them may have never understood what was happening: their skills were not good enough for the detection of lies.” (3) This statement from the article says that the person to whom we lied fails to understand the situation, but later, when the liar gains more shares, they understood the story. A liar cannot withstand challenges in his/her life because they are adept at seeing things differently.

Their understanding of the external world is different from other humans, and they try to win the ground by using their talent of dishonest and thoughtfulness communication. From professional to personal life, they shape their relationships on lies because they become adaptive to gain and success whether of the short-term. “Lies may also eliminate or obscure relevant alternatives, as when a traveler is falsely told a bridge has collapsed. At times, lies foster the belief that there are more alternatives than is the case; at other times, a lie may lead to the unnecessary loss of confidence in the best alternative.” (Bok, 2020)This is another statement that shows how confidence in lie sometimes brings unnecessary outcomes and suffering in forms of alternatives.

  1. How to be protected from being deceived?

The explanation of truthfulness, trust, and deceive shows that every individual can participate in deceiving others. Somewhere in life, we always want to deceive others towards a belief or thing that we thing good for us. People become deceived in different situations that might they think would be positive for them. Above the description of a professional liar who realistically states the information that no one can believe that he/she is lying is evidence that one can become deceived by them. This is the reason the person to have lied is advised to be careful about what he/she is listening to. Lying requires a cause, while truth-telling does not. It must be excused; ideas must be produced, in any one case, to show why a particular lie is not “mean and culpable.” (Bok, 2020, p. 06) This is true, and this statement is showing us how to be protected from being deceived. Lying needs a reason, a liar can speak anything that he/she want to strengthen his/her claim, but it is up to us how we perceive that lie. Some people listen and react immediately. The best way to be protected from being deceived is to interpret the validity of the information and the person who is telling this. And then the question arises that how we can understand that the data is valid or not. The answer to these questions is; “great things” have been done by those who have “little regard for good faith.” (Bok, 2020, p. 07)

We can be protected from being deceived by showing courage and confidence in things that a liar tries to deny. For example, “Liars share with those they deceive the desire not to be deceived.” (Bok, 2020, p. 07)

This left a lesson that the liar always wants from the person to not to be deceived. In real, a liar shows by words that he is concerned about him/her, but somewhere inside, he/she also wants the person to be affected by this lie. By thinking about the matter instead of making an instant decision, we can be protected from being deceived. It is our self or society that shapes that shape believes on a lie, and thus focus on social norms could be an option too.

By being honest with one’s self is also an important indicator to stop being deceived? Those who accept their inner voice and listen to their person never go deceived. “Dishonesty significantly impacts our personal lives and public institutions.” (Neil Garrett, 2020, p. 13)This statement from the article is true so far – dishonesty to self-impact our lives in numerous ways. Believe in something that doesn’t exist, and reactions on those things negatively affect the personal and social image of an individual, disrupt their relationships, and bring other negative consequences.

The article says that human capacity for deception is secure, and it could be enhanced by taking measures instead of the human capacity for honest communication. By this saying, one thing is clear that we can improve our behavior being deceptive. But the one having a habit of dishonest communication cannot improve it. Those who adopt the habit of lying over small things will lie at every cost, thus to be protected from being deceived, one should have to take measures.

From a broader perspective, hones speaking is a key to spread positivity. We all are liars; thus, we all are deceives. When we deceive others by lying over something, then we should be ready for the same reaction. We should put efforts on individual levels to avoid dishonest communication and to deceive someone by lying. Lying is the most fundamental problem that needs to be prohibited to eliminate decisiveness in our behaviors. We need to establish standards of trust among each other. Liars use faith as a weapon to attack others and affect their perception. Indeed we do not recognize a lair by his/her face, but the way to avoid being deceived, we can interpret the information we got from them. Individuals and societies can be protected from being deceived by establishing trust and honest communication as a mode of interaction.

To sum up, becoming a liar is not easy; it requires courage, strength (emotional and physical), confidence, understanding, self-dishonesty, and energetic cognitive thinking patterns that develop in individuals over time. A liar becomes a full professional liar who does not fall short because of the consequences of his/her lies by the support of socialization and society. A liar spread anxiety by deceiving people for their gain. Being deceived could be destructive. Because deceive thoughts make us vulnerable towards our relationships and our dealings. Being deceive means, we will take those things that might not exist in reality. We can protect ourselves from being deceived in several ways, like by becoming active towards people around us, becoming honest to ourselves, and by interpreting the validity of information come to us. The paper discusses these two focuses in detail. The article talks about liars and factors that contribute to shaping a laying personality. There are a number of factors that assist in making a person liar. Still, the role of society is highlighting in three articles—further consequences of being deceived and how this could be avoided. There are some ways, but the most important is how an individual responds and puts individual efforts to prevent decisiveness.





















Bok, S. (2020). Thoughtfulness, Deceit, and Trust. WPE, 4-10.

Dol, D. (2020). The Darker Side of Imagination. WPE, 1-14.

Neil Garrett, S. C. (2020). The Brain Adapts to Dishonesty. WPE, 11-14.



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