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The religion of Islam

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Praise and gratitude let us pray for the presence of Allah SWT who has provided physical and spiritual health so that we can still enjoy the beauty of His creation. Sholawat and greetings we still pour out to His Majesty the Prophet Muhammad who has shown us the straight path in the form of perfect religious teachings with very beautiful language.

The author here can finally feel very grateful for completing a paper which is the task of Education of Religion. The author realizes that in making this paper there are still many shortcomings due to the limitations of the author in terms of knowledge. But the author has tried with the ability so that this simple paper, both from the systematics and the contents are far from perfect. besides that the authors say many thanks to those who have helped so that the completion of this paper.

Finally, the writer understands that if this paper is certainly far from perfect, critics and suggestions are urgently needed to improve the writer’s work in the future.







Cirebon, March 2020










The religion of Islam comes from God. Understanding Islam correctly will lead people to practice it correctly too. At present the basic problem of the people is the lack of understanding of Al Islam as desired by Allah and His Messenger. Therefore understanding “Dinnul Islam” is a must for Muslims.

Among the features of the Islamic religion is its name. Unlike other religions, the name of this religion does not originate from the name of its founder or the name of the place of distribution. But, the name Islam shows the attitude and nature of its adherents towards Allah.

This is one of the peculiarities of the Islamic religion. The name “Islam” is not associated with a person, racial, ethnic or regional name. And the sentence of Islam (the word Al-Islam) contains understanding and principles that can be defined separately and when understood as a whole is a complete understanding. Therefore, in this discussion about the meaning of Islam itself is related to the QS. Ali imran (3): 19, QS. Ali imran (3): 67, QS. Ali imran (3): 83, QS. Al hajj (22): 18, and QS. Ash-shura (42): 13.

Al-Qur’an is the holy book of Islam. Muslims believe that the Qur’an is the culmination and conclusion of the Revelation of Allah intended for humans, and part of the pillars of faith delivered to the Prophet Muhammad, through the intermediary of the Angel Gabriel.

And as the first revelation received by Rasulullah SAW, as contained in Surah Al-Alaq verses 1-5. Al-Qur’an is one of the books that has a long history that is owned by Muslims and is still maintained its authenticity.

Al-Qur’an in its collection has two stages, namely the first stage of the collection of the Qur’an in the sense of memorizing the Qur’an during the time of the Prophet, the second stage in the sense of writing the Qur’an, this is called memorization and bookkeeping Al-Qur’an The Qur’an.

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, the process of gathering the Qur’an continued by the Caliphs so that the Ottoman Manuscripts were formed as they are today. The spread of Islam is so widespread that the Quraysians are scattered and have different backgrounds that make a difference in reading the Qur’an. This causes anxiety among companions. So Caliph Usman bin Affan ordered the four qurais: Zaid bin Zabit, Abdullah bin Azzubar, Said bin Al-ash, Abdulrahman bin Al-harisi bin hysam. The four men were tasked with copying and reproducing the Qur’an with a single guide in how to read it, which has been agreed upon by the companions.

And the Qur’an also has many functions and always has a definite relationship to the phenomena of life, including miracles, creeds, worship, worship, morals, laws, history, and the fundamentals of science.

That is why this material is so important to study, as it is unfortunate that Muslims do not know what the Qur’an is. This is why the author wants to talk about the Qur’an.





  1. SUMMARY Problem
  2. Explain the meaning of Islam
  3. Explain the meaning of Islam in the Qur’an
  4. What does the Qur’an mean?
  5. What is the History of the Qur’anic Codex?
  6. What is the content of the Qur’an?
  7. What is the function, purpose and position of the Qur’an?


  1. Learning Objectives
  2. To find out about Islam.
  3. To learn about Islam in the Qur’an.
  4. To know the meaning of the Qur’an.
  5. To know what the history of the Qur’anic codification is.
  6. To find out how the content of the Qur’an is based.
  7. To know the function, purpose and position of the Qur’an.




















  1. AL – FAITH


  1. Understanding Faith


Faith means believing that, in terms of faith, faith is justification and conviction with the heart, spoken verbally, and practiced by action. So, the sense of faith in God is by affirming with the heart that Allah is real (Explicit) with all His attributes and perfection, then the confession is spoken verbally, and stay away from the ban.

One is said to have perfect faith when that person can fulfill the 3 Elements of Faith, namely, justify or convince him by heart, verbally affirmed, And practiced by action or deed.


