The world war had a severe impact on many economies throughout the world. During that time, the United State of America was already a global economic powerhouse but major European countries doubted its ability as a power. By the end of the war, the United State started getting the respect it deserved from Europe especially Germany and France. The current American national security resembles the system of the military of the 1920-1945 period with similar national structure. The American army was significantly reduced in number during the period of the war with many soldiers perishing.
The involvement of the united states of America in the first world war led to the transformation of the army. The war negatively affected the army with many people losing their lives. In 1919 the secretaries of war and navy revived the joint board leading to significant changes in the military system. The joint board had a meeting and created a joint military committee that was aimed to help revive the lost glory of the American military. With the uncertainty that was brought by the first world war, there was a need for proper planning to deal with a future global crisis.
Germany’s military edge in Europe made it important for the joint board to come up with the decision of handling future wars. The impact of the first world war on the decision of the united states of America to participate in the second world war was crucial for the revival of the military system. The united states had entered the first world war at the ending period of the war. The economic effect of the war was however not reduced with major damages occurring in the American markets. In the 1940s the American military was starting to match major European powers in terms of war production. It was an important period in the change of the American military system.
The element of continuity was best described by the nature of the American military system in the post first world war. American military intelligence made an astounding effort to avoid a forerunner of the strategic department which was crucial in preventing a leak of information to the enemies. A need to approach the second world war with a lot of planning and care was emphasized by the head of the military bearing in mind the painful experiences of the first world war. The American policy was based on the Wilsonian ideals which the joint military committee viewed to be the best strategy of facing the prospects of the second world war which was on the horizon.
The American constitution shaped the military-strategic plan basing on the culture of the American people. The military planning was mainly supported by the executive powers of the constitution. It resulted in a system which greatly contributed to the confidentiality of military planning cultivating a sense of confidence to the whole nation. A reorganization of the federal government was made possible by the coordination of the joint military committee and the executive. Consequently, the military was prepared to engage in the second world war with confidence booming very high.
This historical article is so important providing insight into the nature of the preparedness of the American military in engaging in the world wars. It further gives a comparison between the modern American military and the military of the period between 1920-1945 showing both similarity and the differences. The modern military is so much stronger given the advancement of technology but in terms of the setup and structure, it is similar to the military of that period.
Cohen, E. A. (1994). The Strategy of Innocence? The United States, 1920-1945. The Making of Strategy: Rulers, States, and War, 464-65.