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The puritans

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The puritans

Question one:

a)What are Puritan religious beliefs

Conforming to the laws of their God is one of the Puritan religious beliefs. This group found it unethical and aimed to spread God’sGod’s law as well as morality around them. Hence they whipped and penalized heavily those who committed adultery, fornicated, got children outside the wedlock as well as sodomy. However, the group respected marital unions and highly guarded their existence since it was part of their generational continuity. Secondly, they opposed the aspect of drunkenness, although they consumed, they advocated for responsibility among its people as well as society. According to their opinion and beliefs, they believed that their government was in the position to punish all those individuals who broke the laws of God. However, they believed in the ideology that God had already chosen a few who were granted salvation while the rest of humankind would experience external damage despite their deeds.

  1. b) The idea/belief of American exceptionalism

The idea of American exceptionalism means that American history is inherently different from other nations across the world. However, the ideology was believed to branch from the emergency of the American Revolution. Finally, the ideology was based on individual responsibility, equality, representative democracy, and liberty. The ideology of American exceptionalism grounded its roots during the era of Puritans. This group advocated for individual responsibility, equality among the citizens as well as represented democracy.

  1. c) Exemplary strand of exceptionalism and missionary strand of exceptionalism

Those who advocate for exemplary-strand exceptionalism believe that Americans should not interfere with other nations’ affairs but perfect their society, in which other nations can learn from it other than draw their resources for other nations to benefit from it. While missionary strand exceptionalism advocates argue that the United States of America is not in a position to seek domain over other nations or people over its interests; therefore, they have to assist as well as interfere with other nations’ affairs to offer their assistance.

Question two

a)what was life like for the natives in the New England region

the life of the natives in the New England region was quite challenging to them. They experience much difficulty; for instance, they experienced inadequate food shortage and water for their domestic consumption. These factors made them weak and vulnerable to nutritional diseases, among other life-threatening conditions. However, the struggling foreigners looked up to them for their help to help them survive the hardships. In terms of politics, the natives had no strong reinforcement, since they were vulnerable and weak after the mysterious sickness, hence were attacked by their enemies from the bay as well as the Narragansett from the West.

  1. b) The conditions that led to the Wampanoag creation of an alliance

after Massasoit people suffered from a mysterious sickness, they were weak and vulnerable to protect as well as the fight against their enemies. In order to protect his community, he made a tactical decision to ally with foreigners, the English colonist, who would provide security in his society as well as fight their enemies, Narragansett, who was from the West, as a way to protect the colonial territory.

  1. c) Terms and significance of the alliance

the terms of the alliance were for the English colonist to provide security and prevent the Massasoit people from starvation in exchange for a piece of land which took place on top of a Sachen Rock that outcropped on the Stucket River in the East Bridgewater in Massachusetts. The significance of the alliance provided the Massasoit’s people with food and security from their neighboring enemies from the West.

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