  1. Understanding Faith in the Qur’an and the Hadith

The meaning of faith in the Qur’an is to justify fully believing that Allah is Almighty. Has the books of His servants – the Prophets and His Apostles – His clear truth and clear guidance. And that the Qur’an is the pen of Allah that He says in truth.

Whereas, the meaning of Faith in the Hadith means faith which is the inner justification. Prophet Muhammad mentioned others as faith, such as good manners, generosity, patience, love of love, love of friends, shame and more.

The meaning of faith According to the language of faith means the justification of the heart. Whereas the term faith is “Justify the heart, speak it verbally and practice with the limbs”


  1. Explanation of the Meaning of Faith

 Justify with the heart by accepting all that the Messenger of Allah (Prophet Muhammad) brought.

 To pronounce or pronounce orally orally by saying two sentences of confession.


أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُوْلُ اللهِ

“Asyhadu an laaha ilaaha illallaahu, wa asyhaduanna muhammadar rasuulullah”.


“I testify that there is no God but God. And I testify that Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of God.”

 Practice with the body is the heart practice in the form of belief, and the body exercises in the form of worship according to its terms.


  1. The Pillars of Faith

The tenets of faith are divided into 6:

  1. Faith in Allah Subhanahu WaTa’ala
  2. Faith in Angels – Angels of Allah SWT.
  3. Faith in the Scriptures – the Bible
  4. Faith in the Prophets and Apostles
  5. Faith in Judgment Day
  6. Faith in Qadha and Qadar 5. Things That Eliminate Imams

Nawaqidhul faith or cancellation of priest is something that can destroy faith after faith comes in:

  1. To deny something of the specialty – His specialty or the body of God, or to claim to have something from the specialty of God or to justify the person who claims it.
  2. Proud and refuse to worship Allah Subhanahu WaTa’ala
  3. Make the mediator and helper that he worships or asks for (help) other than Allah.
  4. Not accepting something that Allah has decreed for Himself or that His Messenger has decreed.
  5. Reject Rasulullah.
  6. Make fun of Allah or the Qur’an or any other religion or religion or reward or torment, or make fun of the Messenger of Allah or the Prophets, be it humor or real, and so on.


















  1. AL – ISLAM
  2. Understanding Islam

The etymology of the word Islam comes from the Arabic language, derived from the salima vocabulary which means safe. It is then formed into a name that means obedience and surrender. Thus the word Islam (aslama-yuslimu- islam) is formed which means peace, security, and safety. People who convert to Islam are called Muslims. The meaning of Islam is in line with the word of Allah Almighty, among others:

بَلَىٰ مَنْ أَسْلَمَ وَجْهَهُ لِلَّهِ وَهُوَ مُحْسِنٌ فَلَهُ أَجْرُهُ عِنْدَ رَبِّهِ وَلَا خَوْفٌ عَلَيَهَمَ الََْْْْْْْْ

“(Even so) whoever surrenders to Allah, while doing good, is to him the reward of his Lord, and there is no concern for them, nor (their) sadness.” 112)

Epistimologically according to Mahmud Syaltout, Islam is

“هو دينه اللذي أوصي بتعالمه في أصوله وشرائعه الي النبي محمد صلى الله علبه و سلم وكلفه بتبليغه للناس كافة و دعوتهم إليه”

“Islam is a religion of God that is based on its teachings as found in its principles and laws to the Prophet Muhammad and obligates him to convey it to all mankind and to invite them to embrace it.”

While according to the five narrators of Hadith (Muslim, Tirmidzi, Nasa’i, Ibn Majah, and Abu Daud), Islam is:

الإسلام: أن تعبد الله ولا تشرك به شيئا و تقيم الصلاة و تؤدي الزكاة المفروضة و تصوم رمضان وتحج البيت. (رواه الشيخان)

“Islam is a witness that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, performing prayers, giving alms, fasting in the month of Ramadan, and performing Hajj if possible.”

Thus, the meaning of Islam in terms of religion is the religion that Allah passed on to the prophet Muhammad whose purpose was not only to regulate human relations with God, but to regulate human relations with humans and the universe.

