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The roles of the government go above the norms to other functions

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The roles of the government go above the norms to other functions

Chapter 1

The roles of the government go above the norms to other functions, such as managing conflicts. Apart from providing services such as education, the government also solves conflicts such as race tensions, economic stagnation, which are political in nature (Dye, Thomas, and Susan, 2). This chapter also brings to light a comparative study of various states regarding the public policies on aspects such as income and population growth. In a nutshell, the chapter looks to substantiate on the states that take the initiative to involve the citizens on their policy choices and those that don’t involve the citizens. In general, it brings out a clear comparative study of all the states and how they undertake their policies.

Further, the chapter illustrates how the politics of racial and ethnic divisions account for the present and ever surging variation in the politics of states in the US (Dye, Thomas, and Susan, 6). Besides, the chapter in-depth discusses the issue of immigration by demonstrating how the US has always been a nation of immigrants. It further looks into the underlying immigration policies such as the illegal immigration policy, the dream act, “immigration and federalism,” as well as the conflict over immigration reforms.

Moreover, the chapter examines how the state’s politics always differ; that is, they can be predominantly “liberal or conservative. In this case, a clear distinction between conservative ideologies and liberal ideologies exists; where the former entails the idea of the state to expand the welfare benefits as well as the idea to use the resources of the country to achieve change, while the latter means the opposite of these enactments (Dye, Thomas, and Susan,15). More broadly, some states exhibit separate political cultures that cannot be attributed to common factors such as race, ethnicity, or education. This, however, presumably translates that some states have developed historical traditions of being affiliated to a party (Dye, Thomas, and Susan, 16). It is no exaggeration that some policies, such as abortion, can be affected by the act of religious profiles.

Since the religious profiles vary across the states, many states perhaps act differently politically. This, however, means that some people‘s decisions in regard to various issues may be anchored on religious beliefs, which will affect the political outcome of a situation (Dye, Thomas, and Susan 19). In essence, this chapter further explains how the political leadership in states may help shape the outcome of the public policy. Notably, the states and communities have a bigger say with respect to both public decisions and policy decisions (Dye, Thomas, and Susan 19). Finally, the chapter brings out clearly how states became “states” and, more importantly, the politics in the district of Columbia making reference to the US Constitution Article I, Section 8, specified in 1787 (Dye, Thomas, and Susan, 23).



Work Cited

Dye, Thomas R., and Susan A. MacManus. Politics in states and communities. Pearson Higher Ed, 2015.




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