الإِسْلاَم Al-Islam sometimes means obedience and surrender. It also means to perform. It is said to be Aslam tusy Syaia ila fulanin (when you pay it). It can also be translated into silm (peace), or peace and safety. The nomination of dinul haq to Islam is in accordance with all these definitions. This is shown by the word of God:

ومن أحسن دينا ممن أسلم وجهه لله وهو محسن واتبع ملة إبراهيم حنيفا واتخذ الله إبراهيم خليلا (النساء: 125)

“And who is the better religion than one who sincerely dedicates himself to God, while doing good, and he follows the religion of Abraham? And God took Abraham as His favor. ” (QS. An-Nisa ’4: 125)

  1. The meaning of Islam in the Quran

The word “al-islaam” means: to obey with humility and humility, that is: to obey with humility and to leave things in question. Therefore, Allah Almighty says:


إِنَّ الدِّينَ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ الْإِسْلَامُۗ وَمَا اخْتَلَفَ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ إِلَّا مِنْ بَعْدَ مَهَمَ مَهُمْ

وَمَنْ يَكْفُرْ بِآَيَاتِ اللَّهِ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ سَرِيعُ الْحِسَابِ (ال عمران: ١٩)

“Indeed, the religion (favored) by Allah is only Islam. There is no disagreement with those whom the Scripture has given except after knowledge has come to them, because of the enmity (that is) among them. Whoever disbelieves in the revelations of Allah, then surely Allah is quick to do so. ” (QS. Ali Imran 3: 19)

Indeed, all religions and Shari’ahs brought by the Prophets, whether or not they are Islamic (surrender), are submissive and obey. Although some of the obligations and forms of charity are somewhat different, this is something that the Prophets always observe. True Muslims are people who are clean from shameless poems, are sincere in their deeds, and are accompanied by faith, regardless of which religion While the correct opinion of the matter is what Muslims say. They were the followers of Abraham who walked the lines of his law. Not a religion other than Islam. Because, Abraham was a man who obeyed Allah Almighty, holding the light of guidance he was commanded to practice. He is a devoted man ‘to Him by humiliating and covering up all His duties and duties.

Allah Almighty says:

شرع لكم من الدين ما وصى به نوحا والذي أوحينا إليك وما وصينا به إبراهيم وموسى وعيسى أن أقيموا الدين ولا تتفرقوا فيه كبر على المشركين ما تدعوهم إليه الله يجتبي إليه من يشاء ويهدي إليه من ينيب (الشورى: 13)

“He warned you of the religion which He had given to Noah, and what We revealed to you, and what We warned to Abraham, Moses and Jesus, saying: Strengthen your religion and do not divide it. It is very hard for the religious people you call upon them. Allah appeals to that religion whom He wills and guides to (His) religion those who return (to Him). ” (QS. As-Syuura 42:13)

The religion that God revealed was the one that holds all humanity together. God has established that the people of the Prophet were born out of the teachings of religion, and that His principles are similar to those that were passed down to Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. The intention is to: make the demands of religion good, perfect and connected, and do not disagree and divide one another.

As for the dispute over Juz’iyyat (partial), branch, and legal details, it is inevitable. Because each Shari’a is different from one another. Allah says in some verses of al-Maidah:

لا يقدمون

“To every people among you, We have given clear rules and directions. If Allah wills, He will surely make you a people, but He will test you for what He has given you, and strive to do good. ” (QS. Al-Maidah: 48)

It is very difficult and difficult for the unbelievers to obey your call to worship Allah and to throw away the idols. God chooses the one whom He wants from His servants to follow His message with sincerity.

This shows that the religion of the Prophet Muhammad was the perfect religion of the religion that the Prophets carried before. For that to be a pointless partition, it is just like breaking up with your own family.

ألم تر أن الله يسجد له من في السماوات ومن في الأرض والشمس والقمر والنجوم والجبال والشجر والدواب وكثير من الناس وكثير حق عليه العذاب ومن يهن الله فما له من مكرم إن الله يفعل ما يشاء (الحاج: 18)

Do you not know that God worships what is in the heavens, on the earth, in the sun, on the moon, on the stars, on the mountains, on the trees, on the animals, and on all flesh? And many of mankind have been punished. And whoever is humiliated by Allah, no one honors it. Surely Allah does what He pleases. ” (QS. Al-Hajj 22: 18)

In the life of this world, all beings submit to Him. Do you not see that you who know and understand, who and what is in heaven and on earth, are submissive to the One True God?

God commands water to freeze or boil to a certain degree, whenever and wherever, he obeys and obeys it. As was the case in the case of Abraham, when he was burned by his ruler, Namrud. They are different from humans who are given the special task of performing religion and being given the freedom to accept and reject it.

Indeed in all this there is clear evidence that they are satisfied, if they will. However, whoever is humiliated and appointed by God for misery, then no one can enjoy it, for God alone is to torment and subdue one. He created and organized it, and perfected it according to His will. Many of them do not bow down to God, so they have the right to receive a reward.

Therefore, whoever dies after being sent by the Prophet Muhammad in a state of religion that is not in accordance with His law, will never be accepted by Allah.

The existence of verses on Islam gives us many benefits, either Lahiriah or Roha”Truly the charity depends on its intention and everyone will get what he or she intends.” (HR. Bukhari no. 1 and Muslim no. 1907)

As for the Sunnah fi’liyyah or sunnah in the act of a friend, it is revealed to us that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam did such and such, leaving this and that, as the words of Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu’ anhu,

كَانَ رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يُحِبُّ الدُّبَّاءَ

“Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) liked the pumpkin.” (HR. Tirmidzi, in Asi-Syama-il no. 161, Ad-Darimi 2/101, and Ahmad no. 2/174)

It is a sunnah that is the embodiment of the Prophet’s willallahu ‘alaihi wasallam. Among other Sunnah fi’liyyah is the origin of the Messenger of Allah in his actions which explains the prayers, alms, fasts, Hajj, and so on. It also includes the fi’il al-Sunnah.

The taqririyyah sunnah is when a friend, for example, narrates or performs an act before the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam, or during his time of revelation, then the Prophet sallallaahu’ alaihi wasallam or revelation decrees it, without being altered or altered. This is the taqrir according to the Shari’a in the act.

As for the nature of the khuluqiyyah is something that the companions conveyed in terms of the attitude, behavior, and attitude of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam. Just as when A’isha radhiyallahu ‘anha was asked about the moral character of the Prophet sallallaahu’ alaihi wasallam, he replied,

فَإِنَّ خُلُقَ نَبِىِّ اللَّهِ -صلى الله عليه وسلم- كَانَ الْقُرْآنَ

“The moral code of the Prophet ‘alaihi wasallam is the Qur’an.” (HR. Muslim, no. 1773)

As for the nature of the khalqiyyah it is something conveyed by the companions regarding the physical nature of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam. As it is stated in some hadiths that the Prophet was medium, not high nor short. He was also told that his face was white, like the moon. It is also reported that the Prophet was like this and that, as reported of his physical nature.

  1. The Meaning of the Sunnah From the Viewpoint of Ushul Fikih

Philosophers have suggested that the meaning of the sunnah is the source of Islamic law after the Qur’an. Or it can be interpreted as everything that is said to the Prophet in the form of words, deeds, and taqrir or decree. It is because the ulema only see the sunnah from the side of reason. And the arguments are just words, actions, and decisions.

As for physical or moral qualities, it does not include sunnah. The same thing happened before he was sent to be a Prophet, or a descendant of the previous Prophets, or a generation later, namely friends, relatives, and so forth, it is not even a sunnah in the discipline of their knowledge.

  1. The Meaning of Sunnah From the Viewpoint of the Scholars of Aqidah.

According to scholars of the faith, the sunnah is an antonym or the word of the heresy. So, every charity that does its example and its guidance from the Messenger of Allah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, not a religious thing, it falls into the category of sunnah.

Or in other words, the sunnah is not just something that is quoted from the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam, but the sunnah is also everything that is explained by the Qur’an, the sunnah, the rules of the Islamic law, or the like. The meaning of this sunnah automatically describes Islam as a whole.

The hadith that contains this meaning is the word of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam.


فعليكم بسنتى وسنة الخلفاء المهديين الراشدين تمسكوا بها وعضوا عليها بالنواجذ وإياكم ومحدثات الأمور فإن كل محدثة بدعة وكل بدعة ضلالة

“Therefore, it is obligatory for you to hold fast to my sunnah and the sunnah of khulafa rasyidin. Bite it with your teeth! And beware of new things that are happening in religion. Because every new thing in the religion is heresy and every heresy is heresy. ” (HR. Abu Dawud, no. 4607, and Tirmidzi, no. 2677)

Knowing the meanings of the sunnah above, may we be more open in understanding a matter. Do not narrow down to something broad. When we hear the word sunnah, then it is natural that we do not have enough to eat it as mustahab or recommended. Instead, we must be good at spelling out the right words in order to convey something. Let’s say in detail the meaning of the sunnah, by saying, “This act is the sunnah of the Prophet whose law is mandatory.” Or you could say, “Charity is the law of the sunnah alias mustahab.” E. THAHAROH

  1. Purification Law and Explanation

Purification is an important part of a Muslim’s life. Purification is closely related to the validity or otherwise of the obligatory worship (compulsory) we perform. As an example of prayer, before performing our prayers we must first perform the prayer. In a quoted hadith, the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said, “Holiness is the covering of faith”. (HR. Muslim). Legally, based on the Qur’an and the purified hadith are compulsory, QS. Al Mudatsir (74): 4, Al baqarah (2): 222. In prayer for example, prayers would not be considered valid if they had not performed ablution.

The sacred (prehistory) consists of two kinds: the holy and the holy. Definitely what is meant by inner sanctity is the purity of sin and sin. To purify the inner self by repenting with nashuha (true repentance) and purifying it from heart disease such as shirk, pride, malice, envy and more. All this is done with sincerity and intends only to seek the blessings of Allah Almighty. Purifying by birth means purifying from hadats. The sanctity of the hadats means the removal of the impurities by the use of holy water to purify the garments, bodies and places of worship used for prayer.

  1. Tools Used for Cleaning

The tools used for cleaning are two different types:

  1. Absolute Water
  2. Rainwater
  3. Sea water

“The water of the sea is pure and holy, and the carcasses of the animals within it are lawful.” (HR. Al Khamsah)

  1. Well water

“That the Messenger of Allah had asked for a container of zamzam water, he drank some of the water and served it.” (HR. Ahmad)

  1. Air Musta’mal

“That the Prophet washed his head with the rest of the water in his hands.” (HR. Abu Dawud)

  1. Water mixed with holy things

“The Messenger came to our house when his daughter, Zainab, died. Then he said: Wash it three or five times or more, if you think it is better, with water or with leaves. At the last wash mix with camphor. If you’re done, then let me know. After washing the body of Zainab, we informed the Messenger of Allah, then he gave us a cloth and said: “Put this cloth on his body.” (HR. Mutafaq’alaih)

  1. Water amount of two kullah

“When the volume of water reaches two quarts, it contains no impurities.” (HR. Khamsah)

  1. Clean dust found on land, sand, gravel or sea sand. QS. An Nisa (4): 43

The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: “The land was created for me a place of worship and purification” (HR.

  1. Drainage Ethics

Among the proofs of Islamic concern for cleanliness and purity and the honor that God has given to mankind is that they must clean themselves when they take a bath so that there is no impurities in the body, including their clothing.


  1. Things to Do Before the Flood
  2. Find a place that is empty and far from human sight

The hadith, “When the Prophet (saws) was about to urinate, he left without anyone knowing.” (HR. Abu Dawud)

  1. Do not bring anything with the name of Allah Almighty. It is based on the hadith, “The Prophet Muhammad wore a ring written by Muhammad the Prophet. He always removes the ring when he wants to take a shower. ” (HR. Tirmidzi)
  2. When entering the bathroom (WC) you should go to the left foot and pray, “Bismillaahi allaahumma innii a’uudzubika minal khubutsi wal khabaaits.” (HR. Bukhari). It is not advisable to lift the coverages too high (in places where others can see them.
  3. It is forbidden to face or back the Qiblah when urinating. It is based on the hadith, “Do not face the Qiblah or back when doing a big or small poop.”
  4. Do not dump large and small ponds in shady places, pastures, crowds and under fruit trees. The judge had a history, “Keep away from the three things that matter: waste water at the water sources, in the middle of the road and in the shade.”
  5. Forbidden to talk while in the shower, the Messenger of Allah said, “If two people are going to drink, then they are against each other, and they are forbidden to speak, for Allah indeed hates it.” (HR. Abu Dawud, Ahmad and Ibn Majah)





  1. How to Purify (Istinja ’)
  2. Purify three times or oddly. It is based on the hadith, “That the Prophet ordered the use of three stones and forbade the use of animal dung and bones.” (Abu Hurairah)
  3. No right hand use. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: “Let none of you clean your genitals with your right hand when you are bathing.” (HR Mutafaq’Alaih)
  4. It’s best to use water when available. She said, “Dear 4. Bathing Ethics

A Muslim is taught the procedures regarding maintaining bodily hygiene namely by bathing. Islam introduces the term mandatory bathing for his people. For a Muslim who has entered the aqil baligh he must have been introduced to what is meant by mandatory bathing because this will be part of his life development.

Bathing is mandatory if it meets one of the five criteria below:

  1. Seminal discharge accompanied by lust, both while sleeping and awake conditions both men and women
  2. After menstruation and childbirth for women
  3. Junub (husband and wife relationship)
  4. Dead, corpse must be bathed
  5. Unbelievers if you convert to Islam
  6. Below is the procedure for bathing
  7. Things that need to be considered in a shower
  8. Fardhu Mandi

 Intention. Intend to eliminate large and small hadats.

 Washing the whole body by rubbing things that might be rubbed

 Flush water into a place that cannot be rubbed until it can be estimated that the water has spread evenly throughout the body

 Interrupting fingers and hair, as well as places that are not normally irrigated by water such as navels, etc.

  1. Sunnah Bathing

 Reading Basmallah

 Before bathing, clean both palms

 Remove dirt first

 Prioritize the ablution limbs before cleaning the body

 Gargle and rinse water into the nose, then clean the earlobe

  1. Makruh Mandi

 Wasting water

 Bathing in places affected by unclean pollution is feared unclean

 Bathing by using the remaining water used by women for washing

 Bathing in the open without covering both walls or the like

 Bathing in silent, non-flowing water. Rasulullah SAW said: “Do not be one of you who is taking a bath in silent water.” (HR. Muslim)

  1. Mandatory Bathing Procedures

Hadith from Aisha, “Rasulullah SAW, when he was about to take a shower (compulsory bath), he began by cleaning his hands before putting them in a vessel, then he cleaned his farji, then performed ablution like ablution for prayer, then cleaned his hair with water, then flushed his head. three times, then pour water all over the body. ” (HR. Tirmidhi)

















Kinds of obligatory prayers / fard prayers:

In accordance with the word of Allah SWT in verse an-nisa verse 103 which reads:

إِنَّ الصَّلَاةَ كَانَتْ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ كِتَابًا مَوْقُوتًا

Which means: “Verily, praying for the believers is a duty that has been set in time.”

The above evidence shows that prayer is an obligation for people who believe and have determined the time of its implementation.

The postulate of obligatory prayer / salat fardhu surah al-isro ‘verse 78 which reads:

أَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ لِدُلُوكِ الشَّمْسِ إِلَىٰ غَسَقِ اللَّيْلِ وَقُرْآنَ الْفَجْرِ ۖ إِنَّ قُرْآنَ الْفَجْرِ كان

Which means: “Establish prayer from after the sun slipped (midday prayer and asr prayer) to dark night (evening prayer and evening prayer ‘) and establish the dawn prayer. In fact the dawn prayer was witnessed (by angels).

  1. Fajr prayer

Fajr prayer is the prayer that is carried out from the dawn of the shodiq until the sun rises.

  1. Zuhr prayer

Zuhr prayer is the prayer that is performed when the sun slips westward until the Asr time.

  1. Asr prayer

Asr prayer is a prayer that is performed when the shadow of an object is the same length as the object / the shadow of an object exceeds the object until the time of dusk.


  1. Maghrib prayer

Magrib prayer is the prayer that is done at sunset until the evening comes.

  1. Pray evening

The evening prayer is the prayer performed after the disappearance of the mega red in the western horizon until midnight (same as the noon time on that day).

Kinds of sunnah prayers:

  1. Praying the midnight prayer

Tahajud sunnah prayer is the prayer that was done in the last 1/3 night (around 2-4 hours) totaling 11 rokaat. Every 2 rokaat 1x greetings and 3 rokaat for witir.

  1. Duha sunnah prayer

Duha sunnah prayer is the prayer that is done when the new sun rises (around 7-10 hours) amounting to 12 rokaat, and every 2 rokaat 1x greetings.

  1. Praying Sunnah rawatib

Rawatib prayer is the sunnah prayer that accompanies the obligatory prayer totaling 2 rokaats.

 Praying sunnah rawatib qobliyah dawn (before dawn prayer).

 Praying sunnah rawatib qobliyah zuhur (before the zuhr prayer).

 Salat sunnah rawatib ba’diyah zuhur (after the zuhr prayer).

 Praying Sunnah rawatib ba’diyah magrib (after the evening prayer).

 Salat sunnah rawatib ba’diyah isya ‘(after evening prayer’).

  1. Pray the sunnah tahiyatul mosque

The tahiyatul sunnah prayer is the sunnah prayer that is done before sitting in the mosque totaling 2 rokaat.

  1. Praying sunnah gratitude ablution

Sunna prayer syukrul ablution is sunnah prayer which is done after performing ablution amounting to 2 rokaat.

  1. Sunnah prayer

Sunna prayer 3. POWERFUL TERMS

This compulsory fasting is a condition that makes a person obliged to perform fasting worship. As for the requirements of this fast, it consists of:

  • Be healthy
  • Adult or adult
  • Able to fast



The law of fasting is certainly different from the requirement of fasting. This means that the law of fasting is a condition that makes fasting legally binding ‘or the rules applicable. Then, what are the legal requirements for fasting? Here are the legal requirements for fasting:

  • Muslim
  • Mumayyiz, meaning the ability to distinguish between good and bad.
  • Holy from menstruation (for women only)
  • Know when to fast (obligatory, intermittent, or prohibited fasting).


  1. Power of unity

When one is going to perform fasting worship, do not forget the fast. The rule of fasting consists of two things:

  1. Intention to fast

Before doing anything, let’s not forget his intentions. Includes performing fast worship. The intention of fasting Ramadan is to be practiced the night before dawn.

The intention is of course made in the heart with sincerity. As for saying, the intention of fasting Ramadan is as follows:

نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ غَدٍ عَنْ اَدَاءِ فَرْضِ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ هذِهِ السَّنَةِ ِللهِ تَعَالَى

“Nawaitu shauma ghadin ‘an ada’ i fardhi syahri ramadhaana haadzihis sanati lillahi ta’aala”


“I intend to fast tomorrow to fulfill my obligations in this year’s Ramadan, because of Allah Ta’ala”

  1. Refrain from anything that invalidates fasting (from dawn to sunset)

The things that cancel the fast are as follows:

  • Eat and drink on purpose. Eating and drinking should undo fasting, unless accidental or due to forgetful factors
  • Contact your spouse (jima ’) during the day
  • Deliberate or deliberate vomiting. As for accidental vomiting, it does not invalidate the fast.
  • Missing mind (crazy, crazy, or mentally ill)
  • Exit of menstrual blood or teeth (for women)
  • Deliberate semen (the result of looking at the opposite sex with lust)
  • Apostate (apostate)
  • People who are sick. This means that if the person is fasting, it will have a bad impact on his or her illness. The person who is sick is obliged to compensate for his illness once the illness has been cured.
  • Travelers, people who are traveling a great distance with good intentions. This person is required to change his / her day for another day
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women. The law for a pregnant woman is the same as for a sick person. That means he’ll have to change his fast the other day. But there are also scholars who argue that women in this kind of law are paying for secularism.
  • Persons of advanced age or chronic illness. People like this are not required to replace their fast with another fast. Unless that person is obligated to pay the mortgage. That is, giving food to a poor person in 3/4 rice or in the form of staple food and side dishes that can make them full.


  • There are five days that a person cannot fast on that day, namely:
  • Fasting on the month of Syawal (Eid)
  • Fasting on the 10th of Dzulhijjah (Eid)
  • Fasting on the Day of Tashrik (fasting on 11.12, and 13 months of Dzulhijjah)



The wisdom of performing fast worship is of course very numerous, including:

  • Make a person more active in trying to increase his or her faith and devotion and draw closer to God.
  • Foster a sense of solidarity among fellow human beings, especially the poor and the poor
  • Train someone to be more patient, to control their passions and emotions as they go about their daily lives.
  • Maximizes the body’s organs (stomach, intestines, etc.) in the processing and digesting of food, allowing the digestive tract to absorb perfectly
  • Fasting makes the human body fit and healthy.
  • Educate someone to be honest, and avoid lying. For lying will surely remove the reward of fasting














  2. The Meaning of Morals

The word “morals” comes from the Arabic language “Al-Khulk” which means taboo, attitude, behavior, habits, behavior. According to him, morality is a trait that is instilled in a person who can do things easily and easily without any thought or compulsion.

According to him, morality is a trait that is instilled in a person who can do things easily and easily without any thought or thought.


Anggraeni Tiara. 2020. Al-Islam and Al-Qur’an. Cirebon: March 28, 2020

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